# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Imports
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
plt: Optional[ModuleType]
import matplotlib.pyplot # type: ignore[import]
plt = matplotlib.pyplot
except ImportError:
plt = None
def _precheck(data, title):
if len(data) == 0:
if title is None:
print("NO Data")
print("NO data for " + title)
return False
if plt is None:
if title is None:
print("matplotlib not installed skipping plotting")
print("matplotlib not installed skipping plotting for " + title)
return False
return True
def line_plot(data_sets, title=None):
Build a line plot or plots.
:param data_sets: Numpy array of data, or list of numpy arrays of data
:type data_sets: ~numpy.ndarray or list(~numpy.ndarray)
:param title: The title for the plot
:type title: str or None
if not _precheck(data_sets, title):
print("Setting up line graph")
if isinstance(data_sets, np.ndarray):
data_sets = [data_sets]
print(f"Setting up {len(data_sets)} sets of line plots")
(numrows, numcols) = _grid(len(data_sets))
for data, index in enumerate(data_sets):
plt.subplot(numrows, numcols, index+1)
for neuron in np.unique(data[:, 0]):
time = [i[1] for i in data if i[0] == neuron]
membrane_voltage = [i[2] for i in data if i[0] == neuron]
plt.plot(time, membrane_voltage)
min_data = min(data[:, 2])
max_data = max(data[:, 2])
adjust = (max_data - min_data) * 0.1
plt.axis([min(data[:, 1]), max(data[:, 1]), min_data - adjust,
max_data + adjust])
if title is not None:
def heat_plot(data_sets, ylabel=None, title=None):
Build a heat map plot or plots.
:param data_sets: Numpy array of data, or list of numpy arrays of data
:type data_sets: ~numpy.ndarray or list(~numpy.ndarray)
:param ylabel: The label for the Y axis
:type ylabel: str or None
:param title: The title for the plot
:type title: str or None
if not _precheck(data_sets, title):
if isinstance(data_sets, np.ndarray):
data_sets = [data_sets]
print(f"Setting up {len(data_sets)} sets of heat graph")
(numrows, numcols) = _grid(len(data_sets))
for data, index in enumerate(data_sets):
plt.subplot(numrows, numcols, index+1)
neurons = data[:, 0].astype(int)
times = data[:, 1].astype(int)
info = data[:, 2]
info_array = np.empty((max(neurons)+1, max(times)+1))
info_array[:] = np.nan
info_array[neurons, times] = info
plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
plt.imshow(info_array, cmap='hot', interpolation='none',
if title is not None:
def _get_colour():
yield "b."
yield "g."
yield "r."
yield "c."
yield "m."
yield "y."
yield "k."
def _grid(length):
if length == 1:
return 1, 1
if length == 2:
return 1, 2
if length == 3:
return 1, 3
if length == 4:
return 2, 2
return length // 3 + 1, length % 3 + 1
def plot_spikes(spikes, title="spikes"):
Build a spike plot or plots.
:param spikes: Numpy array of spikes, or list of numpy arrays of spikes
:type spikes: ~numpy.ndarray or list(~numpy.ndarray)
:param str title: The title for the plot
if not _precheck(spikes, title):
if isinstance(spikes, np.ndarray):
spikes = [spikes]
colours = _get_colour()
min_time = sys.maxsize
max_time = 0
min_spike = sys.maxsize
max_spike = 0
print(f"Plotting {len(spikes)} set of spikes")
(numrows, numcols) = _grid(len(spikes))
for single_spikes, index in enumerate(spikes):
# pylint: disable=nested-min-max
plt.subplot(numrows, numcols, index+1)
spike_time = [i[1] for i in single_spikes]
spike_id = [i[0] for i in single_spikes]
min_time = min(min_time, min(spike_time))
max_time = max(max_time, max(spike_time))
min_spike = min(min_spike, min(spike_id))
max_spike = max(max_spike, max(spike_id))
plt.plot(spike_time, spike_id, next(colours), )
plt.xlabel("Time (ms)")
plt.ylabel("Neuron ID")
time_diff = (max_time - min_time) * 0.05
min_time = min_time - time_diff
max_time = max_time + time_diff
spike_diff = (max_spike - min_spike) * 0.05
min_spike = min_spike - spike_diff
max_spike = max_spike + spike_diff
plt.axis([min_time, max_time, min_spike, max_spike])
# This is code for manual testing.
if __name__ == "__main__":
spike_data = np.loadtxt("spikes.csv", delimiter=',')
doubled_spike_data = np.loadtxt("spikes.csv", delimiter=',')
for _i, doubled_spike_data_i in enumerate(doubled_spike_data):
doubled_spike_data_i[0] = doubled_spike_data[_i][0] + 5
plot_spikes([spike_data, doubled_spike_data])