Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.connections.spynnaker_poisson_control_connection

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import functools
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Optional, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.ds import DataType
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.connections.live_event_connection \
    import (
        LiveEventConnection, _Callback, _InitCallback, _RcvCallback,
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import NOTIFY_PORT

class SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection(LiveEventConnection):
    A connection used to control a Poisson-distributed random event source's
    firing rate at runtime.
    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(
            self, poisson_labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
            local_host: Optional[str] = None,
            local_port: Optional[int] = NOTIFY_PORT,
            control_label_extension: str = "_control"):
        :param iterable(str) poisson_labels:
            Labels of Poisson populations to be controlled
        :param str local_host: Optional specification of the local hostname or
            IP address of the interface to listen on
        :param int local_port:
            Optional specification of the local port to listen on. Must match
            the port that the toolchain will send the notification on (19999
            by default)
        :param str control_label_extension:
            The extra name added to the label of each Poisson source
        self.__control_label_extension = control_label_extension

        control_labels: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None
        self.__control_label_to_label: Dict[str, str] = dict()
        self.__label_to_control_label: Dict[str, str] = dict()
        if poisson_labels is not None:
            control_labels = [
                for label in poisson_labels
                {control: label
                 for control, label in zip(control_labels, poisson_labels)})
                {label: control
                 for label, control in zip(poisson_labels, control_labels)})

            live_packet_gather_label=None, send_labels=control_labels,
            local_host=local_host, local_port=local_port)

[docs] def add_poisson_label(self, label: str): """ :param str label: The label of the Poisson source population. """ control = self.__convert_to_control_label(label) self.__control_label_to_label[control] = label self.__label_to_control_label[label] = control self.add_send_label(control)
def __convert_to_control_label(self, label: str) -> str: return f"{label}{self.__control_label_extension}" def __control_label(self, label: str) -> str: # Try to get a control label, but if not just use the label return self.__label_to_control_label.get(label, label) def __label(self, control_label: str) -> str: # Try to get a label, but if not just use the control label return self.__control_label_to_label.get(control_label, control_label) def __callback_wrapper( self, callback: _Callback, label: str, connection: LiveEventConnection): callback(self.__label(label), connection) def __init_callback_wrapper( self, callback: _InitCallback, label: str, vertex_size: int, run_time_ms: float, machine_timestep_ms: float): callback(self.__label(label), vertex_size, run_time_ms, machine_timestep_ms)
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_start_callback) def add_start_callback(self, label: str, start_callback: _Callback): super().add_start_callback( self.__control_label(label), functools.partial( self.__callback_wrapper, start_callback))
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_start_resume_callback) def add_start_resume_callback( self, label: str, start_resume_callback: _Callback): super().add_start_resume_callback( self.__control_label(label), functools.partial( self.__callback_wrapper, start_resume_callback))
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_init_callback) def add_init_callback(self, label: str, init_callback: _InitCallback): super().add_init_callback( self.__control_label(label), functools.partial( self.__init_callback_wrapper, init_callback))
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_receive_callback) def add_receive_callback( self, label: str, live_event_callback: _RcvTimeCallback, translate_key: bool = True): raise ConfigurationException( "SpynnakerPoissonControlPopulation can't receive data")
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_receive_no_time_callback) def add_receive_no_time_callback( self, label: str, live_event_callback: _RcvCallback, translate_key: bool = True): raise ConfigurationException( "SpynnakerPoissonControlPopulation can't receive data")
[docs] @overrides(LiveEventConnection.add_pause_stop_callback) def add_pause_stop_callback( self, label: str, pause_stop_callback: _Callback): super().add_pause_stop_callback( self.__control_label(label), functools.partial( self.__callback_wrapper, pause_stop_callback))
[docs] def set_rate(self, label: str, neuron_id: int, rate: float): """ Set the rate of a Poisson neuron within a Poisson source. :param str label: The label of the Population to set the rates of :param int neuron_id: The neuron ID to set the rate of :param float rate: The rate to set in Hz """ self.set_rates(label, [(neuron_id, rate)])
[docs] def set_rates( self, label: str, neuron_id_rates: Iterable[Tuple[int, float]]): """ Set the rates of multiple Poisson neurons within a Poisson source. :param str label: The label of the Population to set the rates of :param list(tuple(int,float)) neuron_id_rates: A list of tuples of (neuron ID, rate) to be set """ control = self.__control_label(label) datatype = DataType.U1616 atom_ids_and_payloads = [(nid, datatype.encode_as_int(rate)) for nid, rate in neuron_id_rates] self.send_events_with_payloads(control, atom_ids_and_payloads)