Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This contains functions and classes for handling external devices such as the
PushBot (

.. note::
    When using external devices, it is normally important to configure your
    SpiNNaker system to run in real-time mode, which usually reduces numerical
    accuracy to gain performance.
import os
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.socket_address import SocketAddress
from spinnman.messages.eieio import EIEIOType
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.utility_objs import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models import (
    AbstractEthernetController, AbstractEthernetSensor,
    ArbitraryFPGADevice, ExternalCochleaDevice, ExternalFPGARetinaDevice,
    MunichMotorDevice, MunichRetinaDevice, ExternalDeviceLifControl,
    SPIFRetinaDevice, ICUBRetinaDevice, SPIFOutputDevice, SPIFInputDevice)
from spynnaker.pyNN import model_binaries
from spynnaker.pyNN.connections import (
    EthernetCommandConnection, EthernetControlConnection,
    SpynnakerLiveSpikesConnection, SpynnakerPoissonControlConnection,
from import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.push_bot.control import (
    PushBotLifEthernet, PushBotLifSpinnakerLink)
from spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.push_bot.spinnaker_link import (
    PushBotSpiNNakerLinkLaserDevice, PushBotSpiNNakerLinkLEDDevice,
    PushBotSpiNNakerLinkMotorDevice, PushBotSpiNNakerLinkSpeakerDevice)
from spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.push_bot.ethernet import (
    PushBotEthernetLaserDevice, PushBotEthernetLEDDevice,
    PushBotEthernetMotorDevice, PushBotEthernetRetinaDevice,
from spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.push_bot.parameters import (
    PushBotLaser, PushBotLED, PushBotMotor, PushBotRetinaResolution,
    PushBotSpeaker, PushBotRetinaViewer)
from spynnaker.pyNN.protocols import MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol
from spynnaker.pyNN.spynnaker_external_device_plugin_manager import (
    SpynnakerExternalDevicePluginManager as
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_pynn_model import AbstractPyNNModel
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.population import (
    Population, _CellTypeArg)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.utility_models.spike_injector import (
    SpikeInjector as ExternalDeviceSpikeInjector)
from spynnaker.pyNN import protocols
from spynnaker.pyNN.spinnaker import SpiNNaker
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron import AbstractPopulationVertex

# useful functions
add_database_socket_address = Plugins.add_database_socket_address
activate_live_output_to = Plugins.activate_live_output_to
activate_live_output_for = Plugins.activate_live_output_for
add_poisson_live_rate_control = Plugins.add_poisson_live_rate_control

spynnaker_external_devices = Plugins()

__all__ = [

    # General Devices
    "ExternalCochleaDevice", "ExternalFPGARetinaDevice",
    "MunichRetinaDevice", "MunichMotorDevice", "ArbitraryFPGADevice",
    "PushBotRetinaViewer", "ExternalDeviceLifControl", "SPIFRetinaDevice",
    "ICUBRetinaDevice", "SPIFOutputDevice", "SPIFInputDevice",

    # PushBot Parameters
    "PushBotLaser", "PushBotLED", "PushBotMotor", "PushBotSpeaker",

    # PushBot Ethernet Parts
    "PushBotLifEthernet", "PushBotEthernetLaserDevice",
    "PushBotEthernetLEDDevice", "PushBotEthernetMotorDevice",
    "PushBotEthernetSpeakerDevice", "PushBotEthernetRetinaDevice",

    # PushBot SpiNNaker Link Parts
    "PushBotLifSpinnakerLink", "PushBotSpiNNakerLinkLaserDevice",
    "PushBotSpiNNakerLinkLEDDevice", "PushBotSpiNNakerLinkMotorDevice",
    "PushBotSpiNNakerLinkSpeakerDevice", "PushBotSpiNNakerLinkRetinaDevice",

    # Connections

    # Provided functions
# Cache of the simulator provided by pyNN/__init__py
__simulator: Optional[SpiNNaker] = None

[docs] def run_forever(sync_time: float = 0.0): """ Supports running forever in PyNN 0.8/0.9 format. :param sync_time: The time in milliseconds after which to pause before the host must continue the simulation. :return: Only when the application has started running on the SpiNNaker platform; no value is returned. """ SpynnakerDataView.check_user_can_act() assert __simulator is not None, "no simulator set up", sync_time)
def run_sync(run_time: float, sync_time: float): """ Run in steps of the given number of milliseconds pausing between for a signal to be sent from the host. :param float run_time: The time in milliseconds to run the simulation for :param float sync_time: The time in milliseconds to pause before allowing """ SpynnakerDataView.check_user_can_act() assert __simulator is not None, "no simulator set up", sync_time) def continue_simulation() -> None: """ Continue a synchronised simulation. """ SpynnakerDataView.check_valid_simulator() assert __simulator is not None, "no simulator set up" __simulator.continue_simulation() def request_stop() -> None: """ Request a stop in the simulation without a complete stop. Will stop after the next auto-pause-and-resume cycle. """ SpynnakerDataView.check_valid_simulator() assert __simulator is not None, "no simulator set up" __simulator.stop_run()
[docs] def register_database_notification_request( hostname: str, notify_port: int, ack_port: int): """ Adds a socket system which is registered with the notification protocol. :param str hostname: hostname to connect to :param int notify_port: UDP port number for the notify command :param int ack_port: UDP port number for the acknowledge command """ SpynnakerDataView.add_database_socket_address( SocketAddress(hostname, notify_port, ack_port))
# Store the connection to be used by multiple users __ethernet_control_connection: Optional[EthernetControlConnection] = None def __vtx(population: Population) -> Tuple[ AbstractPopulationVertex, AbstractEthernetController, str]: vertex = population._vertex # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(vertex, AbstractPopulationVertex): v = vertex else: raise TypeError( "Vertex must be an instance of AbstractPopulationVertex") if isinstance(vertex, AbstractEthernetController): c = vertex else: raise TypeError( "Vertex must be an instance of AbstractEthernetController") if vertex.label is None: raise ValueError("Vertex must be labelled") return v, c, vertex.label def EthernetControlPopulation( n_neurons: int, model: _CellTypeArg, label: Optional[str] = None, local_host: Optional[str] = None, local_port: Optional[int] = None, database_notify_port_num: Optional[int] = None, database_ack_port_num: Optional[int] = None) -> Population: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Create a PyNN population that can be included in a network to control an external device which is connected to the host. :param int n_neurons: The number of neurons in the control population :param type model: Class of a model that creates a vertex of type :py:class:`AbstractEthernetController` :param label: An optional label for the population :type label: str or None :param local_host: The optional local host IP address to listen on for commands :type local_host: str or None :param local_port: The optional local port to listen on for commands :type local_port: int or None :param database_ack_port_num: The optional port to which responses to the database notification protocol are to be sent :type database_ack_port_num: int or None :param database_notify_port_num: The optional port to which notifications from the database notification protocol are to be sent :type database_notify_port_num: int or None :return: A pyNN Population which can be used as the target of a Projection. .. note:: The Population can also be used as the source of a Projection, but it might not send spikes. :rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population :raises TypeError: If an invalid model class is used. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, global-statement population = Population(n_neurons, model, label=label) vertex, aec, vertex_label = __vtx(population) translator = aec.get_message_translator() live_packet_gather_label = "EthernetControlReceiver" global __ethernet_control_connection if __ethernet_control_connection is None: __ethernet_control_connection = EthernetControlConnection( translator, vertex_label, live_packet_gather_label, local_host, local_port) Plugins.add_database_socket_address( __ethernet_control_connection.local_ip_address, __ethernet_control_connection.local_port, database_ack_port_num) else: __ethernet_control_connection.add_translator(vertex_label, translator) devices_with_commands = [ device for device in aec.get_external_devices() if isinstance(device, AbstractSendMeMulticastCommandsVertex)] if devices_with_commands: ethernet_command_connection = EthernetCommandConnection( translator, devices_with_commands, local_host, database_notify_port_num) Plugins.add_database_socket_address( ethernet_command_connection.local_ip_address, ethernet_command_connection.local_port, database_ack_port_num) params = LivePacketGatherParameters( port=__ethernet_control_connection.local_port, hostname=__ethernet_control_connection.local_ip_address, message_type=EIEIOType.KEY_PAYLOAD_32_BIT, payload_as_time_stamps=False, use_payload_prefix=False, label=live_packet_gather_label) Plugins.update_live_packet_gather_tracker( vertex, params, aec.get_outgoing_partition_ids()) return population def EthernetSensorPopulation( device: AbstractEthernetSensor, local_host: Optional[str] = None, database_notify_port_num: Optional[int] = None, database_ack_port_num: Optional[int] = None) -> Population: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Create a pyNN population which can be included in a network to receive spikes from a device connected to the host. :param AbstractEthernetSensor device: The sensor model :param local_host: The optional local host IP address to listen on for database notification :type local_host: str or None :param database_ack_port_num: The optional port to which responses to the database notification protocol are to be sent :type database_ack_port_num: int or None :param database_notify_port_num: The optional port to which notifications from the database notification protocol are to be sent :type database_notify_port_num: int or None :return: A pyNN Population which can be used as the source of a Projection. .. note:: The Population cannot be used as the target of a Projection. :rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population :raises TypeError: If an invalid model class is used. """ if not isinstance(device, AbstractEthernetSensor): raise TypeError( "Device must be an instance of AbstractEthernetSensor") injector_params = dict(device.get_injector_parameters()) population = Population( device.get_n_neurons(), SpikeInjector(notify=False), label=device.get_injector_label(), additional_parameters=injector_params) if isinstance(device, AbstractSendMeMulticastCommandsVertex): cmd_conn = EthernetCommandConnection( device.get_translator(), [device], local_host, database_notify_port_num) Plugins.add_database_socket_address( cmd_conn.local_ip_address, cmd_conn.local_port, database_ack_port_num) db_conn = device.get_database_connection() if db_conn is not None: Plugins.add_database_socket_address( db_conn.local_ip_address, db_conn.local_port, database_ack_port_num) return population
[docs] def SpikeInjector( notify: bool = True, database_notify_host: Optional[str] = None, database_notify_port_num: Optional[int] = None, database_ack_port_num: Optional[int] = None) -> AbstractPyNNModel: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Supports creating a spike injector that can be added to the application graph. :param bool notify: Whether to register for notifications :param database_notify_host: the hostname for the device which is listening to the database notification. :type database_notify_host: str or None :param database_ack_port_num: the port number to which a external device will acknowledge that they have finished reading the database and are ready for it to start execution :type database_ack_port_num: int or None :param database_notify_port_num: The port number to which a external device will receive the database is ready command :type database_notify_port_num: int or None :return: The spike injector model object that can be placed in a pyNN :py:class:`~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population`. :rtype: AbstractPyNNModel """ if notify: Plugins.add_database_socket_address( database_notify_host, database_notify_port_num, database_ack_port_num) return ExternalDeviceSpikeInjector()
def _set_simulator(simulator: SpiNNaker): """ Should only be called by pyNN/__init__py setup method. Any other uses is not supported. :param spynnaker.pyNN.spinnaker.SpiNNaker simulator: """ global __simulator # pylint: disable=global-statement __simulator = simulator