Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.spif_devices

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Devices connected to the SpiNNaker peripheral interface (`SPIF`_).

.. _SPIF:


from enum import IntEnum
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import MultiCastCommand
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides


#: Base key to send packets to SpiNNaker FPGA (add register offset)

#: Base key to send packets to SPIF (add register offset)

#: The number of pipes

#: The number of fields supported for each pipe

#: The number of filters supported for each pipe

#: SPIF is always connected to FPGA 0

#: SPIF always outputs to FPGA link 15 on FPGA 0

#: SPIF always gets input from odd links on FPGA 0 (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
SPIF_INPUT_FPGA_LINKS = range(1, 16, 2)

#: The number of FPGA inputs per pipe
#: .. note::
#:     The inputs are not actually separated in the hardware,
#:     but a logical separation per pipe is useful.

[docs] class SPIFRegister(IntEnum): """ The register offsets on a SPIF device. """ #: The key to send messages back when requested REPLY_KEY = 2 #: The input key register base (8 inputs per pipe) IR_KEY_BASE = 16 #: The input mask register base (8 inputs per pipe) IR_MASK_BASE = 32 #: The input route register base (8 inputs per pipe) IR_ROUTE_BASE = 48 #: The output peripheral packet count register OUT_PERIPH_PKT_CNT = 64 #: The configuration packet count register CONFIG_PKT_CNT = 65 #: The dropped packet count register DROPPED_PKT_CNT = 66 #: The input peripheral packet count register IN_PERIPH_PKT_CNT = 67 #: The output mapper key base register (2 pipes) MP_KEY_BASE = 80 #: The output mapper field mask base register (4 fields per pipe) MP_FLD_MASK_BASE = 96 #: The output mapper field shift base register (4 fields per pipe) MP_FLD_SHIFT_BASE = 112 #: The output mapper field limit base register (4 fields per pipe) MP_FLD_LIMIT_BASE = 128 #: The filter value base register (8 filters per pipe) FL_VALUE_BASE = 144 #: The filter mask base register (8 filters per pipe) FL_MASK_BASE = 176 # The distiller key base register (6 distillers) DIST_KEY_BASE = 208 # The distiller key mask register (6 distillers) DIST_MASK_BASE = 224 # The distiller key shift register (6 distillers) DIST_SHIFT_BASE = 240
[docs] def cmd(self, payload=None, index=0): """ Make a command to send to a SPIF device to set a register value. :param payload: The payload to use in the command, or `None` for no payload :type payload: int or None :param int index: The index of the register to send to when there are multiple registers starting from a base :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( _RC_KEY + self.value + index, payload, time=None, repeat=_REPEATS, delay_between_repeats=_DELAY_BETWEEN_REPEATS)
[docs] def delayed_command(self, get_payload, index=0): """ Make a command to send to a SPIF device to set a register value, where the value itself is currently unknown :param callable()->int get_payload: A function to call to get the payload later :param int index: The index of the register to use when using a multi-indexed register (default is 0 which works for all registers) :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return _DelayedMultiCastCommand( _RC_KEY + self.value + index, get_payload, repeat=_REPEATS, delay_between_repeats=_DELAY_BETWEEN_REPEATS, index=index)
[docs] def set_mapper_key(pipe, key): """ Get a command to set the output base key for packets from SPIF. This will be added to the keys determined by the mapper output. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the key of (0-1) :param int key: The output key to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.MP_KEY_BASE.cmd(key, pipe)
[docs] def set_field_mask(pipe, index, mask): """ Get a command to set the mask of a mapper field on SPIF. This masks off the bits of the field from the incoming UDP or USB packet values (which are 32-bits each). :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the mask of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the field to set (0-3) :param int mask: The mask to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.MP_FLD_MASK_BASE.cmd(mask, (pipe * N_FIELDS) + index)
[docs] def set_field_shift(pipe, index, shift): """ Get a command to set the shift of a mapper field on SPIF. This shifts the masked bits of the field from the incoming UDP or USB packet values (which are 32-bits each). :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the shift of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the field to set (0-3) :param int shift: The shift value to set (0-31); positive = right, negative = left :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.MP_FLD_SHIFT_BASE.cmd( shift, (pipe * N_FIELDS) + index)
[docs] def set_field_limit(pipe, index, limit): """ Get a command to set the limit of a mapper field on SPIF. This sets a limit on the value of the field after shifting and masking. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the limit of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the field to set (0-3) :param int limit: The maximum value of the field :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.MP_FLD_LIMIT_BASE.cmd( limit, (pipe * N_FIELDS) + index)
[docs] def set_filter_value(pipe, index, value): """ Get a command to set the value of a filter of SPIF. This will drop input events from the UDP or USB packets where filter value == filter mask & event value. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the filter of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the filter to set (0-7) :param int value: The filter value to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.FL_VALUE_BASE.cmd( value, (pipe * N_FILTERS) + index)
[docs] def set_filter_mask(pipe, index, mask): """ Get a command to set the mask of a filter of SPIF. This will drop input events from the UDP or USB packets where filter value == filter mask & event value. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the filter of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the filter to set (0-7) :param int mask: The filter mask to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.FL_MASK_BASE.cmd( mask, (pipe * N_FILTERS) + index)
[docs] def set_input_key(pipe, index, key): """ Get a command to set the key of the FPGA input of SPIF. This tells SPIF how to route the incoming packets after they have been assembled by the mapper; when incoming key & input mask == input_key, the packet will be routed to input_route. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the input of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the input to set (0-7) :param int key: The key to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.IR_KEY_BASE.cmd(key, (pipe * N_INPUTS) + index)
[docs] def set_input_mask(pipe, index, mask): """ Get a command to set the mask of the FPGA input of SPIF. This tells SPIF how to route the incoming packets after they have been assembled by the mapper; when incoming key & input mask == input_key, the packet will be routed to input_route. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the input of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the input to set (0-7) :param int mask: The mask to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.IR_MASK_BASE.cmd(mask, (pipe * N_INPUTS) + index)
[docs] def set_input_route(pipe, index, route): """ Get a command to set the route of the FPGA input of SPIF. This tells SPIF how to route the incoming packets after they have been assembled by the mapper; when incoming key & input mask == input_key, the packet will be routed to input_route. .. note:: route 0 refers to FPGA link 15, 1 to 13 and so on in twos. :param int pipe: The SPIF pipe to set the input of (0-1) :param int index: The index of the input to set (0-7) :param int route: The route to set :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.IR_ROUTE_BASE.cmd(route, (pipe * N_INPUTS) + index)
[docs] def set_distiller_key(index, key): """ Get a command to set the key of the distiller of the output via SPIF. This tells SPIF which bits to put at the top of the 32-bit output for each spike received on the given distiller channel, defined by the peripheral routes in the SpiNNaker FPGA. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param int key: The key to set :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.DIST_KEY_BASE.cmd(key, index)
[docs] def set_distiller_mask(index, mask): """ Get a command to set the mask of the distiller of the output via SPIF. This tells SPIF which bits to use from the key in the 32-bit output for each spike received on the given distiller channel, defined by the peripheral routes in the SpiNNaker FPGA. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param int mask: The mask to set :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.DIST_MASK_BASE.cmd(mask, index)
[docs] def set_distiller_mask_delayed(index, mask_func): """ Get a command to set the mask of the distiller of the output via SPIF. This tells SPIF which bits to use from the key in the 32-bit output for each spike received on the given distiller channel, defined by the peripheral routes in the SpiNNaker FPGA. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param callable(int)->int mask_func: The function to call to set the mask - takes index as argument :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.DIST_MASK_BASE.delayed_command(mask_func, index)
[docs] def set_distiller_shift(index, shift): """ Get a command to set the shift of the distiller of the output via SPIF. This tells SPIF how much to shift the key after masking but before applying the distiller key. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param int shift: The shift to set :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SPIFRegister.DIST_SHIFT_BASE.cmd(shift, index)
class _DelayedMultiCastCommand(MultiCastCommand): """ A command where the getting of the payload is delayed. """ __slots__ = ("__get_payload", "__index") def __init__(self, key, get_payload, repeat, delay_between_repeats, index): """ :param int key: The key to send :param callable()->int get_payload: A function to call that returns a payload. May be called multiple times; should produce the same value each time. :param int repeat: The number of times to repeat the command :param int delay_between_repeats: The delay between the repeats :param int index: The index to pass to get_payload when called """ super().__init__( key, repeat=repeat, delay_between_repeats=delay_between_repeats) self.__get_payload = get_payload self.__index = index @property @overrides(MultiCastCommand.payload) def payload(self) -> int: return self.__get_payload(self.__index) @property @overrides(MultiCastCommand.is_payload) def is_payload(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] class SpiNNFPGARegister(IntEnum): """ The register offsets on the SpiNNaker FPGAs for devices. """ #: The base key which identifies packets to send out to the peripheral # (deprecated - use XP_KEY_0) P_KEY = 2 #: The mask which identifies packets to send out to the peripheral # (deprecated - use XP_MASK_0) P_MASK = 3 #: The base key which identifies packets to write to the FPGA registers LC_KEY = 12 #: The mask which identifies packets to write to the FPGA registers LC_MASK = 13 #: The base key which identifies packets to write to the peripheral #: registers RC_KEY = 14 #: The mask which identifies packets to write to the peripheral registers RC_MASK = 15 #: The register to write to to stop the sending of data from the peripheral #: to SpiNNaker STOP = 16 #: The register to write to to start the sending of data from the #: peripheral to SpiNNaker START = 17 #: The base of the keys that can be sent out of SpiNNaker (up to 6) XP_KEY_BASE = 32 #: The base of the masks that can be sent out of SpiNNake (up to 6) XP_MASK_BASE = 48
[docs] def cmd(self, payload=None, index=0): """ Make a command to send to the FPGA to set a register value. :param payload: The payload to use in the command, or `None` for no payload :type payload: int or None :param int index: The index of the register to send to when there are multiple registers starting from a base :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( _LC_KEY + self.value + index, payload, time=None, repeat=_REPEATS, delay_between_repeats=_DELAY_BETWEEN_REPEATS)
[docs] def delayed_command(self, get_payload, index=0): """ Make a command to send to the FPGA to set a register value, where the value itself is currently unknown. :param callable(int)->int get_payload: A function to call to get the payload later, passing in the index :param int index: The index of the register to send to when there are multiple registers starting from a base :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ return _DelayedMultiCastCommand( _LC_KEY + self.value + index, get_payload, repeat=_REPEATS, delay_between_repeats=_DELAY_BETWEEN_REPEATS, index=index)
[docs] def set_xp_key(index, key): """ Get a command to set the key of the output via the FPGA. This tells the FPGA to route this key to the external device. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param int key: The key to set :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SpiNNFPGARegister.XP_KEY_BASE.cmd(key, index)
[docs] def set_xp_key_delayed(index, key_func): """ Get a command to set the key of the output via the FPGA later. This tells the FPGA to route this key to the external device. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param callable(int)->int key_func: The function to call to get the key :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SpiNNFPGARegister.XP_KEY_BASE.delayed_command(key_func, index)
[docs] def set_xp_mask(index, mask): """ Get a command to set the mask the output via the FPGA. This tells the FPGA to route keys after using this mask to the external device. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param int mask: The mask to set :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SpiNNFPGARegister.XP_MASK_BASE.cmd(mask, index)
[docs] def set_xp_mask_delayed(index, mask_func): """ Get a command to set the mask of the output via the FPGA later. This tells the FPGA to route keys after using this mask to the external device. :param int index: The index of the channel to set (0-5) :param callable(int)->int mask_func: The function to call to get the mask :rtype: MulticastCommand """ return SpiNNFPGARegister.XP_MASK_BASE.delayed_command(mask_func, index)