Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors.convolution_connector

# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Based on work Copyright (c) The University of Sussex,
# Garibaldi Pineda Garcia, James Turner, James Knight and Thomas Nowotny
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations
from import (Iterable, Sequence)
from typing import (
    List, Optional, Sequence as TSequence, Tuple, Union,
    cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING)

import numpy
from numpy import floating, float64, integer, int16, uint16, uint32
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from pyNN.random import RandomDistribution

from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides

from pacman.model.graphs.abstract_vertex import AbstractVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.common import Slice
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex

from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException

from spynnaker.pyNN.exceptions import SynapticConfigurationException
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.common.local_only_2d_common import get_div_const

from .abstract_connector import AbstractConnector

    from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections import (
        ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation)

#: The size of the connector struct in bytes

_Weights = Union[
    int, float, List[Union[int, float]], Tuple[Union[int, float], ...],
    NDArray[float64], RandomDistribution]
_Shape = Union[int, Tuple[int, int], None]
_Padding = Union[bool, _Shape]

class ConvolutionConnector(AbstractConnector):
    A 2D connector that centres on a post neuron.

    Special connector which dynamically maps a 2D kernel over a 2D plane,
    so that when the kernel is centred on a post-neuron,
    that post-neuron receives input from each pre-neuron
    that the kernel touches,
    and the weights of those pre-post connections
    are then the values of the kernel.

    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, kernel_weights: _Weights,
                 kernel_shape: _Shape = None,
                 strides: _Shape = None, padding: _Padding = None,
                 pool_shape: _Shape = None, pool_stride: _Shape = None,
                 positive_receptor_type: str = "excitatory",
                 negative_receptor_type: str = "inhibitory",
                 safe=True, verbose=False, callback=None, filter_edges=True):
        :param kernel_weights:
            The synaptic strengths, shared by neurons in the post population.
            Can be:

            * single value: `kernel_shape` must be provided;
              the same value will be used for all weights
            * simple list: `kernel_shape` must be provided; the list must
              be sized shape width * height
            * 2D list: If `kernel_shape` is provided, it must match
            * :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`: As above for simple or 2D list
            * :py:class:`~spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution`:
              `kernel_shape` must be provided; weights will be drawn from the
        :type kernel_weights:
            int or list or ~numpy.ndarray or ~spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution
        :param kernel_shape:
            The shape of the kernel if it cannot be determined from
            `kernel_weights`. If a single value is provided, a square kernel
            will be assumed.  If two values are provided, it will be assumed to
            be (n_rows, n_columns)
        :type kernel_shape: int or tuple(int,int)
        :param strides:
            Spatial sampling frequency, jumps between the post neurons.
            This matches the meaning of standard ML packages.  If a single
            value is provided, the same stride will be used for rows and
            columns.  If two values are provided it will be assumed to be
            (stride_rows, stride_columns)
        :type strides: int or tuple(int, int)
        :param padding:
            How many 'extra pixels' around the pre-population will be added,
            only zero-valued pixels are currently supported.  If a single
            value is provided, the same padding will be used for rows and
            columns.  If two values are provided it will be assumed to be
            `(padding_rows, padding_columns)`.  If True, automatic padding will
            be used based on the kernel shape.  If False or `None`, no padding
            will be used.
        :type padding: bool or int or tuple(int, int) or None
        :param pool_shape:
            Area of pooling, only average pooling is supported (and seems to
            make sense). If a single value is provided, the pooling area will
            be square.  If two values are provided it will be assumed to be
            `(pooling_rows, pooling_columns)`.
        :type pool_shape: int or tuple(int, int) or None
        :param pool_stride:
            Jumps between pooling regions. If a single value is provided, the
            same stride will be used for rows and columns.  If two values are
            provided it will be assumed to be `(stride_rows, stride_columns)`
        :type pool_stride: int or tuple(int, int) or None
        :param str positive_receptor_type:
            The receptor type to add the positive weights to.  By default this
            is "``excitatory``".
        :param str negative_receptor_type:
            The receptor type to add the negative weights to.  By default this
            is "``inhibitory``".
        :param bool safe: (ignored)
        :param bool verbose: (ignored)
        :param callable callback: (ignored)
        :param bool filter_edges:
            Whether to filter the edges based on connectivity or not; filtered
            means that the receiving cores will receive fewer packets, whereas
            non-filtered means that receiving cores will receive all packets
            whether relevant or not.  However non-filtered may be more
            efficient in the routing tables, so may be needed if routing
            compression doesn't work.
        super().__init__(safe=safe, callback=callback, verbose=verbose)

        self.__kernel_weights = self.__decode_kernel(
            kernel_weights, kernel_shape)
        self.__padding_shape = self.__decode_padding(padding)
        self.__filter_edges = filter_edges

        if strides is None:
            self.__strides = numpy.array((1, 1), dtype=integer)
            self.__strides = self.__to_2d_shape(strides, "strides")
        self.__pool_shape = self.__to_2d_shape(pool_shape, "pool_shape")
        self.__pool_stride = self.__to_2d_shape(pool_stride, "pool_stride")
        if self.__pool_stride is None:
            self.__pool_stride = self.__pool_shape
        if self.__pool_shape is not None:
            self.__kernel_weights /=

        self.__positive_receptor_type = positive_receptor_type
        self.__negative_receptor_type = negative_receptor_type

    def positive_receptor_type(self) -> str:
        The receptor type to add the positive weights to.

        :rtype: str
        return self.__positive_receptor_type

    def negative_receptor_type(self) -> str:
         The receptor type to add the negative weights to.

        :rtype: str
        return self.__negative_receptor_type

    def kernel_weights(self) -> NDArray[float64]:
        The weights for this connection.

        :rtype: ndarray
        return self.__kernel_weights

    def __get_kernel_shape(self, shape: _Shape) -> Tuple[int, int]:
        if shape is None:
            raise SynapticConfigurationException(
                "kernel_shape must be provided")
        if numpy.isscalar(shape):
            assert isinstance(shape, int)
            return (shape, shape)
        if isinstance(shape, tuple) and len(shape) == 2:
            return shape
        raise SynapticConfigurationException(f"Unknown kernel_shape: {shape}")

    def __decode_kernel(self, w: _Weights, shape: _Shape) -> NDArray[float64]:
        if isinstance(w, (int, float)):
            _shape = self.__get_kernel_shape(shape)
            return numpy.full(_shape, w, dtype=float64)
        elif isinstance(w, (Sequence, numpy.ndarray)):
            if all(isinstance(lst, (Sequence, numpy.ndarray)) for lst in w):
                ws = cast(TSequence[TSequence[float]], w)
                len0 = len(ws[0])
                # 2D list
                if not all(len(lst) == len0 for lst in ws):
                    raise SynapticConfigurationException(
                        "kernel_weights must be a 2D array with every row the"
                        " same length")
                return numpy.array(w, dtype=float64)
                # 1D list
                _shape = self.__get_kernel_shape(shape)
                return numpy.array(w, dtype=float64).reshape(_shape)
        elif isinstance(w, RandomDistribution):
            _shape = self.__get_kernel_shape(shape)
            return numpy.array(
      , dtype=float64).reshape(_shape)
            raise SynapticConfigurationException(
                f"Unknown combination of kernel_weights ({w}) and"
                f" kernel_shape ({shape})")

    def __to_2d_shape(shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]],
                      param_name: str) -> NDArray[integer]:

    def __to_2d_shape(shape: None, param_name: str) -> None:

    def __to_2d_shape(shape: _Shape, param_name: str) -> Optional[
        if shape is None:
            return None
        if numpy.isscalar(shape):
            return numpy.array([shape, shape], dtype=integer)
        assert isinstance(shape, tuple)
        if len(shape) == 1:
            return numpy.array([shape[0], 1], dtype=integer)
        elif len(shape) == 2:
            return numpy.array(shape, dtype=integer)
        raise SynapticConfigurationException(
            f"{param_name} must be an int or a tuple(int, int)")

    def __decode_padding(self, padding: _Padding) -> NDArray[integer]:
        if isinstance(padding, (int, Iterable)):
            return self.__to_2d_shape(padding, "padding")
        elif padding is None or padding is False:
            return numpy.zeros(2, dtype=integer)
        elif padding:
            return self.__kernel_weights.shape // 2
            raise SynapticConfigurationException(
                f"Unrecognized padding {padding}")

[docs] def get_post_shape(self, shape: Tuple[int, ...]): """ Get the shape of the post image given the pre-image shape. """ _shape = numpy.array(shape) if self.__pool_shape is not None: _shape = _shape // self.__pool_stride kernel_shape = numpy.array(self.__kernel_weights.shape) post_shape = (_shape - (kernel_shape - 1) + (2 * self.__padding_shape)) return tuple(int(i) for i in numpy.clip( post_shape // self.__strides, 1, numpy.inf).astype(integer))
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.validate_connection) def validate_connection( self, application_edge: ProjectionApplicationEdge, synapse_info: SynapseInformation): pre = application_edge.pre_vertex post = application_edge.post_vertex if len(pre.atoms_shape) != 2 or len(post.atoms_shape) != 2: raise ConfigurationException( "The ConvolutionConnector only works where the Populations" " of a Projection are both 2D. Please ensure that both the" " Populations use a Grid2D structure.") expected_post_shape = tuple(self.get_post_shape(pre.atoms_shape)) if expected_post_shape != post.atoms_shape: raise ConfigurationException( f"With a source population with shape {pre.atoms_shape}, " "for a Convolution connector with the given parameters, " "the post-population must have a shape " f"{expected_post_shape}") if post.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__positive_receptor_type) is None: raise ConfigurationException( "The post population doesn't have a synaptic receptor type of" f" {self.__positive_receptor_type}") if post.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__negative_receptor_type) is None: raise ConfigurationException( "The post population doesn't have a synaptic receptor type of" f" {self.__negative_receptor_type}") if not isinstance(synapse_info.delays, float): raise ConfigurationException( "The ConvolutionConnector only supports simple uniform delays")
@staticmethod def __delay(synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float: # Checked by validate_connection above return cast(float, synapse_info.delays)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_delay_minimum) def get_delay_minimum(self, synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float: return self.__delay(synapse_info)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_delay_maximum) def get_delay_maximum(self, synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float: return self.__delay(synapse_info)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_n_connections_from_pre_vertex_maximum) def get_n_connections_from_pre_vertex_maximum( self, n_post_atoms: int, synapse_info: SynapseInformation, min_delay: Optional[float] = None, max_delay: Optional[float] = None) -> int: if min_delay is not None and max_delay is not None: if not (min_delay <= self.__delay(synapse_info) <= max_delay): return 0 w, h = self.__kernel_weights.shape return numpy.clip(w * h, 0, n_post_atoms)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_n_connections_to_post_vertex_maximum) def get_n_connections_to_post_vertex_maximum( self, synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> int: w, h = self.__kernel_weights.shape return numpy.clip(w * h, 0, synapse_info.n_pre_neurons)
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_weight_maximum) def get_weight_maximum(self, synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float: return float(numpy.amax(self.__kernel_weights))
[docs] @overrides(AbstractConnector.get_connected_vertices) def get_connected_vertices( self, s_info: SynapseInformation, source_vertex: ApplicationVertex, target_vertex: ApplicationVertex) -> Sequence[ Tuple[MachineVertex, Sequence[AbstractVertex]]]: if not self.__filter_edges: return super(ConvolutionConnector, self).get_connected_vertices( s_info, source_vertex, target_vertex) pre_vertices = numpy.array( source_vertex.splitter.get_out_going_vertices(s_info.partition_id)) post_slice_ranges = self.__pre_as_post_slice_ranges( m_vertex.vertex_slice for m_vertex in pre_vertices) hlf_k_w, hlf_k_h = numpy.array(self.__kernel_weights.shape) // 2 connected: List[Tuple[MachineVertex, List[MachineVertex]]] = [] for post in target_vertex.splitter.get_in_coming_vertices( s_info.partition_id): post_slice = post.vertex_slice post_slice_x = post_slice.get_slice(0) post_slice_y = post_slice.get_slice(1) # Get ranges allowed in post min_x = post_slice_x.start - hlf_k_w max_x = (post_slice_x.stop + hlf_k_w) - 1 min_y = post_slice_y.start - hlf_k_h max_y = (post_slice_y.stop + hlf_k_h) - 1 # Test that the start coordinates are in range i.e. less than max start_in_range = numpy.logical_not( numpy.any(post_slice_ranges[:, 0] > [max_x, max_y], axis=1)) # Test that the end coordinates are in range i.e. more than min end_in_range = numpy.logical_not( numpy.any(post_slice_ranges[:, 1] < [min_x, min_y], axis=1)) # When both things are true, we have a vertex in range pre_in_range = pre_vertices[ numpy.logical_and(start_in_range, end_in_range)] connected.append((post, list(pre_in_range))) return connected
def __pre_as_post_slice_ranges( self, slices: Iterable[Slice]) -> NDArray[integer]: """ Convert a generator of (multi-dimensional) pre-slices into an array of post-slices. """ pre_slices = ((s.get_slice(0), s.get_slice(1)) for s in slices) coords = numpy.array([ ((px.start, py.start), (px.stop - 1, py.stop - 1)) for px, py in pre_slices]) if self.__pool_stride is not None: coords //= self.__pool_stride kernel_shape = numpy.array(self.__kernel_weights.shape) coords = coords - kernel_shape // 2 + self.__padding_shape coords //= self.__strides return coords @property def kernel_n_bytes(self) -> int: """ Size of the weights in bytes :rtype: int """ n_weights = self.__kernel_weights.size return n_weights * BYTES_PER_SHORT @property def kernel_n_weights(self) -> int: """ Size of the weights. :rtype: int """ return self.__kernel_weights.size @property def parameters_n_bytes(self) -> int: """ :rtype: int """ return CONNECTOR_CONFIG_SIZE
[docs] def get_local_only_data( self, app_edge: ProjectionApplicationEdge, local_delay: int, delay_stage: int, weight_index: int) -> NDArray[uint32]: """ Gets the local only data :param ProjectionApplicationEdge app_edge: :param int local_delay: :param int delay_stage: :param int weight_index: :rtype: ndarray """ # Get info about things kernel_shape = self.__kernel_weights.shape ps_x, ps_y = 1, 1 if self.__pool_stride is not None: ps_x, ps_y = self.__pool_stride # Do a new list for remaining connector details as uint16s pos_synapse_type = app_edge.post_vertex.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__positive_receptor_type) neg_synapse_type = app_edge.post_vertex.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__negative_receptor_type) # Produce the values needed short_values = numpy.array([ kernel_shape[1], kernel_shape[0], self.__padding_shape[1], self.__padding_shape[0], pos_synapse_type, neg_synapse_type, delay_stage, local_delay, weight_index, 0], dtype=uint16) long_values = numpy.array([ get_div_const(self.__strides[1]), get_div_const(self.__strides[0]), get_div_const(ps_y), get_div_const(ps_x)], dtype=uint32) return numpy.concatenate((short_values.view(uint32), long_values))
[docs] def get_encoded_kernel_weights( self, app_edge: ProjectionApplicationEdge, weight_scales: NDArray[floating]) -> NDArray[int16]: """ Encode weights with weight scaling. :param ProjectionApplicationEdge app_edge: :param ndarray weight_scales: :rtype: ndarray """ encoded_kernel_weights = self.__kernel_weights.flatten() neg_weights = encoded_kernel_weights < 0 pos_weights = encoded_kernel_weights > 0 pos_synapse_type = app_edge.post_vertex.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__positive_receptor_type) neg_synapse_type = app_edge.post_vertex.get_synapse_id_by_target( self.__negative_receptor_type) encoded_kernel_weights[neg_weights] *= weight_scales[neg_synapse_type] encoded_kernel_weights[pos_weights] *= weight_scales[pos_synapse_type] return numpy.round(encoded_kernel_weights).astype(int16)