Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.synapse_information

# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Optional
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors import (
    AbstractConnector, AbstractGenerateConnectorOnMachine)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.types import (Delay_Types, Weight_Types)
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.constants import SPIKE_PARTITION_ID
    from spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations import Population, PopulationView
    from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron import ConnectionHolder
    from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics import (

class SynapseInformation(object):
    Contains the synapse information including the connector, synapse type
    and synapse dynamics.
    # Made by a Projection
    __slots__ = (

    def __init__(self, connector: AbstractConnector,
                 pre_population: Union[Population, PopulationView],
                 post_population: Union[Population, PopulationView],
                 prepop_is_view: bool, postpop_is_view: bool,
                 synapse_dynamics: AbstractSynapseDynamics,
                 synapse_type: int, receptor_type: str,
                 synapse_type_from_dynamics: bool,
                 weights: Weight_Types = None,
                 delays: Delay_Types = None,
                 download_on_pause: bool = False,
                 partition_id: Optional[str] = None):
        :param AbstractConnector connector:
            The connector connected to the synapse
        :param pre_population: The population sending spikes to the synapse
        :type pre_population: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population or
        :param post_population: The population hosting the synapse
        :type post_population: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population
            or ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationView
        :param bool prepop_is_view: Whether the ``pre_population`` is a view
        :param bool postpop_is_view: Whether the ``post_population`` is a view
        :param AbstractSynapseDynamics synapse_dynamics:
            The dynamic behaviour of the synapse
        :param int synapse_type: The type of the synapse
        :param str receptor_type: Description of the receptor (e.g. excitatory)
        :param bool synapse_type_from_dynamics:
            Whether the synapse type came from synapse dynamics
        :param weights: The synaptic weights
        :type weights: float or list(float) or ~numpy.ndarray(float) or None
        :param delays: The total synaptic delays
        :type delays: float or list(float) or ~numpy.ndarray(float) or None
        :param bool download_on_pause:
            Whether to download the synapse matrix when the simulation pauses
        :param partition_id:
            The partition id for the application edge when not standard; if
            None, the standard SPIKE_PARTITION_ID is used
        :type partition_id: str or None
        self.__connector = connector
        self.__pre_population = pre_population
        self.__post_population = post_population
        self.__prepop_is_view = prepop_is_view
        self.__postpop_is_view = postpop_is_view
        self.__synapse_dynamics = synapse_dynamics
        self.__synapse_type = synapse_type
        self.__receptor_type = receptor_type
        assert (delays is not None)
        self.__weights = weights
        self.__delays = delays
        self.__synapse_type_from_dynamics = synapse_type_from_dynamics
        self.__download_on_pause = download_on_pause
        self.__partition_id = partition_id or SPIKE_PARTITION_ID

        # Make a list of holders to be updated
        self.__pre_run_connection_holders: List[ConnectionHolder] = list()

    def connector(self) -> AbstractConnector:
        The connector connected to the synapse.

        :rtype: AbstractConnector
        return self.__connector

    def pre_population(self) -> Union[Population, PopulationView]:
        The population sending spikes to the synapse.

        :rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population or
        return self.__pre_population

    def post_population(self) -> Union[Population, PopulationView]:
        The population hosting the synapse.

        :rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population or
        return self.__post_population

    def pre_vertex(self) -> ApplicationVertex:
        The vertex sending spikes to the synapse.

        :rtype: ApplicationVertex
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        return self.__pre_population._vertex

    def post_vertex(self) -> ApplicationVertex:
        The vertex hosting the synapse.

        :rtype: ApplicationVertex
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        return self.__post_population._vertex

    def n_pre_neurons(self) -> int:
        The number of neurons in the pre-population.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__pre_population.size

    def n_post_neurons(self) -> int:
        The number of neurons in the post-population.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__post_population.size

    def prepop_is_view(self) -> bool:
        Whether the :py:meth:`pre_population` is a view.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.__prepop_is_view

    def postpop_is_view(self) -> bool:
        Whether the :py:meth:`post_population` is a view.

        :rtype: bool
        return self.__postpop_is_view

    def synapse_dynamics(self):
        The dynamic behaviour of the synapse.

        :rtype: AbstractSynapseDynamics
        return self.__synapse_dynamics

    def synapse_type(self) -> int:
        The type of the synapse. An index into the set of synapse types
        supported by a neuron.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__synapse_type

    def receptor_type(self) -> str:
        A string representing the receptor type.

        :rtype: str
        return self.__receptor_type

    def weights(self) -> Weight_Types:
        The synaptic weights (if any).

        :rtype: float or ~numpy.ndarray(float64) or str or RandomDistribution
        return self.__weights

    def delays(self) -> Delay_Types:
        The total synaptic delays (if any).

        :rtype: float or ~numpy.ndarray(float64) or str or RandomDistribution
        return self.__delays

[docs] def may_generate_on_machine(self) -> bool: """ Do we describe a collection of synapses whose synaptic matrix may be generated on SpiNNaker instead of needing to be calculated in this process and uploaded? This depends on the connector, the definitions of the weights and delays, and the dynamics of the synapses. :return: True if the synaptic matrix may be generated on machine (or may have already been so done) :rtype: bool """ # If we are using a virtual machine, we can't generate on the machine if get_config_bool("Machine", "virtual_board"): return False connector_gen = ( isinstance(self.connector, AbstractGenerateConnectorOnMachine) and self.connector.generate_on_machine(self)) synapse_gen = ( isinstance(self.synapse_dynamics, AbstractGenerateOnMachine) and self.synapse_dynamics.generate_on_machine()) return connector_gen and synapse_gen
@property def pre_run_connection_holders(self) -> Sequence[ConnectionHolder]: """ The list of connection holders to be filled in before run. :rtype: list(ConnectionHolder) """ return self.__pre_run_connection_holders
[docs] def add_pre_run_connection_holder( self, pre_run_connection_holder: ConnectionHolder): """ Add a connection holder that will be filled in before run. :param ConnectionHolder pre_run_connection_holder: The connection holder to be added """ self.__pre_run_connection_holders.append(pre_run_connection_holder)
[docs] def finish_connection_holders(self) -> None: """ Finish all the connection holders, and clear the list so that they are not generated again later. """ for holder in self.__pre_run_connection_holders: holder.finish() del self.__pre_run_connection_holders[:]
@property def synapse_type_from_dynamics(self) -> bool: """ Whether the synapse type comes from the synapse dynamics. :rtype: bool """ return self.__synapse_type_from_dynamics @property def download_on_pause(self) -> bool: """ Whether to download the synapse matrix when the simulation pauses. :rtype: bool """ return self.__download_on_pause @download_on_pause.setter def download_on_pause(self, download_on_pause: bool): """ Set whether to download the synapse matrix when the simulation pauses. :param bool download_on_pause: Whether to download the synapse matrix when the simulation pauses """ self.__download_on_pause = download_on_pause @property def partition_id(self) -> str: """ The partition id for the application edge :rtype: str """ return self.__partition_id