# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union)
import numpy
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import merge_arrays
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, TypeGuard
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics.types import (
_ItemType: TypeAlias = numpy.floating
_Items: TypeAlias = Union[Tuple[NDArray[_ItemType], ...], NDArray[_ItemType]]
def _is_listable(value: Any) -> TypeGuard[Sequence[Any]]:
return hasattr(value, "__len__")
class ConnectionHolder(object):
Holds a set of connections to be returned in a PyNN-specific format.
__slots__ = (
# A list of items of data that are to be present in each element
# True if the values should be returned as a list of tuples,
# False if they should be returned as a tuple of matrices
# The number of atoms in the pre-vertex
# The number of atoms in the post-vertex
# A list of the connections that have been added
# The merged connections formed just before the data is read
# Additional fixed values to be added to the data returned,
# with the same values per synapse, as a list of tuples of
# (field name, value)
# A callback to call with the data when finished
def __init__(
self, data_items_to_return: Optional[Sequence[str]], as_list: bool,
n_pre_atoms: int, n_post_atoms: int,
connections: Optional[List[ConnectionsArray]] = None,
fixed_values: Optional[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = None,
notify: Optional[Callable[['ConnectionHolder'], None]] = None):
:param data_items_to_return: A list of data fields to be returned
:type data_items_to_return: list(str) or tuple(str) or None
:param bool as_list:
True if the data will be returned as a list, False if it is to be
returned as a matrix (or series of matrices)
:param int n_pre_atoms: The number of atoms in the pre-vertex
:param int n_post_atoms: The number of atoms in the post-vertex
:param connections:
Any initial connections, as a numpy structured array of
source, target, weight and delay
:type connections: list(~numpy.ndarray) or None
:param fixed_values:
A list of tuples of field names and fixed values to be appended
to the other fields per connection, formatted as
`[(field_name, value), ...]`.
.. note::
If the field is to be returned, the name must also
appear in data_items_to_return, which determines the order of
items in the result.
:type fixed_values: list(tuple(str,int)) or None
:param notify:
A callback to call when the connections have all been added.
This should accept a single parameter, which will contain the
data requested
:type notify: callable(ConnectionHolder, None) or None
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
self.__data_items_to_return = data_items_to_return
self.__as_list = as_list
self.__n_pre_atoms = n_pre_atoms
self.__n_post_atoms = n_post_atoms
self.__connections: Optional[List[NDArray]] = connections
self.__data_items: Optional[_Items] = None
self.__notify = notify
self.__fixed_values = fixed_values
def add_connections(self, connections: ConnectionsArray):
Add connections to the holder to be returned.
:param ~numpy.ndarray connections:
The connection to add, as a numpy structured array of
source, target, weight and delay
if self.__connections is None:
self.__connections = list()
def connections(self) -> List[ConnectionsArray]:
The connections stored.
:rtype: list(~numpy.ndarray)
return self.__connections or []
def finish(self) -> None:
Finish adding connections.
if self.__notify is not None:
def _get_data_items(self) -> _Items:
Merges the connections into the result data format.
# If there are already merged connections cached, return those
if self.__data_items is not None:
return self.__data_items
if not self.__connections:
# If there are no connections added, raise an exception
if self.__connections is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Connections are only set after run has been called, "
f"even if you are trying to see the data before changes "
f"have been made. Try examining the "
f"{self.__data_items_to_return} after the call to run.")
# If the list is empty assume on a virtual machine
# with generation on machine
if len(self.__connections) == 0:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Connections list is empty. "
"This may be because you are using a virtual machine. "
"This projection creates connections on machine.")
# Join all the connections that have been added (probably over multiple
# sub-vertices of a population)
connections: ConnectionsArray = numpy.concatenate(self.__connections)
# If there are additional fixed values, merge them in
if self.__fixed_values:
# Generate a numpy type for the fixed values
fixed_dtypes = [
(f'{field[0]}', None)
for field in self.__fixed_values]
# Get the actual data as a record array
fixed_data = numpy.asarray(
tuple([field[1] for field in self.__fixed_values]),
# Tile the array to be the correct size
fixed_values = numpy.tile(fixed_data, [len(connections), 1])
# Add the fixed values to the connections
connections = merge_arrays(
(connections, fixed_values), flatten=True)
# If we are returning a list...
if self.__as_list:
# ...sort by source then target
order = numpy.lexsort(
(connections["target"], connections["source"]))
# There are no specific items to return, so just get
# all the data
if (self.__data_items_to_return is None or
not self.__data_items_to_return):
data_items = connections[order]
# There is more than one item to return, so let numpy do its magic
elif len(self.__data_items_to_return) > 1:
data_items = \
# There is 1 item to return, so make sure only one item exists
data_items = \
# Return in a format which can be understood by a FromListConnector
items: List[Any] = []
# NB: The types in here are all wrong, but that's
for data_item in data_items:
if _is_listable(data_item):
self.__data_items = tuple(items)
if self.__data_items_to_return is None:
return ()
# Keep track of the matrices
merged: List[NDArray[_ItemType]] = []
for item in self.__data_items_to_return:
# Build an empty matrix and fill it with NAN
matrix = numpy.empty((self.__n_pre_atoms, self.__n_post_atoms))
# Fill in the values that have data
# TODO: Change this to sum the items with the same
# (source, target) pairs
matrix[connections["source"], connections["target"]] = \
# Store the matrix generated
# If there is only one matrix, use it directly
# Otherwise use a tuple of the matrices
self.__data_items = (
merged[0] if len(merged) == 1 else tuple(merged))
return self.__data_items
def __getitem__(self, s):
data = self._get_data_items()
return data[s]
def __len__(self) -> int:
data = self._get_data_items()
return len(data)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator:
data = self._get_data_items()
return iter(data)
def __str__(self) -> str:
data = self._get_data_items()
return data.__str__()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
data = self._get_data_items()
return data.__repr__()
def __getattr__(self, name):
data = self._get_data_items()
return getattr(data, name)