# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import ctypes
import math
from typing import (
Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING)
import numpy
from numpy import uint32
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pacman.model.routing_info import BaseKeyAndMask
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import BYTES_PER_WORD
from spynnaker.pyNN.exceptions import (
SynapseRowTooBigException, SynapticConfigurationException)
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.constants import POP_TABLE_MAX_ROW_LENGTH
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.bit_field_utilities import BIT_IN_A_WORD
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.projection import Projection
# pylint: disable=no-member, protected-access
_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=ctypes._CData)
# Scale factor for an address; allows more addresses to be represented, but
# means addresses have to be aligned to these offsets
# A padding byte
# Bits in a byte
# ctypes stores the number of bits in a bitfield in the top 16 bits
def _n_bits(field) -> int:
Get the number of bits in a field (ctypes doesn't do this).
:param _ctypes.CField field: a ctype field from a structure
:return: the number of bits
:rtype: int
# ctypes stores the number of bits in a bitfield in the top 16 bits;
# if it isn't a bitfield, this is 0
n_bits = field.size >> _CTYPES_N_BITS_SHIFT
if n_bits:
return n_bits
# If it isn't a bitfield, the number of bits is the field size (which is
# then in bytes) multiplied by 8 (bits in a byte)
return _BITS_PER_BYTES * field.size
def _make_array(ctype: Type[_T], n_items: int) -> ctypes.Array[_T]:
Make an array of ctype items; done separately as the syntax is a
little odd!
:param _ctypes.PyCSimpleType ctype: A ctype
:param int n_items: The number of items in the array
:return: a ctype array
:rtype: _ctypes.PyCArrayType
array_type = ctype * n_items # type: ignore
return array_type() # type: ignore
class _MasterPopEntryCType(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
A Master Population Table Entry; matches the C struct.
_fields_ = [
# The key to match against the incoming message
("key", ctypes.c_uint32),
# The mask to select the relevant bits of key for matching
("mask", ctypes.c_uint32),
# The index into address_list for this entry
("start", ctypes.c_uint32, 13),
# The number of colour bits used (or 0 if no colour bits)
("n_colour_bits", ctypes.c_uint32, 3),
# The number of entries in ::address_list for this entry
("count", ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
# The mask to apply to the key once shifted get the core index
("core_mask", ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
# The shift to apply to the key to get the core part (0-31)
("mask_shift", ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
# The number of neurons per core
("n_neurons", ctypes.c_uint32, 16),
# The number of words required for n_neurons
("n_words", ctypes.c_uint32, 16)
# Maximum start position in the address list
_MAX_ADDRESS_START = (1 << _n_bits(_MasterPopEntryCType.start)) - 1
# Maximum count of address list entries for a single pop table entry
_MAX_ADDRESS_COUNT = (1 << _n_bits(_MasterPopEntryCType.count)) - 1
# The maximum n_neurons value
_MAX_N_NEURONS = (1 << _n_bits(_MasterPopEntryCType.n_neurons)) - 1
# Maximum core mask (i.e. number of cores)
_MAX_CORE_MASK = (1 << _n_bits(_MasterPopEntryCType.core_mask)) - 1
class _AddressListEntryCType(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure):
An Address and Row Length structure; matches the C struct.
_fields_ = [
# the length of the row
("row_length", ctypes.c_uint32, 8),
# the address
("address", ctypes.c_uint32, 24)
# An invalid address in the address and row length list
_INVALID_ADDDRESS = (1 << _n_bits(_AddressListEntryCType.address)) - 1
# Address is 23 bits, but maximum value means invalid
_MAX_ADDRESS = (1 << _n_bits(_AddressListEntryCType.address)) - 2
# Sizes of structs
_MASTER_POP_ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES = ctypes.sizeof(_MasterPopEntryCType)
_ADDRESS_LIST_ENTRY_SIZE_BYTES = ctypes.sizeof(_AddressListEntryCType)
# Base size - 2 words for size of table and address list
# Number of times to multiply for delays
# A ctypes pointer to a uint32
_UINT32_PTR = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint32)
def _to_numpy(array) -> NDArray[uint32]:
Convert a ctypes array to a numpy array of uint32.
.. note::
No data copying is done; it is pure type conversion. Editing
the returned array will result in changes to the original.
:param _ctypes.PyCArrayType array: The array to convert
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
# Nothing to do if the array is 0 sized
if len(array) == 0:
return numpy.zeros(0, dtype=uint32)
uint32_array = ctypes.cast(array, _UINT32_PTR)
n_words = (len(array) * ctypes.sizeof(array[0])) // BYTES_PER_WORD
return numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(uint32_array, (n_words,))
class _MasterPopEntry(object):
Internal class that contains a master population table entry.
__slots__ = (
# The mask to match this entry on
# The routing key to match this entry on
# The part of the key where the core id is held after shifting (below)
# Where in the key that the core id is held
# The number of neurons on every core except the last
# The number of bits reserved for the colour
def __init__(self, routing_key: int, mask: int, core_mask: int,
core_shift: int, n_neurons: int, n_colour_bits: int):
:param int routing_key: The key to match for this entry
:param int mask: The mask to match for this entry
:param int core_mask:
The part of the routing_key where the core id is held
:param int core_shift: Where in the routing_key the core_id is held
:param int n_neurons:
The number of neurons on each core, except the last
self.__routing_key = routing_key
self.__mask = mask
self.__core_mask = core_mask
self.__core_shift = core_shift
self.__n_neurons = n_neurons
self.__n_colour_bits = n_colour_bits
self.__addresses_and_row_lengths: List[Tuple[int, int, bool]] = list()
def append(self, address: int, row_length: int) -> int:
Add a synaptic matrix pointer to the entry.
:param int address: The address of the synaptic matrix
:param int row_length: The length of each row in the matrix
:return: The index of the pointer within the entry
:rtype: int
index = len(self.__addresses_and_row_lengths)
if index > _MAX_ADDRESS_COUNT:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"{index} connections for the same source key "
f"(maximum {_MAX_ADDRESS_COUNT})")
(address, row_length, True))
return index
def append_invalid(self) -> int:
Add an invalid marker to the entry; used to ensure index alignment
between multiple entries when necessary.
:return: The index of the marker within the entry
:rtype: int
index = len(self.__addresses_and_row_lengths)
self.__addresses_and_row_lengths.append((0, 0, False))
return index
def routing_key(self) -> int:
The key combo of this entry.
:rtype: int
return self.__routing_key
def mask(self) -> int:
The mask of the key for this entry.
:rtype: int
return self.__mask
def core_mask(self) -> int:
The mask of the key once shifted to get the source core ID.
:rtype: int
return self.__core_mask
def core_shift(self) -> int:
The shift of the key to get the source core ID.
:rtype: int
return self.__core_shift
def n_neurons(self) -> int:
The number of neurons per source core.
:rtype: int
return self.__n_neurons
def addresses_and_row_lengths(self) -> Sequence[Tuple[int, int, bool]]:
The memory address that this master pop entry points at
(in the synaptic matrix).
:rtype: list(tuple(int,int,bool))
return self.__addresses_and_row_lengths
def write_to_table(
self, entry: _MasterPopEntryCType,
address_list: ctypes.Array[_AddressListEntryCType],
start: int) -> int:
Write entries to the master population table.
:param _MasterPopEntryCType entry: The entry to write to
:param _AddressListEntryCType_Array address_list:
The address_list to write to
:param int start:
The index of the entry of the address list to start at
:return: The number of entries written to the address list
:rtype: int
entry.key = self.__routing_key
entry.mask = self.__mask
entry.start = start
count = len(self.__addresses_and_row_lengths)
entry.count = count
# Mark where the next entry starts and the number added; this might
# change if there is extra info
next_addr = start
n_entries = count
entry.n_colour_bits = self.__n_colour_bits
entry.core_mask = self.__core_mask
entry.n_words = int(math.ceil(self.__n_neurons / BIT_IN_A_WORD))
entry.n_neurons = self.__n_neurons
entry.mask_shift = self.__core_shift
for j, (address, row_length, is_valid) in enumerate(
address_entry = address_list[next_addr + j]
if not is_valid:
address_entry.address = _INVALID_ADDDRESS
address_entry.row_length = row_length
address_entry.address = address
return n_entries
class MasterPopTableAsBinarySearch(object):
Master population table, implemented as binary search master.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__entries: Dict[int, _MasterPopEntry] = {}
self.__n_addresses = 0
def get_master_population_table_size(
incoming_projections: Iterable[Projection]) -> int:
Get the size of the master population table in SDRAM.
:param incoming_projections:
The projections arriving at the vertex that are to be handled by
this table
:type incoming_projections:
:return: the size the master pop table will take in SDRAM (in bytes)
:rtype: int
# Count the pre-machine-vertices
n_entries = 0
n_vertices = 0
seen_edges = set()
for proj in incoming_projections:
n_entries += 1
# pylint: disable=protected-access
in_edge = proj._projection_edge
# Each projection with a delay will have an additional entry
if in_edge.n_delay_stages:
n_entries += 1
# If we haven't seen this edge before, add it in
if in_edge not in seen_edges:
# Each pre-vertex has a master pop entry
n_vertices += 1
if in_edge.n_delay_stages:
n_vertices += 1
return (
def get_allowed_row_length(row_length: int) -> int:
Get the next allowed row length.
:param int row_length: the row length being considered
:return: the row length available
:rtype: int
:raises SynapseRowTooBigException: If the row won't fit
if row_length > POP_TABLE_MAX_ROW_LENGTH:
raise SynapseRowTooBigException(
f"Only rows of up to {POP_TABLE_MAX_ROW_LENGTH} "
"entries are allowed")
return row_length
def get_next_allowed_address(next_address: int) -> int:
Get the next allowed address.
:param int next_address: The next address that would be used
:return: The next address that can be used following next_address
:rtype: int
:raises SynapticConfigurationException:
if the address is out of range
addr_scaled = (next_address + (_ADDRESS_SCALE - 1)) // _ADDRESS_SCALE
if addr_scaled > _MAX_ADDRESS:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"Address {hex(addr_scaled * _ADDRESS_SCALE)} is "
"out of range for this population table!")
return addr_scaled * _ADDRESS_SCALE
def initialise_table(self) -> None:
Initialise the master pop data structure.
self.__entries = dict()
self.__n_addresses = 0
def add_application_entry(
self, block_start_addr: int, row_length: int,
key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, core_mask: int,
core_shift: int, n_neurons: int, n_colour_bits: int) -> int:
Add an entry for an application-edge to the population table.
:param int block_start_addr: where the synaptic matrix block starts
:param int row_length: how long in words each row is
:param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask:
the key and mask for this master pop entry
:param int core_mask:
Mask for the part of the key that identifies the core
:param int core_shift: The shift of the mask to get to the core_mask
:param int n_neurons:
The number of neurons in each machine vertex (bar the last)
:param int n_colour_bits:
The number of bits to use for colour
:return: The index of the entry, to be used to retrieve it
:rtype: int
:raises SynapticConfigurationException:
If a bad address is used.
# If there are too many neurons per core, fail
if n_neurons > _MAX_N_NEURONS:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"The parameter n_neurons of {n_neurons} is too big "
f"(maximum {_MAX_N_NEURONS})")
# If the core mask is too big, fail
if core_mask > _MAX_CORE_MASK:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"The core mask of {core_mask} is too big "
f"(maximum {_MAX_CORE_MASK})")
return self.__update_master_population_table(
block_start_addr, row_length, key_and_mask, core_mask, core_shift,
n_neurons, n_colour_bits)
def __update_master_population_table(
self, block_start_addr: int, row_length: int,
key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, core_mask: int, core_shift: int,
n_neurons: int, n_colour_bits: int) -> int:
Add an entry in the binary search to deal with the synaptic matrix.
:param int block_start_addr: where the synaptic matrix block starts
:param int row_length: how long in words each row is
:param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask:
the key and mask for this master pop entry
:param int core_mask:
Mask for the part of the key that identifies the core
:param int core_shift: The shift of the mask to get to the core_mask
:param int n_neurons:
The number of neurons in each machine vertex (bar the last)
:param int n_colour_bits: The number of bits to use for colour
:return: The index of the entry, to be used to retrieve it
:rtype: int
:raises SynapticConfigurationException:
If a bad address is used.
# if not single, scale the address
if block_start_addr % _ADDRESS_SCALE != 0:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"Address {block_start_addr} is not compatible "
"with this table")
start_addr = block_start_addr // _ADDRESS_SCALE
if start_addr > _MAX_ADDRESS:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"Address {block_start_addr} is too big for this table")
row_length = self.get_allowed_row_length(row_length)
entry = self.__add_entry(
key_and_mask, core_mask, core_shift, n_neurons, n_colour_bits)
index = entry.append(start_addr, row_length - 1)
self.__n_addresses += 1
return index
def add_invalid_application_entry(
self, key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, core_mask: int,
core_shift: int, n_neurons: int, n_colour_bits: int) -> int:
Add an entry to the table from an application vertex that doesn't
point to anywhere. Used to keep indices in synchronisation between
e.g. normal and delay entries and between entries on different cores.
:param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask:
a key_and_mask object used as part of describing
an edge that will require being received to be stored in the
master pop table; the whole edge will become multiple calls to
this function
:param int core_mask:
Mask for the part of the key that identifies the core
:param int core_shift: The shift of the mask to get to the core_mask
:param int n_neurons:
The number of neurons in each machine vertex (bar the last)
:param int n_colour_bits:
The number of bits to use for colour
:return: The index of the added entry
:rtype: int
# If there are too many neurons per core, fail
if n_neurons > _MAX_N_NEURONS:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"The parameter n_neurons of {n_neurons} is too big "
f"(maximum {_MAX_N_NEURONS})")
# If the core mask is too big, fail
if core_mask > _MAX_CORE_MASK:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"The core mask of {core_mask} is too big "
f"(maximum {_MAX_CORE_MASK})")
return self.__add_invalid_entry(
key_and_mask, core_mask, core_shift, n_neurons, n_colour_bits)
def __add_invalid_entry(
self, key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, core_mask: int,
core_shift: int, n_neurons: int, n_colour_bits: int) -> int:
Add an entry to the table that doesn't point to anywhere. Used
to keep indices in synchronisation between e.g. normal and delay
entries and between entries on different cores.
:param ~pacman.model.routing_info.BaseKeyAndMask key_and_mask:
a key_and_mask object used as part of describing
an edge that will require being received to be stored in the
master pop table; the whole edge will become multiple calls to
this function
:param int core_mask:
Mask for the part of the key that identifies the core
:param int core_shift: The shift of the mask to get to the core_mask
:param int n_neurons:
The number of neurons in each machine vertex (bar the last)
:param int n_colour_bits:
The number of bits used for colour
:return: The index of the added entry
:rtype: int
entry = self.__add_entry(
key_and_mask, core_mask, core_shift, n_neurons, n_colour_bits)
index = entry.append_invalid()
self.__n_addresses += 1
return index
def __add_entry(
self, key_and_mask: BaseKeyAndMask, core_mask: int,
core_shift: int, n_neurons: int,
n_colour_bits: int) -> _MasterPopEntry:
if self.__n_addresses >= _MAX_ADDRESS_START:
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"The table already contains {self.__n_addresses} entries;"
" adding another is too many")
if key_and_mask.key not in self.__entries:
entry = _MasterPopEntry(
key_and_mask.key, key_and_mask.mask, core_mask, core_shift,
n_neurons, n_colour_bits)
self.__entries[key_and_mask.key] = entry
return entry
entry = self.__entries[key_and_mask.key]
if (key_and_mask.mask != entry.mask or
core_mask != entry.core_mask or
core_shift != entry.core_shift or
n_neurons != entry.n_neurons):
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
f"Existing entry for key {key_and_mask.key} doesn't match one "
f"being added: Existing mask: {entry.mask} "
f"core_mask: {entry.core_mask} core_shift: {entry.core_shift} "
f"n_neurons: {entry.n_neurons} "
f"Adding mask: {key_and_mask.mask} core_mask: {core_mask} "
f"core_shift: {core_shift} n_neurons: {n_neurons}")
return entry
def get_pop_table_data(self) -> NDArray[uint32]:
Get the master pop table data as a numpy array.
:rtype: ~numpy.ndarray
# sort entries by key
entries = sorted(
key=lambda a_entry: a_entry.routing_key)
n_entries = len(entries)
data = [numpy.array([n_entries, self.__n_addresses], dtype=uint32)]
# Generate the table and list as arrays
pop_table = _make_array(_MasterPopEntryCType, n_entries)
address_list = _make_array(_AddressListEntryCType, self.__n_addresses)
start = 0
for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
start += entry.write_to_table(pop_table[i], address_list, start)
# Add the arrays
return numpy.concatenate(data)
def max_n_neurons_per_core(self) -> int:
The maximum number of neurons per core supported when a core-mask
is > 0.
:rtype: int
def max_core_mask(self) -> int:
The maximum core mask supported when n_neurons is > 0; this is the
maximum number of cores that can be supported in a joined mask.
:rtype: int
def max_index(self) -> int:
The maximum index of a synaptic connection.
:rtype: int