# Copyright (c) 2015 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import math
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy
from numpy import floating, integer, uint8, uint16, uint32
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from pyNN.standardmodels.synapses import StaticSynapse
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.ds import DataSpecificationBase
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.data import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.exceptions import (
SynapticConfigurationException, InvalidParameterType)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.plasticity.stdp.weight_dependence.\
abstract_has_a_plus_a_minus import AbstractHasAPlusAMinus
from spynnaker.pyNN.types import Weight_Types
from spynnaker.pyNN.types import Weight_Delay_In_Types as _In_Types
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.utility_calls import get_n_bits
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics.types import (
from .abstract_plastic_synapse_dynamics import AbstractPlasticSynapseDynamics
from .abstract_synapse_dynamics_structural import (
from .abstract_generate_on_machine import (
AbstractGenerateOnMachine, MatrixGeneratorID)
from .synapse_dynamics_neuromodulation import SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation
from .synapse_dynamics_weight_changable import SynapseDynamicsWeightChangable
from .synapse_dynamics_weight_changer import SynapseDynamicsWeightChanger
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections import (
ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics.types import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.plasticity.stdp.timing_dependence.\
abstract_timing_dependence import AbstractTimingDependence
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.plasticity.stdp.weight_dependence.\
abstract_weight_dependence import AbstractWeightDependence
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_io import MaxRowInfo
from .abstract_synapse_dynamics import AbstractSynapseDynamics
# How large are the time-stamps stored with each event
# The targets of neuromodulation
"reward": 0,
"punishment": 1
class SynapseDynamicsSTDP(
The dynamics of a synapse that changes over time using a
Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rule.
__slots__ = (
# Fraction of delay that is dendritic (instead of axonal or synaptic)
# timing dependence to use for the STDP rule
# weight dependence to use for the STDP rule
# The neuromodulation instance if enabled
# padding to add to a synaptic row for synaptic rewiring
# Whether to use back-propagation delay or not
def __init__(
self, timing_dependence: AbstractTimingDependence,
weight_dependence: AbstractWeightDependence,
voltage_dependence: None = None,
dendritic_delay_fraction: float = 1.0,
weight: _In_Types = StaticSynapse.default_parameters['weight'],
delay: _In_Types = None, pad_to_length: Optional[int] = None,
backprop_delay: bool = True):
:param AbstractTimingDependence timing_dependence:
:param AbstractWeightDependence weight_dependence:
:param None voltage_dependence: not supported
:param float dendritic_delay_fraction: must be 1.0!
:param float weight:
:param delay: Use ``None`` to get the simulator default minimum delay.
:type delay: float or None
:param pad_to_length:
:type pad_to_length: int or None
:param bool backprop_delay:
if timing_dependence is None or weight_dependence is None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Both timing_dependence and weight_dependence must be "
if voltage_dependence is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Voltage dependence has not been implemented")
super().__init__(delay=delay, weight=weight)
self.__timing_dependence = timing_dependence
self.__weight_dependence = weight_dependence
# move data from timing to weight dependence; that's where we need it
if isinstance(weight_dependence, AbstractHasAPlusAMinus):
timing_dependence.A_plus, timing_dependence.A_minus)
self.__dendritic_delay_fraction = float(dendritic_delay_fraction)
self.__pad_to_length = pad_to_length
self.__backprop_delay = backprop_delay
self.__neuromodulation: Optional[SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation] = None
if self.__dendritic_delay_fraction != 1.0:
raise NotImplementedError("All delays must be dendritic!")
def _merge_neuromodulation(
self, neuromodulation: SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation):
if self.__neuromodulation is None:
self.__neuromodulation = neuromodulation
elif not self.__neuromodulation.is_neuromodulation_same_as(
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
"Neuromodulation must match exactly when using multiple"
" edges to the same Population")
def merge(self, synapse_dynamics: AbstractSynapseDynamics
) -> AbstractSynapseDynamics:
# If dynamics is Neuromodulation, merge with other neuromodulation,
# and then return ourselves, as neuromodulation can't be used by
# itself
if isinstance(synapse_dynamics, SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation):
return self
if isinstance(synapse_dynamics, (SynapseDynamicsWeightChangable,
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
"Weight Changer and STDP are not currently compatible")
# If dynamics is STDP, test if same as
if isinstance(synapse_dynamics, SynapseDynamicsSTDP):
if not self.is_same_as(synapse_dynamics):
raise SynapticConfigurationException(
"Synapse dynamics must match exactly when using multiple"
" edges to the same population")
if self.__neuromodulation is not None:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
# If STDP part matches, return the other, as it might also be
# structural
return synapse_dynamics
# If dynamics is structural but not STDP (as here), merge
# NOTE: Import here as otherwise we get a circular dependency
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from .synapse_dynamics_structural_stdp import (
if isinstance(synapse_dynamics, AbstractSynapseDynamicsStructural):
return SynapseDynamicsStructuralSTDP(
synapse_dynamics.partner_selection, synapse_dynamics.formation,
self.timing_dependence, self.weight_dependence,
# voltage dependence is not supported
None, self.dendritic_delay_fraction,
synapse_dynamics.f_rew, synapse_dynamics.initial_weight,
synapse_dynamics.initial_delay, synapse_dynamics.s_max,
# Otherwise, it is static or neuromodulation, so return ourselves
return self
def get_value(self, key: str) -> Any:
for obj in [self.__timing_dependence, self.__weight_dependence, self]:
if hasattr(obj, key):
return getattr(obj, key)
raise InvalidParameterType(
f"Type {type(self)} does not have parameter {key}")
def set_value(self, key: str, value: Any):
for obj in [self.__timing_dependence, self.__weight_dependence, self]:
if hasattr(obj, key):
setattr(obj, key, value)
raise InvalidParameterType(
f"Type {type(self)} does not have parameter {key}")
def weight_dependence(self):
:rtype: AbstractTimingDependence
return self.__weight_dependence
def timing_dependence(self):
:rtype: AbstractTimingDependence
return self.__timing_dependence
def dendritic_delay_fraction(self):
:rtype: float
return self.__dendritic_delay_fraction
def dendritic_delay_fraction(self, new_value):
self.__dendritic_delay_fraction = new_value
def backprop_delay(self):
:rtype: bool
return self.__backprop_delay
def backprop_delay(self, backprop_delay):
self.__backprop_delay = bool(backprop_delay)
def neuromodulation(self) -> Optional[SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation]:
:rtype: SynapseDynamicsNeuromodulation
return self.__neuromodulation
def is_same_as(self, synapse_dynamics: AbstractSynapseDynamics) -> bool:
if not isinstance(synapse_dynamics, SynapseDynamicsSTDP):
return False
return (
synapse_dynamics.timing_dependence) and
synapse_dynamics.weight_dependence) and
(self.__dendritic_delay_fraction ==
def get_vertex_executable_suffix(self) -> str:
:rtype: str
# Get the suffix values for timing and weight dependence
timing_suffix = self.__timing_dependence.vertex_executable_suffix
weight_suffix = self.__weight_dependence.vertex_executable_suffix
if self.__neuromodulation:
name = (
"_stdp_" +
name = "_stdp_mad_"
name += timing_suffix + "_" + weight_suffix
return name
def get_parameters_sdram_usage_in_bytes(self, n_neurons, n_synapse_types):
:param int n_neurons:
:param int n_synapse_types:
:rtype: int
# 32-bits for back-prop delay
size += self.__timing_dependence.get_parameters_sdram_usage_in_bytes()
size += self.__weight_dependence.get_parameters_sdram_usage_in_bytes(
n_synapse_types, self.__timing_dependence.n_weight_terms)
if self.__neuromodulation:
size += self.__neuromodulation.get_parameters_sdram_usage_in_bytes(
n_neurons, n_synapse_types)
return size
def write_parameters(
self, spec: DataSpecificationBase, region: int,
global_weight_scale: float,
synapse_weight_scales: NDArray[floating]):
spec.comment("Writing Plastic Parameters")
# Switch focus to the region:
# Whether to use back-prop delay
# Write timing dependence parameters to region
spec, global_weight_scale, synapse_weight_scales)
# Write weight dependence information to region
spec, global_weight_scale, synapse_weight_scales,
if self.__neuromodulation:
spec, region, global_weight_scale, synapse_weight_scales)
def _n_header_bytes(self):
:rtype: int
# The header contains a single timestamp and pre-trace
n_bytes = (
TIME_STAMP_BYTES + self.__timing_dependence.pre_trace_n_bytes)
# The actual number of bytes is in a word-aligned struct, so work out
# the number of bytes as a number of words
return int(math.ceil(float(n_bytes) / BYTES_PER_WORD)) * BYTES_PER_WORD
def __get_n_connections(self, n_connections, check_length_padded=True):
:param int n_connections:
:param bool check_length_padded:
:rtype: int
synapse_structure = self.__timing_dependence.synaptic_structure
if self.__pad_to_length is not None and check_length_padded:
n_connections = max(n_connections, self.__pad_to_length)
if n_connections == 0:
return 0
# 2 == two half words per word
fp_size_words = (
n_connections // 2 if n_connections % 2 == 0
else (n_connections + 1) // 2)
pp_size_bytes = (
self._n_header_bytes +
(synapse_structure.get_n_half_words_per_connection() *
BYTES_PER_SHORT * n_connections))
# Neuromodulation synapses have the actual weight separately
if self.__neuromodulation:
pp_size_bytes += BYTES_PER_SHORT * n_connections
pp_size_words = int(math.ceil(float(pp_size_bytes) / BYTES_PER_WORD))
return fp_size_words + pp_size_words
def get_n_words_for_plastic_connections(self, n_connections):
:param int n_connections:
:rtype: int
return self.__get_n_connections(n_connections)
def get_plastic_synaptic_data(
self, connections: ConnectionsArray,
connection_row_indices: NDArray[integer], n_rows: int,
n_synapse_types: int,
max_n_synapses: int, max_atoms_per_core: int) -> Tuple[
List[NDArray[uint32]], List[NDArray[uint32]],
NDArray[uint32], NDArray[uint32]]:
n_synapse_type_bits = get_n_bits(n_synapse_types)
n_neuron_id_bits = get_n_bits(max_atoms_per_core)
neuron_id_mask = (1 << n_neuron_id_bits) - 1
# Get the fixed data
fixed_plastic = (
(connections["delay"].astype(uint16) <<
(n_neuron_id_bits + n_synapse_type_bits)) |
<< n_neuron_id_bits) |
(connections["target"].astype(uint16) & neuron_id_mask))
fixed_plastic_rows = self.convert_per_connection_data_to_rows(
connection_row_indices, n_rows,
fixed_plastic.view(dtype=uint8).reshape((-1, 2)),
fp_size = self.get_n_items(fixed_plastic_rows, BYTES_PER_SHORT)
if self.__pad_to_length is not None:
# Pad the data
fixed_plastic_rows = self._pad_row(
fixed_plastic_rows, BYTES_PER_SHORT)
fp_data = self.get_words(fixed_plastic_rows)
# Get the plastic data by inserting the weight into the half-word
# specified by the synapse structure
synapse_structure = self.__timing_dependence.synaptic_structure
n_half_words = synapse_structure.get_n_half_words_per_connection()
half_word = synapse_structure.get_weight_half_word()
# If neuromodulation, the real weight comes first
if self.__neuromodulation:
n_half_words += 1
half_word = 0
plastic_plastic = numpy.zeros(
len(connections) * n_half_words, dtype=uint16)
plastic_plastic[half_word::n_half_words] = \
# Convert the plastic data into groups of bytes per connection and
# then into rows
plastic_plastic_bytes = plastic_plastic.view(dtype=uint8).reshape(
(-1, n_half_words * BYTES_PER_SHORT))
plastic_plastic_row_data = self.convert_per_connection_data_to_rows(
connection_row_indices, n_rows, plastic_plastic_bytes,
# pp_size = fp_size in words => fp_size * no_bytes / 4 (bytes)
if self.__pad_to_length is not None:
# Pad the data
plastic_plastic_row_data = self._pad_row(
plastic_plastic_row_data, n_half_words * BYTES_PER_SHORT)
plastic_headers = numpy.zeros(
(n_rows, self._n_header_bytes), dtype=uint8)
plastic_plastic_rows = [
plastic_headers[i], plastic_plastic_row_data[i]))
for i in range(n_rows)]
pp_size = self.get_n_items(plastic_plastic_rows, BYTES_PER_WORD)
pp_data = self.get_words(plastic_plastic_rows)
return fp_data, pp_data, fp_size, pp_size
def _pad_row(self, rows: List[NDArray], no_bytes_per_connection: int):
:param list(~numpy.ndarray) rows:
:param int no_bytes_per_connection:
:rtype: list(~numpy.ndarray)
pad_len = self.__pad_to_length or 1
# Row elements are (individual) bytes
return [
row, numpy.zeros(
no_bytes_per_connection * pad_len - row.size,
0, None)).astype(dtype=uint8))
for row in rows]
def get_n_plastic_plastic_words_per_row(
self, pp_size: NDArray[uint32]) -> NDArray[integer]:
# pp_size is in words, so return
return pp_size
def get_n_fixed_plastic_words_per_row(
self, fp_size: NDArray[uint32]) -> NDArray[integer]:
# fp_size is in half-words
return numpy.ceil(fp_size / 2.0).astype(dtype=uint32)
def get_n_synapses_in_rows(self, pp_size: NDArray[uint32],
fp_size: NDArray[uint32]) -> NDArray[integer]:
# Each fixed-plastic synapse is a half-word and fp_size is in half
# words so just return it
return fp_size
def read_plastic_synaptic_data(
self, n_synapse_types: int, pp_size: NDArray[uint32],
pp_data: List[NDArray[uint32]], fp_size: NDArray[uint32],
fp_data: List[NDArray[uint32]],
max_atoms_per_core: int) -> ConnectionsArray:
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
n_rows = len(fp_size)
n_synapse_type_bits = get_n_bits(n_synapse_types)
n_neuron_id_bits = get_n_bits(max_atoms_per_core)
neuron_id_mask = (1 << n_neuron_id_bits) - 1
data_fixed = numpy.concatenate([
for i in range(n_rows)])
pp_without_headers = [
row.view(dtype=uint8)[self._n_header_bytes:] for row in pp_data]
synapse_structure = self.__timing_dependence.synaptic_structure
n_half_words = synapse_structure.get_n_half_words_per_connection()
half_word = synapse_structure.get_weight_half_word()
if self.__neuromodulation:
n_half_words += 1
half_word = 0
pp_half_words = numpy.concatenate([
pp[:size * n_half_words * BYTES_PER_SHORT].view(uint16)[
for pp, size in zip(pp_without_headers, fp_size)])
connections = numpy.zeros(
data_fixed.size, dtype=NUMPY_CONNECTORS_DTYPE)
connections["source"] = numpy.concatenate(
[numpy.repeat(i, fp_size[i]) for i in range(len(fp_size))])
connections["target"] = data_fixed & neuron_id_mask
connections["weight"] = pp_half_words
connections["delay"] = data_fixed >> (
n_neuron_id_bits + n_synapse_type_bits)
return connections
def get_weight_mean(self, connector: AbstractConnector,
synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float:
# Because the weights could all be changed to the maximum, the mean
# has to be given as the maximum for scaling
return self.get_weight_maximum(connector, synapse_info)
def get_weight_variance(
self, connector: AbstractConnector, weights: Weight_Types,
synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float:
# Because the weights could all be changed to the maximum, the variance
# has to be given as no variance
return 0.0
def get_weight_maximum(self, connector: AbstractConnector,
synapse_info: SynapseInformation) -> float:
w_max = super().get_weight_maximum(connector, synapse_info)
# The maximum weight is the largest that it could be set to from
# the weight dependence
return max(w_max, self.__weight_dependence.weight_maximum)
def get_parameter_names(self) -> Iterable[str]:
yield 'weight'
yield 'delay'
yield from self.__timing_dependence.get_parameter_names()
yield from self.__weight_dependence.get_parameter_names()
def get_max_synapses(self, n_words: int) -> int:
# Subtract the header size that will always exist
n_header_words = self._n_header_bytes // BYTES_PER_WORD
n_words_space = n_words - n_header_words
# Get plastic plastic size per connection
synapse_structure = self.__timing_dependence.synaptic_structure
bytes_per_pp = (
synapse_structure.get_n_half_words_per_connection() *
if self.__neuromodulation:
bytes_per_pp += BYTES_PER_SHORT
# The fixed plastic size per connection is 2 bytes
bytes_per_fp = BYTES_PER_SHORT
# Maximum possible connections, ignoring word alignment
n_connections = (n_words_space * BYTES_PER_WORD) // (
bytes_per_pp + bytes_per_fp)
check_length_padded = False
# Reduce until correct
while (self.__get_n_connections(n_connections, check_length_padded) >
n_connections -= 1
return n_connections
def gen_matrix_id(self) -> int:
return MatrixGeneratorID.STDP_MATRIX.value
def gen_matrix_params(
self, synaptic_matrix_offset: int, delayed_matrix_offset: int,
app_edge: ProjectionApplicationEdge,
synapse_info: SynapseInformation, max_row_info: MaxRowInfo,
max_pre_atoms_per_core: int, max_post_atoms_per_core: int
) -> NDArray[uint32]:
vertex = app_edge.post_vertex
n_synapse_type_bits = get_n_bits(
n_synapse_index_bits = get_n_bits(max_post_atoms_per_core)
max_delay = app_edge.post_vertex.splitter.max_support_delay()
max_delay_bits = get_n_bits(max_delay)
synapse_struct = self.__timing_dependence.synaptic_structure
n_half_words = synapse_struct.get_n_half_words_per_connection()
half_word = synapse_struct.get_weight_half_word()
if self.__neuromodulation:
n_half_words += 1
half_word = 0
write_row_number_to_header = 0
row_offset = 0
return numpy.array([
synaptic_matrix_offset, delayed_matrix_offset,
max_row_info.undelayed_max_words, max_row_info.delayed_max_words,
synapse_info.synapse_type, n_synapse_type_bits,
n_synapse_index_bits, app_edge.n_delay_stages + 1,
max_delay, max_delay_bits, app_edge.pre_vertex.n_atoms,
max_pre_atoms_per_core, self._n_header_bytes // BYTES_PER_SHORT,
n_half_words, half_word, write_row_number_to_header, row_offset],
def gen_matrix_params_size_in_bytes(self) -> int:
return 19 * BYTES_PER_WORD
def changes_during_run(self) -> bool:
return True
def is_combined_core_capable(self) -> bool:
return self.__neuromodulation is None
def pad_to_length(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.__pad_to_length