# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import functools
import logging
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union,
import numpy
from numpy import void
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypeAlias
from pyNN.recording.files import BaseFile
from pyNN.space import Space as PyNNSpace
from spinn_utilities.config_holder import get_config_bool
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.logger_utils import warn_once
from pacman.model.graphs.application import ApplicationVertex
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spynnaker.pyNN.data import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_models import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections import (
SynapseInformation, ProjectionApplicationEdge)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron import (
AbstractPopulationVertex, ConnectionHolder)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations import Population, PopulationView
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics import (
SynapseDynamicsStatic, AbstractHasParameterNames)
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.spike_source import SpikeSourcePoissonVertex
from spynnaker._version import __version__
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors import (
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.neuron.synapse_dynamics import (
_Pop: TypeAlias = Union[Population, PopulationView]
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
def _we_dont_do_this_now(*args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pragma: no cover
raise NotImplementedError("sPyNNaker does not currently do this")
class Projection(object):
A container for all the connections of a given type (same synapse type and
plasticity mechanisms) between two populations, together with methods to
set parameters of those connections, including of plasticity mechanisms.
# "format" param name defined by PyNN/
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
self, pre_synaptic_population: _Pop,
post_synaptic_population: _Pop, connector: AbstractConnector,
synapse_type: Optional[AbstractSynapseDynamics] = None,
source: None = None, receptor_type: str = "excitatory",
space: Optional[PyNNSpace] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
download_synapses: bool = False,
partition_id: Optional[str] = None):
:param ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationBase \
:param ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationBase \
:param AbstractConnector connector:
:param AbstractSynapseDynamics synapse_type:
:param None source: Unsupported; must be `None`
:param str receptor_type:
:param ~pyNN.space.Space space:
:param str label:
:param bool download_synapses:
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
if source is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"sPyNNaker {__version__} does not yet support "
"multi-compartmental cells.")
pre_is_view = self.__check_population(pre_synaptic_population)
post_is_view = self.__check_population(post_synaptic_population)
# set default label
if label is None:
# set the projection's label to a default (maybe non-unique!)
self.__label = (
f"from pre {pre_synaptic_population.label} "
f"to post {post_synaptic_population.label} "
f"with connector {connector}")
# give an auto generated label for the underlying edge
label = f"projection edge " \
self.__label = label
# Handle default synapse type
if synapse_type is None:
synapse_dynamics: AbstractSynapseDynamics = SynapseDynamicsStatic()
synapse_dynamics = synapse_type
# set the space function as required
if space is None:
space = PyNNSpace()
pre_vertex = pre_synaptic_population._vertex
post_vertex = cast(AbstractPopulationVertex,
if not isinstance(post_vertex, AbstractAcceptsIncomingSynapses):
raise ConfigurationException(
"postsynaptic population is not designed to receive"
" synaptic projections")
# sort out synapse type
synapse_id = post_vertex.get_synapse_id_by_target(receptor_type)
synapse_id_from_dynamics = False
if synapse_id is None:
synapse_id = synapse_dynamics.get_synapse_id_by_target(
synapse_id_from_dynamics = True
if synapse_id is None:
raise ConfigurationException(
f"Synapse target {receptor_type} not found "
f"in {post_synaptic_population.label}")
# as a from-list connector can have plastic parameters, grab those (
# if any) and add them to the synapse dynamics object
if isinstance(connector, FromListConnector):
# set the plasticity dynamics for the post pop (allows plastic stuff
# when needed)
# Set and store synapse information for future processing
self.__synapse_information = SynapseInformation(
connector, pre_synaptic_population, post_synaptic_population,
pre_is_view, post_is_view, synapse_dynamics,
synapse_id, receptor_type, synapse_id_from_dynamics,
synapse_dynamics.weight, synapse_dynamics.delay,
download_synapses, partition_id)
# Set projection information in connector
# Find out if there is an existing edge between the populations
edge_to_merge = self._find_existing_edge(
pre_vertex, post_vertex, self.__synapse_information.partition_id)
if edge_to_merge is not None:
# If there is an existing edge, add the connector
self.__projection_edge = edge_to_merge
# If there isn't an existing edge, create a new one and add it
self.__projection_edge = ProjectionApplicationEdge(
pre_vertex, post_vertex, self.__synapse_information,
# Ensure the connector is happy
self.__projection_edge, self.__synapse_information)
# add projection to the SpiNNaker control system
# If there is a virtual board, we need to hold the data in case the
# user asks for it
self.__virtual_connection_list: Optional[List[NDArray[void]]] = None
if get_config_bool("Machine", "virtual_board"):
self.__virtual_connection_list = list()
None, False, pre_vertex.n_atoms, post_vertex.n_atoms,
# If the target is a population, add to the list of incoming
# projections
if isinstance(post_vertex, AbstractPopulationVertex):
# If the source is a poisson, add to the list of outgoing projections
if isinstance(pre_vertex, SpikeSourcePoissonVertex):
def __check_population(param: _Pop) -> bool:
:param ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationBase param:
:return: Whether the parameter is a view
:rtype: bool
if isinstance(param, Population):
# Projections definitely work from Populations
return False
if not isinstance(param, PopulationView):
raise ConfigurationException(
f"Unexpected parameter type {type(param)}. "
"Expected Population")
# Check whether the array is contiguous or not
if not param._is_contiguous: # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise NotImplementedError(
"Projections over views only work on contiguous arrays, "
"e.g. view = pop[n:m], not view = pop[n,m]")
# Projection is compatible with PopulationView
return True
def get(self, attribute_names: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
format: str, # @ReservedAssignment
gather: Literal[True] = True, with_address: bool = True,
multiple_synapses: Literal['last'] = 'last'):
Get a parameter/attribute of the projection.
.. note::
SpiNNaker always gathers.
:param attribute_names: list of attributes to gather
:type attribute_names: str or iterable(str)
:param str format: ``"list"`` or ``"array"``
:param bool gather: gather over all nodes
:param bool with_address:
True if the source and target are to be included
:param str multiple_synapses:
What to do with the data if format="array" and if the multiple
source-target pairs with the same values exist. Currently only
"last" is supported
:return: values selected
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
if not gather:
logger.warning("sPyNNaker always gathers from every core.")
if multiple_synapses != 'last':
raise ConfigurationException(
"sPyNNaker only recognises multiple_synapses == last")
an = [attribute_names] if isinstance(attribute_names, str) else list(
return self.__get_data(an, format, with_address, notify=None)
def save(
self, attribute_names: Union[str, Sequence[str]],
file: Union[str, BaseFile],
format: str = 'list', # @ReservedAssignment
gather: Literal[True] = True, with_address: bool = True):
Print synaptic attributes (weights, delays, etc.) to file. In the
array format, zeros are printed for non-existent connections.
Values will be expressed in the standard PyNN units (i.e.,
millivolts, nanoamps, milliseconds, microsiemens, nanofarads,
event per second).
.. note::
SpiNNaker always gathers.
:param attribute_names:
:type attribute_names: str or list(str)
:param file: filename or open handle (which will be closed)
:type file: str or pyNN.recording.files.BaseFile
:param str format:
:param bool gather: Ignored
:param bool with_address:
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
if not gather:
logger, "sPyNNaker only supports gather=True. We will run "
"as if gather was set to True.")
if isinstance(attribute_names, str):
attribute_names = [attribute_names]
attribute_names = list(attribute_names)
if len(attribute_names) == 1 and attribute_names[0] in {
'all', 'connections'}:
sd = self._projection_edge.post_vertex.synapse_dynamics
if isinstance(sd, AbstractHasParameterNames):
attribute_names = list(sd.get_parameter_names())
attribute_names = []
metadata = {"columns": attribute_names}
if with_address:
metadata["columns"] = ["i", "j"] + list(metadata["columns"])
attribute_names, format, with_address,
notify=functools.partial(self.__save_callback, file, metadata))
def __get_data(
self, attribute_names: List[str],
format: str, # @ReservedAssignment
with_address: bool,
notify: Optional[Callable[[ConnectionHolder], None]]):
Internal data getter to add notify option.
:param attribute_names: list of attributes to gather
:type attribute_names: str or iterable(str)
:param str format: ``"list"`` or ``"array"``
:param bool with_address:
:param callable(ConnectionHolder,None) notify:
:return: values selected
# fix issue with 1 versus many
if isinstance(attribute_names, str):
attribute_names = [attribute_names]
data_items: List[str] = list()
if format != "list":
with_address = False
if with_address:
if "source" in attribute_names:
"Ignoring request to get source as with_address=True. ")
if "target" in attribute_names:
"Ignoring request to get target as with_address=True. ")
# Split out attributes in to standard versus synapse dynamics data
fixed_values: List[Tuple[str, int]] = list()
for attribute in attribute_names:
if attribute not in {"source", "target", "weight", "delay"}:
value = self._synapse_information.synapse_dynamics.get_value(
fixed_values.append((attribute, value))
# Return the connection data
return self._get_synaptic_data(
format == "list", data_items, fixed_values, notify=notify)
def __save_callback(save_file: Union[str, BaseFile],
metadata: Dict[str, Any], data: ConnectionHolder):
:param save_file:
:type save_file: str or pyNN.recording.files.BaseFile
:param dict(str,object) metadata:
:param data:
:type data: ConnectionHolder or numpy.ndarray
# Convert structured array to normal numpy array
if hasattr(data, "dtype") and hasattr(data.dtype, "names"):
dtype = [(name, "<f8") for name in data.dtype.names]
data = data.astype(dtype)
npdata = numpy.nan_to_num(cast(NDArray, data))
if isinstance(save_file, str):
data_file = open(save_file, mode='wb')
data_file = save_file
header_lines = [
f"# {key} = {value}" for key, value in metadata.items()]
header = "\n".join(header_lines) + '\n'
# write data
numpy.savetxt(data_file, npdata, delimiter='\t')
def pre(self) -> _Pop:
The pre-population or population view.
:rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationBase
return self._synapse_information.pre_population
def post(self) -> _Pop:
The post-population or population view.
:rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationBase
return self._synapse_information.post_population
def label(self) -> str:
:rtype: str
return self.__label
def __repr__(self):
return f"projection {self.__label}"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def _synapse_information(self) -> SynapseInformation:
:rtype: SynapseInformation
return self.__synapse_information
def _projection_edge(self) -> ProjectionApplicationEdge:
:rtype: ProjectionApplicationEdge
return self.__projection_edge
def _find_existing_edge(
self, pre_synaptic_vertex: ApplicationVertex,
post_synaptic_vertex: ApplicationVertex,
partition_id: str) -> Optional[ProjectionApplicationEdge]:
Searches though the graph's edges to locate any
edge which has the same post- and pre- vertex
:param pre_synaptic_vertex: the source vertex of the multapse
:type pre_synaptic_vertex:
:param post_synaptic_vertex: The destination vertex of the multapse
:type post_synaptic_vertex:
:param str partition_id: The partition ID of the edge to find
:return: `None` or the edge going to these vertices.
:rtype: ~.ApplicationEdge
# Find edges ending at the postsynaptic vertex
partitions = (
# Partitions and Partition.edges will be OrderedSet but may be empty
for partition in partitions:
if partition.identifier != partition_id:
for edge in partition.edges:
if edge.post_vertex == post_synaptic_vertex:
return edge
return None
def _get_synaptic_data(
self, as_list: bool, data_to_get: List[str],
fixed_values: List[Tuple[str, int]],
notify: Optional[Callable[[ConnectionHolder], None]]):
:param bool as_list:
:param list(str) data_to_get:
:param list(tuple(str,int)) fixed_values:
:param callable(ConnectionHolder,None) notify:
:rtype: ConnectionHolder
post_vertex = self.__projection_edge.post_vertex
pre_vertex = self.__projection_edge.pre_vertex
# If in virtual board mode, the connection data should be set
if self.__virtual_connection_list is not None:
connection_holder = ConnectionHolder(
data_to_get, as_list, pre_vertex.n_atoms, post_vertex.n_atoms,
self.__virtual_connection_list, fixed_values=fixed_values,
return connection_holder
# if not virtual board, make connection holder to be filled in at
# possible later date
connection_holder = ConnectionHolder(
data_to_get, as_list, pre_vertex.n_atoms, post_vertex.n_atoms,
fixed_values=fixed_values, notify=notify)
# If we haven't run, add the holder to get connections, and return it
# and set up a callback for after run to fill in this connection holder
if not SpynnakerDataView.is_ran_ever():
return connection_holder
# Otherwise, get the connections now, as we have ran and therefore can
# get them
connections = post_vertex.get_connections_from_machine(
self.__projection_edge, self.__synapse_information)
if connections is not None:
return connection_holder
def _clear_cache(self) -> None:
post_vertex = self.__projection_edge.post_vertex
if isinstance(post_vertex, AbstractAcceptsIncomingSynapses):
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def set(self, **attributes): # @UnusedVariable
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
.. warning::
Not implemented.
def size(self, gather=True): # @UnusedVariable
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
Return the total number of connections.
.. note::
SpiNNaker always gathers.
.. warning::
Not implemented.
:param bool gather:
If False, only get the number of connections locally.
def set_download_synapses(self, download_synapses):
Set whether synapses should be downloaded when the simulation pauses.
:param bool download_synapses: Whether to download synapses or not
self.__synapse_information.download_on_pause = download_synapses