Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.protocols.munich_io_spinnaker_link_protocol

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import MultiCastCommand
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException

# K = ignored key at the top of the command
# I = instruction
# F = format
# D = device
_I_MASK = 0x7F0
_F_MASK = 0x8
_D_MASK = 0x7

# UART masks and shifts

def _munich_key(instr_id: int, dim=0, format_bit=0) -> int:
    return ((instr_id << _OFFSET_TO_I) | (format_bit << _OFFSET_TO_F) |
            (dim << _OFFSET_TO_D))

def get_munich_i(key: int) -> int:
    Get the instruction field from the key.

    :param int key:
    :rtype: int
    return key & _I_MASK

def get_munich_f(key: int) -> int:
    Get the format field from the key.
    return key & _F_MASK

def get_munich_d(key: int) -> int:
    Get the device field from the key.
    return key & _D_MASK

def get_retina_i(key: int) -> int:
    Get the key with the UART mask.

    :param int key:
    :rtype: int

def get_push_bot_laser_led_speaker_frequency_i(key: int) -> int:
    Get the instruction field from the key with the I mask.

    :param int key:
    :rtype: int
    return get_munich_i(key)

def get_push_bot_motor_i(key: int) -> int:
    Gets the key without the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter mask.

    :param int payload:
    :rtype: int


# Specific fields in the key

# Payload fields

def GET_RETINA_KEY_VALUE(payload: int) -> int:
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Gets the payload with the retina key mask and offset.

    :param int payload:
    :rtype: int

def GET_RETINA_PAYLOAD_VALUE(payload: int) -> int:
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Gets the payload with the retina payload mask and offset.

    :param int payload:
    :rtype: int
    return (
        (payload & _PAYLOAD_RETINA_PAYLOAD_MASK) >>

#: command key for setting up the master key of the board
CONFIGURE_MASTER_KEY = _munich_key(127, 0)

#: command key for setting up what mode of device running on the board
CHANGE_MODE = _munich_key(127, 1)

#: command for turning off retina output

#: command for retina where payload is events

#: command for retina where events are the key

#: set timer / counter for timestamps

#: handle master / slave time sync
MASTER_SLAVE_KEY = _munich_key(0, 4)

#: command for setting bias (whatever the check that is)
BIAS_KEY = _munich_key(0, 5)

#: reset retina key.
RESET_RETINA_KEY = _munich_key(0, 7)

#: request on-board sensor data
SENSOR_REPORTING_OFF_KEY = _munich_key(1, 0)

#: poll sensors once
POLL_SENSORS_ONCE_KEY = _munich_key(1, 1)

#: poll sensors continuously

#: disable motor
ENABLE_DISABLE_MOTOR_KEY = _munich_key(2, 0)

#: run motor for total period
MOTOR_RUN_FOR_PERIOD_KEY = _munich_key(2, 1)

#: raw output for motor 0 (permanent)
MOTOR_0_RAW_PERM_KEY = _munich_key(2, 4)

#: raw output for motor 1 (permanent)
MOTOR_1_RAW_PERM_KEY = _munich_key(2, 5)

#: raw output for motor 0 (leak towards 0)
MOTOR_0_RAW_LEAK_KEY = _munich_key(2, 6)

#: raw output for motor 1 (leak towards 0)
MOTOR_1_RAW_LEAK_KEY = _munich_key(2, 7)

#: motor output duration timer period
MOTOR_TIMER_A_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY = _munich_key(3, 0)
#: motor output duration timer period
MOTOR_TIMER_B_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY = _munich_key(3, 2)
#: motor output duration timer period
MOTOR_TIMER_C_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY = _munich_key(3, 4)

#: motor output ratio active period
#: motor output ratio active period
#: motor output ratio active period
#: motor output ratio active period
#: motor output ratio active period
#: motor output ratio active period

#: digital IO Signals
QUERY_STATES_LINES_KEY = _munich_key(5, 0)

#: set output pattern to payload
SET_OUTPUT_PATTERN_KEY = _munich_key(5, 1)

#: add payload (logic or (payload)) to current output

#: remove payload (logic or (payload)) to current output from current output

#: set payload pins to high impedance

#: set laser params for PushBot
#: set laser params for PushBot
#: set laser params for PushBot
PUSH_BOT_LASER_FREQUENCY = _munich_key(37, 1)

#: set led params for PushBot
#: set led params for PushBot
#: set led params for PushBot
#: set led params for PushBot
PUSH_BOT_LED_FREQUENCY = _munich_key(37, 0)

#: set speaker params for PushBot
#: set speaker params for PushBot
#: set speaker params for PushBot
PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_TONE_BEEP = _munich_key(36, 0)
#: set speaker params for PushBot
PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_TONE_MELODY = _munich_key(36, 1)

#: PushBot motor control
#: PushBot motor control
#: PushBot motor control
PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_0_LEAKY_VELOCITY = _munich_key(32, 2)
#: PushBot motor control
PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_1_LEAKY_VELOCITY = _munich_key(32, 3)

# payload for master slave

class RetinaKey(Enum):
    The identification, pixels and buts per coordinate for each retina action.
    FIXED_KEY = (0, 128, 7)
    NATIVE_128_X_128 = (1, 128, 7)
    DOWNSAMPLE_64_X_64 = (2, 64, 6)
    DOWNSAMPLE_32_X_32 = (3, 32, 5)
    DOWNSAMPLE_16_X_16 = (4, 16, 4)

    def __init__(self, ident: int, pixels: int, bits_per_coordinate: int):
        self.__ident = ident << _PAYLOAD_RETINA_KEY_OFFSET
        self.__pixels = pixels
        self.__bits_per_coordinate = bits_per_coordinate

    def ident(self) -> int:
        Gets the identification passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__ident

    def n_neurons(self) -> int:
        Gets the number or neurons passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return 2 * (self.__pixels ** 2)

    def pixels(self) -> int:
        Get the pixels passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__pixels

    def bits_per_coordinate(self) -> int:
        Gets the bits per coordinate passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__bits_per_coordinate

class RetinaPayload(Enum):
    The indent and number of payload bytes for retina actions.
    NO_PAYLOAD = (0, 0)
    EVENTS_IN_PAYLOAD = (0, 4)

    def __init__(self, ident: int, n_payload_bytes: int):
        self.__ident = ident << _PAYLOAD_RETINA_PAYLOAD_OFFSET
        self.__n_payload_bytes = n_payload_bytes

    def ident(self) -> int:
        Gets the indent passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__ident

    def n_payload_bytes(self) -> int:
        Gets the n_payload_bytes passed into the init.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__n_payload_bytes

class MUNICH_MODES(Enum):
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Types of modes supported by this protocol.
    PUSH_BOT = 1
    FREE = 5

class MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol(object):
    Provides Multicast commands for the Munich SpiNNaker-Link protocol.
    __slots__ = (

    # The instance of the protocol in use, to ensure that each vertex that is
    # to send commands to the PushBot uses a different outgoing key; the top
    # part of the key is ignored, so this works out!
    _protocol_instance = 0

    # Keeps track of whether the mode has been configured already
    __sent_mode_command = False

    def __init__(self, mode: MUNICH_MODES, instance_key: Optional[int] = None,
                 uart_id: int = 0):
        :param ~spynnaker.pyNN.protocols.MUNICH_MODES mode:
            The mode of operation of the protocol
        :param instance_key: The optional instance key to use
        :type instance_key: int or None
        :param int uart_id: The ID of the UART when needed
        self.__mode = mode

        # Create a key for this instance of the protocol
        # - see above for reasoning
        if instance_key is None:
            self.__instance_key = (
                MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol._protocol_instance <<
            MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol._protocol_instance += 1
            self.__instance_key = instance_key

        self.__uart_id = uart_id

    def mode(self) -> MUNICH_MODES:
        :rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.protocols.MUNICH_MODES
        return self.__mode

    def uart_id(self) -> int:
        :rtype: int
        return self.__uart_id

    def instance_key(self) -> int:
        The key of this instance of the protocol.

        :rtype: int
        return self.__instance_key

[docs] @staticmethod def sent_mode_command() -> bool: """ True if the mode command has ever been requested by any instance. """ return MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol.__sent_mode_command
def _get_key(self, command: int, offset_to_uart_id: Optional[int] = None) -> int: if offset_to_uart_id is None: return command | self.__instance_key return ( command | self.__instance_key | (self.__uart_id << offset_to_uart_id))
[docs] def configure_master_key(self, new_key: int, time: Optional[int] = None): """ Get command to configure master key. :param int new_key: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(CONFIGURE_MASTER_KEY), payload=new_key, time=time)
[docs] def set_mode(self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Gets the set mode. And records it was provided. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ MunichIoSpiNNakerLinkProtocol.__sent_mode_command = True return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(CHANGE_MODE), payload=self.__mode.value, time=time)
@property def set_retina_key_key(self) -> int: """ Get key to set retina key. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( ACTIVE_RETINA_EVENT_STREAMING_SET_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def set_retina_key(self, new_key: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set retina key. :param int new_key: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self.set_retina_key_key, payload=new_key, time=time)
@property def disable_retina_key(self) -> int: """ Get key to disable the retina. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key(DISABLE_RETINA_EVENT_STREAMING, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def disable_retina(self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to disable the retina. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand(self.disable_retina_key, time=time)
[docs] def master_slave_use_internal_counter( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set internal counter used. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MASTER_SLAVE_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=_PAYLOAD_MASTER_SLAVE_USE_INTERNAL_COUNTER, time=time)
[docs] def master_slave_set_slave( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set slave. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MASTER_SLAVE_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=_PAYLOAD_MASTER_SLAVE_SET_SLAVE, time=time)
[docs] def master_slave_set_master_clock_not_started( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set master clock active. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MASTER_SLAVE_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=_PAYLOAD_MASTER_SLAVE_SET_MASTER_CLOCK_NOT_STARTED, time=time)
[docs] def master_slave_set_master_clock_active( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set master clock active. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MASTER_SLAVE_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=_PAYLOAD_MASTER_SLAVE_SET_MASTER_CLOCK_ACTIVE, time=time)
[docs] def bias_values(self, bias_id: int, bias_value: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to bias level. :param int bias_id: :param int bias_value: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(BIAS_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=((bias_id << 0) | (bias_value << 8)), time=time)
[docs] def reset_retina(self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to reset retina. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(RESET_RETINA_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), time=time)
[docs] def turn_off_sensor_reporting( self, sensor_id: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to turn off sensor reporting. :param int sensor_id: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(SENSOR_REPORTING_OFF_KEY), payload=(sensor_id << _PAYLOAD_SENSOR_ID_OFFSET), time=time)
[docs] def poll_sensors_once(self, sensor_id: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to sensor once. :param int sensor_id: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(POLL_SENSORS_ONCE_KEY), payload=(sensor_id << _PAYLOAD_SENSOR_ID_OFFSET), time=time)
[docs] def poll_individual_sensor_continuously( self, sensor_id: int, time_in_ms: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to sensor continuously. :param int sensor_id: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(POLL_SENSORS_CONTINUOUSLY_KEY), payload=((sensor_id << _PAYLOAD_SENSOR_ID_OFFSET) | (time_in_ms << _PAYLOAD_OFFSET_FOR_SENSOR_TIME)), time=time)
@property def enable_disable_motor_key(self) -> int: """ Get key to disable motor. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return self._get_key(ENABLE_DISABLE_MOTOR_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def generic_motor_enable( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to enable motor. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self.enable_disable_motor_key, payload=1, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor_disable( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to disable motor. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self.enable_disable_motor_key, payload=0, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor_total_period( self, time_in_ms: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set motor total period. :param int time_in_ms: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_RUN_FOR_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=time_in_ms, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor0_raw_output_permanent( self, pwm_signal: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set generic motor 0 raw output permanently. :param int pwm_signal: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_0_RAW_PERM_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=pwm_signal, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor1_raw_output_permanent( self, pwm_signal: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set generic motor 1 raw output permanently. :param int pwm_signal: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_1_RAW_PERM_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=pwm_signal, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor0_raw_output_leak_to_0( self, pwm_signal: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set generic motor 0 raw output leak to 0. :param int pwm_signal: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_0_RAW_LEAK_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=pwm_signal, time=time)
[docs] def generic_motor1_raw_output_leak_to_0( self, pwm_signal: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set generic motor 1 raw output leak to 0. :param int pwm_signal: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_1_RAW_LEAK_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=pwm_signal, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_a_duration( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set a output timer duration. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_TIMER_A_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_b_duration( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set b output timer duration. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_TIMER_B_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_c_duration( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set c output timer duration. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(MOTOR_TIMER_C_TOTAL_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_a_channel_0_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set a channel 0 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_A_CHANNEL_0_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_a_channel_1_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set a channel 1 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_A_CHANNEL_1_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_b_channel_0_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set b channel 0 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_B_CHANNEL_0_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_b_channel_1_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set b channel 1 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_B_CHANNEL_1_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_c_channel_0_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set c channel 0 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_C_CHANNEL_0_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def pwm_pin_output_timer_c_channel_1_ratio( self, timer_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set c channel 1 output timer. :param int timer_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key( MOTOR_TIMER_C_CHANNEL_1_ACTIVE_PERIOD_KEY, RETINA_UART_SHIFT), payload=timer_period, time=time)
[docs] def query_state_of_io_lines( self, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to query state of io lines. :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(QUERY_STATES_LINES_KEY), time=time)
[docs] def set_output_pattern_for_payload( self, payload: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set output pattern for payload. :param int payload: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(SET_OUTPUT_PATTERN_KEY), payload=payload, time=time)
[docs] def add_payload_logic_to_current_output( self, payload: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to add payload logic to current output. :param int payload: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(ADD_PAYLOAD_TO_CURRENT_OUTPUT_KEY), payload=payload, time=time)
[docs] def remove_payload_logic_to_current_output( self, payload: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to remove payload logic to current output. :param int payload: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(REMOVE_PAYLOAD_TO_CURRENT_OUTPUT_KEY), payload=payload, time=time)
[docs] def set_payload_pins_to_high_impedance( self, payload: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the payload pins to high impedance. :param int payload: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand """ return MultiCastCommand( self._get_key(SET_PAYLOAD_TO_HIGH_IMPEDANCE_KEY), payload=payload, time=time)
def _check_for_pushbot_mode(self) -> None: if self.__mode is not MUNICH_MODES.PUSH_BOT: raise ConfigurationException( "The mode you configured is not the PushBot, and so this " f"message is invalid for mode {self.__mode}") @property def push_bot_laser_config_total_period_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the laser total period. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LASER_CONFIG_TOTAL_PERIOD, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_laser_config_total_period( self, total_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the laser total period. :param int total period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_laser_config_total_period_key, payload=total_period, time=time)
@property def push_bot_laser_config_active_time_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the laser active time. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LASER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_TIME, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_laser_config_active_time( self, active_time: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the laser active time. :param int frequency: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_laser_config_active_time_key, payload=active_time, time=time)
@property def push_bot_laser_set_frequency_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the frequency. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LASER_FREQUENCY, PUSH_BOT_LASER_LED_SPEAKER_FREQUENCY_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_laser_set_frequency( self, frequency: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the frequency :param int frequency: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_laser_set_frequency_key, payload=frequency, time=time)
@property def push_bot_speaker_config_total_period_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the speaker total period. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_CONFIG_TOTAL_PERIOD, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_speaker_config_total_period( self, total_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the speaker total period. :param int total_period: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_speaker_config_total_period_key, payload=total_period, time=time)
@property def push_bot_speaker_config_active_time_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the speaker active time. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_CONFIG_ACTIVE_TIME, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_speaker_config_active_time( self, active_time: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the speaker active time. :param int active_time: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_speaker_config_active_time_key, payload=active_time, time=time)
@property def push_bot_speaker_set_tone_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the tone. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_TONE_BEEP, PUSH_BOT_LASER_LED_SPEAKER_FREQUENCY_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_speaker_set_tone( self, frequency: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the tone. :param int frequency: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_speaker_set_tone_key, payload=frequency, time=time)
@property def push_bot_speaker_set_melody_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the melody. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_SPEAKER_TONE_MELODY, PUSH_BOT_LASER_LED_SPEAKER_FREQUENCY_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_speaker_set_melody( self, melody: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the melody. :param int melody: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_speaker_set_melody_key, payload=melody, time=time)
@property def push_bot_led_total_period_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the total led period. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LED_CONFIG_TOTAL_PERIOD, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_led_total_period( self, total_period: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the total led period. :param int active_time: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_led_total_period_key, payload=total_period, time=time)
@property def push_bot_led_back_active_time_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the back led active time. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LED_BACK_CONFIG_ACTIVE_TIME, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_led_back_active_time( self, active_time: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the back led active time. :param int active_time: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_led_back_active_time_key, payload=active_time, time=time)
@property def push_bot_led_front_active_time_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the front led active time. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LED_FRONT_CONFIG_ACTIVE_TIME, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_led_front_active_time( self, active_time: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the front led active time. :param int active_time: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_led_front_active_time_key, payload=active_time, time=time)
@property def push_bot_led_set_frequency_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key to set the led frequency. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_LED_FREQUENCY, PUSH_BOT_LASER_LED_SPEAKER_FREQUENCY_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_led_set_frequency( self, frequency: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to set the led frequency :param int frequency: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_led_set_frequency_key, payload=frequency, time=time)
@property def push_bot_motor_0_permanent_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key for the change motor 0 permanently. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_0_PERMANENT_VELOCITY, PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_motor_0_permanent( self, velocity: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to change motor 0 permanently. :param int velocity: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_motor_0_permanent_key, payload=velocity, time=time)
@property def push_bot_motor_1_permanent_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key for the change motor 1 permanently. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_1_PERMANENT_VELOCITY, PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_motor_1_permanent( self, velocity: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to change motor 1 permanently. :param int velocity: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_motor_1_permanent_key, payload=velocity, time=time)
@property def push_bot_motor_0_leaking_towards_zero_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key for the change motor 0 towards zero. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_0_LEAKY_VELOCITY, PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_motor_0_leaking_towards_zero( self, velocity: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to change motor 0 towards zero. :param int velocity: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_motor_0_leaking_towards_zero_key, payload=velocity, time=time)
@property def push_bot_motor_1_leaking_towards_zero_key(self) -> int: """ Gets the key for the change motor 1 towards zero. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_1_LEAKY_VELOCITY, PUSH_BOT_MOTOR_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def push_bot_motor_1_leaking_towards_zero( self, velocity: int, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Get command to change motor 1 towards zero. :param int velocity: :param time: The time within the simulation at which to send the command, or ``None`` if this is not a timed command :type time: int or None :rtype: MultiCastCommand :raises ConfigurationException: If the mode is not PUSH_BOT """ self._check_for_pushbot_mode() return MultiCastCommand( self.push_bot_motor_1_leaking_towards_zero_key, payload=velocity, time=time)
[docs] def sensor_transmission_key(self, sensor_id: int) -> int: """ Get the transmission key to this sensor id. :param int sensor_id: :rtype: int """ return ((sensor_id << _SENSOR_OUTGOING_OFFSET_TO_D) | (self.__uart_id << _SENSOR_OUTGOING_OFFSET_TO_I))
@property def set_retina_transmission_key(self) -> int: """ Get the key to set the retina_transmission. :rtype: int """ return self._get_key( ACTIVE_RETINA_EVENT_STREAMING_KEYS_CONFIGURATION, RETINA_UART_SHIFT)
[docs] def set_retina_transmission( self, retina_key: RetinaKey = RetinaKey.NATIVE_128_X_128, retina_payload: Optional[RetinaPayload] = None, time: Optional[int] = None) -> MultiCastCommand: """ Set the retina transmission key. :param RetinaKey retina_key: the new key for the retina :param retina_payload: the new payload for the set retina key command packet :type retina_payload: RetinaPayload or None :param time: when to transmit this packet :type time: int or float or None :return: the command to send :rtype: ~spinn_front_end_common.utility_models.MultiCastCommand """ retina_key_id = retina_key.ident if retina_key is not None else 0 if retina_payload is None: if retina_key == RetinaKey.FIXED_KEY: retina_payload = RetinaPayload.EVENTS_IN_PAYLOAD else: retina_payload = RetinaPayload.NO_PAYLOAD if (retina_key == RetinaKey.FIXED_KEY and retina_payload != RetinaPayload.EVENTS_IN_PAYLOAD): raise ConfigurationException( "If the Retina Key is FIXED_KEY, the payload must be" " EVENTS_IN_PAYLOAD") return MultiCastCommand( self.set_retina_transmission_key, payload=retina_key_id | retina_payload.ident, time=time)