Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.external_devices_models.icub_retina_device
# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from math import ceil, log2
from typing import Dict, Optional
import logging
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from pacman.model.graphs.application import Application2DSpiNNakerLinkVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.common import Slice
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
from pacman.model.routing_info.base_key_and_mask import BaseKeyAndMask
from pacman.utilities.constants import BITS_IN_KEY
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import is_power_of_2
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
class ICUBRetinaDevice(Application2DSpiNNakerLinkVertex):
An ICUB retina device connected to SpiNNaker using a SpiNNakerLink.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, base_key: int = 0, width: int = DEFAULT_WIDTH,
height: int = DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
sub_width: int = 16, sub_height: int = 16,
spinnaker_link_id: int = 0,
board_address: Optional[str] = None):
:param int base_key: The key that is common over the whole vertex
:param int width: The width of the retina in pixels
:param int height: The height of the retina in pixels
:param int sub_width:
The width of rectangles to split the retina into for efficiency of
:param int sub_height:
The height of rectangles to split the retina into for efficiency of
:param int spinnaker_link_id:
The ID of the SpiNNaker link that the device is connected to
:param board_address:
The board to which the device is connected,
or `None` for the first board
:type board_address: str or None
# Fake the width if not a power of 2, as we need this for the sake
# of passing on to other 2D vertices. This will map the pixels onto
# an image that is bigger than the real image size so will have blank
# sections that are never used. This could result in more cores than
# necessary being used by downstream populations, but this is hard to
# avoid!
if not is_power_of_2(width):
if width == DEFAULT_WIDTH:
width = 2 ** int(ceil(log2(width)))
"The width of the ICUB retina has been rounded up from {}"
" to {}. This is to ensure that the coordinates are"
" mapped correcting in following Populations. Note that"
" this might mean that these Populations then also need to"
" be bigger to match this (and you might get an error"
" message for some e.g. Convolutional populations)",
raise ConfigurationException(
"The width of the ICUB retina must be a power of 2. If"
" the real retina size is less than this, please round it"
" up. This will ensure that following Populations can"
" decode the spikes correctly. Note that you will also"
" have to make the sizes of the following Populations"
" bigger to match!")
# Call the super
width, height, sub_width, sub_height, spinnaker_link_id,
board_address, incoming=True, outgoing=True)
# A dictionary to get vertex index from FPGA and slice
self.__index_by_slice: Dict[Slice, int] = dict()
self.__base_key = base_key
def get_incoming_slice(self, index: int) -> Slice:
vertex_slice = super().get_incoming_slice(index)
self.__index_by_slice[vertex_slice] = index
return vertex_slice
def get_machine_fixed_key_and_mask(
self, machine_vertex: MachineVertex,
partition_id: str) -> BaseKeyAndMask:
vertex_slice = machine_vertex.vertex_slice
index = self.__index_by_slice[vertex_slice]
return self._get_key_and_mask(self.__base_key, index)
def get_fixed_key_and_mask(self, partition_id: str) -> BaseKeyAndMask:
n_key_bits = BITS_IN_KEY - self._key_shift
key_mask = ((1 << n_key_bits) - 1) << self._key_shift
return BaseKeyAndMask(self.__base_key << self._key_shift, key_mask)
def _source_x_mask(self) -> int:
return ((1 << self._x_bits) - 1) << 1
def _source_x_shift(self) -> int:
return 1
def _source_y_mask(self) -> int:
return ((1 << self._y_bits) - 1) << 12
def _source_y_shift(self) -> int:
return 12
def _key_shift(self) -> int:
return 20