# Copyright (c) 2021 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineFPGAVertex
from pacman.model.graphs.application import (
Application2DFPGAVertex, FPGAConnection)
from pacman.model.graphs.common import Slice
from pacman.model.graphs.machine import MachineVertex
from pacman.model.routing_info import BaseKeyAndMask, RoutingInfo
from pacman.utilities.constants import BITS_IN_KEY
from pacman.utilities.utility_calls import is_power_of_2
from spinn_front_end_common.abstract_models import (
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utility_models import MultiCastCommand
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.common import PopulationApplicationVertex
from .spif_devices import (
set_field_mask, set_field_shift, set_field_limit,
set_filter_mask, set_filter_value, set_mapper_key,
set_input_key, set_input_mask, set_input_route)
class SPIFRetinaDevice(
Application2DFPGAVertex, PopulationApplicationVertex,
A retina device connected to SpiNNaker using a SPIF board.
#: SPIF outputs to 8 FPGA output links, so we split into (2 x 4), meaning
#: a mask of (1 x 3)
Y_MASK = 1
#: See Y_MASK for description
X_MASK = 3
#: The number of X values per row
#: The number of devices in existence, to work out the key
__n_devices = 0
__slots__ = (
def __issue_device_id(cls, base_key):
if base_key is None:
base_key = cls.__n_devices
cls.__n_devices += 1
return base_key
def __init__(self, pipe, width, height, sub_width, sub_height,
base_key=None, input_x_shift=16, input_y_shift=0,
board_address=None, chip_coords=None):
:param int pipe: Which pipe on SPIF the retina is connected to
:param int width: The width of the retina in pixels
:param int height: The height of the retina in pixels
:param int sub_width:
The width of rectangles to split the retina into for efficiency of
:param int sub_height:
The height of rectangles to split the retina into for efficiency of
:param base_key:
The key that is common over the whole vertex,
or `None` to use the pipe number as the key
:type base_key: int or None
:param int input_x_shift:
The shift to get the x coordinate from the input keys sent to SPIF
:param int input_y_shift:
The shift to get the y coordinate from the input keys sent to SPIF
:param board_address:
The IP address of the board to which the FPGA is connected,
or `None` to use the default board or chip_coords.
.. note::
chip_coords will be used first if both are specified, with
board_address then being used if the coordinates don't connect
to an FPGA.
:type board_address: str or None
:param chip_coords:
The coordinates of the chip to which the FPGA is connected, or
`None` to use the default board or board_address.
.. note::
chip_coords will be used first if board_address is also
specified, with board_address then being used if the
coordinates don't connect to an FPGA.
:type chip_coords: tuple(int, int) or None
# Do some checks
if sub_width < self.X_MASK + 1 or sub_height < self.Y_MASK + 1:
raise ConfigurationException(
"The sub-squares must be >=4 x >= 2"
f" ({sub_width} x {sub_height} specified)")
if pipe >= N_PIPES:
raise ConfigurationException(
f"Pipe {pipe} is bigger than maximum allowed {N_PIPES}")
# The width has to be a power of 2 as otherwise the keys will not line
# up correctly (x is at the least significant bit of the key,
# so key then has an x # field).
# This is an error here as it affects the downstream
# population calculations also!
if not is_power_of_2(width):
raise ConfigurationException(
"The width of the SPIF retina must be a power of 2. If the"
" real retina size is less than this, please round it up."
" This will ensure that following Populations can decode the"
" spikes correctly. Note that you will also have to make the"
" sizes of the following Populations bigger to match!")
# Call the super
width, height, sub_width, sub_height,
self.__incoming_fpgas(board_address, chip_coords),
self.__outgoing_fpga(board_address, chip_coords))
# The mask is going to be made up of:
# | K | P | Y_I | Y_0 | Y_F | X_I | X_0 | X_F |
# K = base key
# P = polarity (0 as not cared about)
# Y_I = y index of sub-square
# Y_0 = 0s for values not cared about in Y
# Y_F = FPGA y index
# X_I = x index of sub-square
# X_0 = 0s for values not cared about in X
# X_F = FPGA x index
# Now - go calculate:
x_bits = self._x_bits
y_bits = self._y_bits
# Mask to apply to route packets at input
n_key_bits = BITS_IN_KEY - self._key_shift
key_mask = (1 << n_key_bits) - 1
self.__spif_mask = (
(key_mask << self._key_shift) +
(self.Y_MASK << self._source_y_shift) +
(self.X_MASK << self._source_x_shift))
# A dictionary to get vertex index from FPGA and slice
self.__index_by_slice = dict()
self.__pipe = pipe
self.__base_key = self.__issue_device_id(base_key)
# Generate the shifts and masks to convert the SPIF Ethernet inputs to
# PYX format
self.__input_x_mask = ((1 << x_bits) - 1) << input_x_shift
self.__input_x_shift = self.__unsigned(input_x_shift)
self.__input_y_mask = ((1 << y_bits) - 1) << input_y_shift
self.__input_y_shift = self.__unsigned(input_y_shift - x_bits)
def __unsigned(n):
return n & 0xFFFFFFFF
def __incoming_fpgas(self, board_address, chip_coords):
Get the incoming FPGA connections.
:rtype: list(FPGAConnection)
# We use every other odd link
return [FPGAConnection(SPIF_FPGA_ID, i, board_address, chip_coords)
def __outgoing_fpga(self, board_address, chip_coords):
Get the outgoing FPGA connection (for commands).
:rtype: FGPA_Connection
return FPGAConnection(
SPIF_FPGA_ID, SPIF_OUTPUT_FPGA_LINK, board_address, chip_coords)
def __fpga_indices(self, fpga_link_id):
# We use every other odd link, so we can work out the "index" of the
# link in the list as follows, and we can then split the index into
# x and y components
fpga_index = (fpga_link_id - 1) // 2
fpga_x_index = fpga_index % self.X_PER_ROW
fpga_y_index = fpga_index // self.X_PER_ROW
return fpga_x_index, fpga_y_index
def get_incoming_slice_for_link(
self, link: FPGAConnection, index: int) -> Slice:
vertex_slice = super().get_incoming_slice_for_link(link, index)
self.__index_by_slice[link.fpga_link_id, vertex_slice] = index
return vertex_slice
def get_machine_fixed_key_and_mask(
self, machine_vertex: MachineVertex,
partition_id: str) -> BaseKeyAndMask:
assert isinstance(machine_vertex, MachineFPGAVertex)
fpga_link_id = machine_vertex.fpga_link_id
vertex_slice = machine_vertex.vertex_slice
index = self.__index_by_slice[fpga_link_id, vertex_slice]
key_and_mask = self._get_key_and_mask(self.__base_key, index)
fpga_x, fpga_y = self.__fpga_indices(fpga_link_id)
# Build the key from the components
fpga_key = key_and_mask.key + (
(fpga_y << self._source_y_shift) +
(fpga_x << self._source_x_shift))
fpga_mask = key_and_mask.mask | self.__spif_mask
return BaseKeyAndMask(fpga_key, fpga_mask)
def get_fixed_key_and_mask(self, partition_id: str) -> BaseKeyAndMask:
n_key_bits = BITS_IN_KEY - self._key_shift
key_mask = ((1 << n_key_bits) - 1) << self._key_shift
return BaseKeyAndMask(self.__base_key << self._key_shift, key_mask)
def start_resume_commands(self) -> Iterable[MultiCastCommand]:
# Make sure everything has stopped
commands = [SpiNNFPGARegister.STOP.cmd()]
# Clear the counters
# Configure the creation of packets from fields to keys using the
# "standard" input to SPIF (X | P | Y) and convert to (Y | X)
set_field_mask(self.__pipe, 0, self.__input_x_mask),
set_field_shift(self.__pipe, 0, self.__input_x_shift),
set_field_limit(self.__pipe, 0,
(self.width - 1) << self._source_x_shift),
set_field_mask(self.__pipe, 1, self.__input_y_mask),
set_field_shift(self.__pipe, 1, self.__input_y_shift),
set_field_limit(self.__pipe, 1,
(self.height - 1) << self._source_y_shift),
# These are unused but set them to be sure
set_field_mask(self.__pipe, 2, 0),
set_field_shift(self.__pipe, 2, 0),
set_field_limit(self.__pipe, 2, 0),
set_field_mask(self.__pipe, 3, 0),
set_field_shift(self.__pipe, 3, 0),
set_field_limit(self.__pipe, 3, 0)
# Don't filter
set_filter_mask(self.__pipe, i, 0) for i in range(N_FILTERS)
set_filter_value(self.__pipe, i, 1) for i in range(N_FILTERS)
# Configure the output routing key
self.__pipe, self.__base_key << self._key_shift))
# Configure the links to send packets to the 8 FPGAs using the
# lower bits
set_input_key(self.__pipe, i, self.__spif_key(15 - (i * 2)))
for i in range(8))
set_input_mask(self.__pipe, i, self.__spif_mask)
for i in range(8))
set_input_route(self.__pipe, i, i)
for i in range(8))
# Send the start signal
return commands
def __spif_key(self, fpga_link_id):
x, y = self.__fpga_indices(fpga_link_id)
return ((self.__base_key << self._key_shift) +
(x << self._source_x_shift) +
(y << self._source_y_shift))
def pause_stop_commands(self) -> Iterable[MultiCastCommand]:
# Send the stop signal
yield SpiNNFPGARegister.STOP.cmd()
def timed_commands(self) -> List[MultiCastCommand]:
return []
def get_atom_key_map(
self, pre_vertex: MachineVertex, partition_id: str,
routing_info: RoutingInfo) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]:
# Work out which machine vertex
x_start, y_start = pre_vertex.vertex_slice.start
key_and_mask = self.get_machine_fixed_key_and_mask(
pre_vertex, partition_id)
x_end = x_start + self.sub_width
y_end = y_start + self.sub_height
key_x = (key_and_mask.key >> self._source_x_shift) & self.X_MASK
key_y = (key_and_mask.key >> self._source_y_shift) & self.Y_MASK
neuron_id = (pre_vertex.vertex_slice.lo_atom +
(key_y * self.X_PER_ROW) + key_x)
for x in range(x_start, x_end, self.X_MASK + 1):
for y in range(y_start, y_end, self.Y_MASK + 1):
key = (key_and_mask.key | (x << self._source_x_shift) |
(y << self._source_y_shift))
yield (neuron_id, key)
neuron_id += self.X_PER_ROW