Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.models.common.neuron_recorder

# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
import logging
import math
import numpy
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from pacman.model.resources.variable_sdram import VariableSDRAM
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.ds import DataType
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.constants import (
from import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.buffer_data_type import BufferDataType

logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))

# The number to add to generate that all neurons are in the given state

# The number to add to generate that all neurons are recorded

# The flag to add to generate that the count is recorded
_RECORDED_FLAG = 0x80000000

# The flag (or lack thereof) to add to generate that the count is not recorded
_NOT_RECORDED_FLAG = 0x00000000

class _ReadOnlyDict(dict):
    def __readonly__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify ReadOnlyDict")

    __setitem__ = __readonly__
    __delitem__ = __readonly__
    pop = __readonly__
    popitem = __readonly__
    clear = __readonly__
    update = __readonly__
    setdefault = __readonly__
    del __readonly__

def get_sampling_interval(sampling_rate):
    Return the current sampling interval given a sampling rate.

    :param float sampling_rate: The sampling rate in time steps
    :return: Sampling interval in microseconds
    :rtype: float
    return sampling_rate * SpynnakerDataView.get_simulation_time_step_ms()

class NeuronRecorder(object):
    __slots__ = [


    #: size of a index in terms of position into recording array
    _N_BYTES_PER_INDEX = DataType.UINT16.size  # currently uint16

    #: size of the counter for spike recording

    #: size of the increment for spike recording

    # sampling temporal value size (how many ticks between recordings)
    _SARK_BLOCK_SIZE = 2 * BYTES_PER_WORD  # Seen in sark.c

    #: size of the counter for outstanding recording

    #: number of items types (currently non-bitfield and bitfield)
    _N_ITEM_TYPES = 2

    #: flag for spikes
    SPIKES = "spikes"

    #: packets-per-timestep
    PACKETS = "packets-per-timestep"

    #: packets-per-timestep data type
    PACKETS_TYPE = DataType.UINT32

    #: rewiring
    REWIRING = "rewiring"

    #: rewiring data type

    #: max_rewires
    MAX_REWIRES = "max_rewires"

    _MAX_RATE = 2 ** 32 - 1  # To allow a unit32_t to be used to store the rate

    def __init__(
            self, allowed_variables, data_types, bitfield_variables,
            n_neurons, per_timestep_variables, per_timestep_datatypes,
            events_per_core_variables, events_per_core_datatypes):
        :param list(str) allowed_variables:
        :param dict(str,~data_specification.enums.DataType) data_types:
        :param list(str) bitfield_variables:
        :param int n_neurons:
        :param list(str) per_timestep_variables:
        :param per_timestep_datatypes:
        :type per_timestep_datatypes:
        :param list(str) events_per_core_variables:
        :param events_per_core_datatypes:
        :type events_per_core_datatypes:
        self.__sampling_rates = dict()
        self.__indexes = dict()
        self.__data_types = data_types
        self.__n_neurons = n_neurons
        self.__bitfield_variables = bitfield_variables

        self.__per_timestep_variables = per_timestep_variables
        self.__per_timestep_datatypes = per_timestep_datatypes
        self.__per_timestep_recording = set()

        self.__events_per_core_variables = events_per_core_variables
        self.__events_per_core_datatypes = events_per_core_datatypes
        self.__events_per_core_recording = set()
        self.__events_per_ts = dict()
        self.__events_per_ts[self.MAX_REWIRES] = 0  # record('all')

        # Get info on variables like these
        for variable in itertools.chain(allowed_variables, bitfield_variables):
            self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0
            self.__indexes[variable] = None

        # Get region ids for all variables
        self.__region_ids = dict()
        for region_id, variable in enumerate(itertools.chain(
                    allowed_variables, bitfield_variables,
                    events_per_core_variables, per_timestep_variables)):
            self.__region_ids[variable] = region_id

        self.__offset_added = False

[docs] def add_region_offset(self, offset): """ Add an offset to the regions. Used when there are multiple recorders on a single core. :param int offset: The offset to add """ if not self.__offset_added: self.__region_ids = dict( (var, region + offset) for var, region in self.__region_ids.items()) self.__offset_added = True
[docs] def get_region(self, variable): """ Get the region of a variable. :param str variable: The variable to get the region of :rtype: int """ return self.__region_ids[variable]
def _rate_and_count_per_slice(self, variable, vertex_slice): if variable not in self.__sampling_rates: return None, None if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: return 0, 0 if self.__indexes[variable] is None: return self.__sampling_rates[variable], vertex_slice.n_atoms count = sum(vertex_slice.lo_atom <= index <= vertex_slice.hi_atom for index in self.__indexes[variable]) if count: return self.__sampling_rates[variable], count return 0, 0 def _max_recording_per_slice(self, variable, n_atoms): """ :param str variable: :param int n_atoms: """ if variable not in self.__sampling_rates: return None if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: return 0 if self.__indexes[variable] is None: return n_atoms indices = self.__indexes[variable] max_index = numpy.amax(indices) existence = numpy.zeros(max_index + 1) existence[indices] = 1 splits = numpy.arange(n_atoms, max_index + 1, n_atoms) split_array = numpy.array_split(existence, splits) return max([numpy.sum(s) for s in split_array])
[docs] def neurons_recording(self, variable, vertex_slice): """ :param str variable: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: None or iterable(int) """ if variable not in self.__sampling_rates: return None if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: return [] if self.__indexes[variable] is None: return vertex_slice.get_raster_ids() all_set = set(self.__indexes[variable]) ids = set(vertex_slice.get_raster_ids()) local_list = list(all_set.intersection(ids)) local_list.sort() return local_list
def _convert_placement_matrix_data( self, row_data, n_rows, data_row_length, n_neurons, data_type): surplus_bytes = self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP var_data = (row_data[:, surplus_bytes:].reshape( n_rows * data_row_length)) placement_data = data_type.decode_array(var_data).reshape( n_rows, n_neurons) return placement_data @staticmethod def _process_missing_data( missing_str, placement, expected_rows, n_neurons, times, sampling_rate, label, placement_data, region): missing_str += f"({placement.x}, {placement.y}, {placement.p}); " # Start the fragment for this slice empty fragment = numpy.empty((expected_rows, n_neurons)) for i in range(0, expected_rows): time = i * sampling_rate # Check if there is data for this time step local_indexes = numpy.where(times == time) if len(local_indexes[0]) == 1: fragment[i] = placement_data[local_indexes[0]] elif len(local_indexes[0]) > 1: fragment[i] = placement_data[local_indexes[0][0]] logger.warning( "Population {} has multiple recorded data for time {}" " in region {} ", label, time, region) else: # Set row to nan fragment[i] = numpy.full(n_neurons, numpy.nan) return fragment def _get_placement_matrix_data( self, vertex, region, expected_rows, missing_str, sampling_rate, label, data_type, n_per_timestep): """ Processes a placement for matrix data. :param ~pacman.model.placements.Placements placements: the placements object :param ~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex vertex: the vertex to read from :param int region: the recording region id :param int expected_rows: how many rows the tools think should be recorded :param str missing_str: string for reporting missing stuff :param int sampling_rate: the rate of sampling :param str label: the vertex label. :return: placement data :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ placement = SpynnakerDataView.get_placement_of_vertex(vertex) if n_per_timestep == 0: return None # for buffering output info is taken form the buffer manager buffer_manager = SpynnakerDataView.get_buffer_manager() record_raw, missing_data = buffer_manager.get_data_by_placement( placement, region) record_length = len(record_raw) # If there is no data, return empty for all timesteps if record_length == 0: return numpy.zeros((expected_rows, n_per_timestep), dtype="float64") # There is one column for time and one for each neuron recording data_row_length = n_per_timestep * data_type.size full_row_length = data_row_length + self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP n_rows = record_length // full_row_length row_data = numpy.asarray(record_raw, dtype="uint8").reshape( n_rows, full_row_length) placement_data = self._convert_placement_matrix_data( row_data, n_rows, data_row_length, n_per_timestep, data_type) # If everything is there, return it if not missing_data and n_rows == expected_rows: return placement_data # Got data but its missing bits, so get times time_bytes = ( row_data[:, 0: self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP].reshape( n_rows * self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP)) times = time_bytes.view("<i4").reshape(n_rows, 1) # process data from core for missing data placement_data = self._process_missing_data( missing_str, placement, expected_rows, n_per_timestep, times, sampling_rate, label, placement_data, region) return placement_data
[docs] def get_recorded_indices(self, application_vertex, variable): """ Get the indices being recorded for a given variable. :param application_vertex: The vertex being recorded :type application_vertex: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex :param str variable: The name of the variable to get the indices of :rtype: list(int) """ if variable not in self.__sampling_rates: return [] if self.__indexes[variable] is None: return range(application_vertex.n_atoms) return self.__indexes[variable]
[docs] def get_sampling_interval_ms(self, variable): """ Get the sampling interval of a variable. :param str variable: The variable to get the sampling interval of :rtype: float """ if (variable in self.__per_timestep_variables or variable in self.__events_per_core_variables): return get_sampling_interval(1) return get_sampling_interval(self.__sampling_rates[variable])
[docs] def get_buffer_data_type(self, variable): """ :param str variable: :rtype: BufferDataType """ if variable == self.SPIKES: return BufferDataType.NEURON_SPIKES elif variable == self.REWIRING: return BufferDataType.REWIRES elif variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unexpected Event variable: {variable}") else: return BufferDataType.MATRIX
[docs] def get_data_type(self, variable): """ :param str variable: :rtype: ~data_specification.enums.DataType """ if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: return self.__per_timestep_datatypes[variable] if variable in self.__data_types: return self.__data_types[variable] return None
[docs] def get_recordable_variables(self): """ :rtype: iterable(str) """ variables = list(self.__sampling_rates.keys()) variables.extend(self.__events_per_core_variables) variables.extend(self.__per_timestep_variables) return variables
[docs] def get_event_recordable_variables(self): """ :rtype: iterable(str) """ variables = list(self.__events_per_core_variables) return variables
[docs] def is_recording(self, variable): """ :param str variable: :rtype: bool """ try: return self.__sampling_rates[variable] > 0 except KeyError: if (variable in self.__events_per_core_recording or variable in self.__per_timestep_recording): return True return False
[docs] def is_recordable(self, variable): """ Identify if the given variable can be recorded. :param str variable: The variable to check for :rtype: bool """ return (variable in self.__sampling_rates or variable in self.__per_timestep_variables or variable in self.__events_per_core_variables)
@property def recording_variables(self): """ :rtype: list(str) """ results = list() for variable, rate in self.__sampling_rates.items(): if rate > 0: results.append(variable) for variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: if variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: results.append(variable) for variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: if variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: results.append(variable) return results @property def recorded_region_ids(self): """ :rtype: list(int) """ results = list() for variable, rate in self.__sampling_rates.items(): if rate > 0: results.append(self.__region_ids[variable]) # events per core regions come after normal regions for variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: if variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: results.append(self.__region_ids[variable]) # Per timestep regions come next for variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: if variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: results.append(self.__region_ids[variable]) return results def _is_recording(self, variable, vertex_slice): """ :param str variable: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: bool """ # event per core and per_timestep variables are not recorded by slice, # so True if present if variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: return True if variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: return True if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: return False if self.__indexes[variable] is None: return True indexes = self.__indexes[variable] for index in range(vertex_slice.lo_atom, vertex_slice.hi_atom+1): if index in indexes: return True return False
[docs] def recorded_ids_by_slice(self, vertex_slice): """ :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: list(int) """ variables = [ self.__region_ids[variable] for variable in self.__sampling_rates if self._is_recording(variable, vertex_slice)] # event per core variables are always defined, but the region is # declared after the other variables variables.extend([ self.__region_ids[variable] for variable in self.__events_per_core_variables if variable in self.__events_per_core_recording]) # per-timestep variables are always defined, but the region is declared # after the other variables variables.extend([ self.__region_ids[variable] for variable in self.__per_timestep_variables if variable in self.__per_timestep_recording]) return variables
def _compute_rate(self, sampling_interval): """ Convert a sampling interval into a rate. Remember, machine time step is in nanoseconds :param int sampling_interval: interval between samples in microseconds :return: rate :rtype: int """ if sampling_interval is None: return 1 step = SpynnakerDataView.get_simulation_time_step_ms() rate = int(sampling_interval / step) if sampling_interval != rate * step: raise ConfigurationException( f"sampling_interval {sampling_interval} is not an an " f"integer multiple of the simulation timestep {step}") if rate > self._MAX_RATE: raise ConfigurationException( f"sampling_interval {sampling_interval} higher than " f"max allowed which is {step * self._MAX_RATE}") return rate
[docs] def check_indexes(self, indexes): """ :param list(int) indexes: """ if indexes is None: return if len(indexes) == 0: raise ConfigurationException("Empty indexes list") found = False warning = None for index in indexes: if index < 0: raise ConfigurationException( "Negative indexes are not supported") elif index >= self.__n_neurons: warning = "Ignoring indexes greater than population size." else: found = True if warning is not None: logger.warning("{}", warning) if not found: raise ConfigurationException( "All indexes larger than population size")
def __check_per_timestep_params( self, variable, sampling_interval, indexes): """ Check if certain parameters have been provided for a per-timestep variable and if so, raise an Exception. :param str variable: :param int sampling_interval: :param iterable(int) indexes: """ if sampling_interval is not None: raise ValueError( f"Variable {variable} does not support a sampling interval") if indexes is not None: raise ValueError( f"Variable {variable} can only be recorded " "on the whole population") def __check_events_per_core_params( self, variable, sampling_interval, indexes): """ Check if certain parameters have been provided for an events-per-core variable and if so, raise an Exception. :param str variable: :param int sampling_interval: :param iterable(int) indexes: """ if sampling_interval is not None: raise ValueError( f"Variable {variable} does not support a sampling interval") if indexes is not None: raise ValueError( f"Variable {variable} can only be recorded " "on the whole population") def _turn_off_recording(self, variable, sampling_interval, remove_indexes): """ :param str variable: :param int sampling_interval: :param iterable(int) remove_indexes: """ # If a per-timestep variable, remove it and return if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: if variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: self.__per_timestep_recording.remove(variable) return # If an events-per-core variable, remove it and return if variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: if variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: self.__events_per_core_recording.remove(variable) return if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: # Already off so ignore other parameters return if remove_indexes is None: # turning all off so ignoring sampling interval self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0 self.__indexes[variable] = None return # No good reason to specify_interval when turning off if sampling_interval is not None: rate = self._compute_rate(sampling_interval) # But if they do make sure it is the same as before if rate != self.__sampling_rates[variable]: raise ConfigurationException( "Illegal sampling_interval parameter while turning " "off recording") if self.__indexes[variable] is None: # start with all indexes self.__indexes[variable] = range(self.__n_neurons) # remove the indexes not recording self.__indexes[variable] = [ index for index in self.__indexes[variable] if index not in remove_indexes] # Check is at least one index still recording if len(self.__indexes[variable]) == 0: self.__sampling_rates[variable] = 0 self.__indexes[variable] = None def _check_complete_overwrite(self, variable, indexes): """ :param str variable: :param iterable(int) indexes: """ if indexes is None: # overwriting all OK! return if self.__indexes[variable] is None: if set(range(self.__n_neurons)).issubset(set(indexes)): # overwriting all previous so OK! return else: if set(self.__indexes[variable]).issubset(set(indexes)): # overwriting all previous so OK! return raise ConfigurationException( "Current implementation does not support multiple " f"sampling_intervals for {variable} on one population.") def _turn_on_recording(self, variable, sampling_interval, indexes): """ :param str variable: :param int sampling_interval: :param iterable(int) indexes: """ # If a per-timestep variable, update if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: self.__check_per_timestep_params( variable, sampling_interval, indexes) self.__per_timestep_recording.add(variable) return # If an events-per-core variable, update if variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: self.__check_events_per_core_params( variable, sampling_interval, indexes) self.__events_per_core_recording.add(variable) return rate = self._compute_rate(sampling_interval) if self.__sampling_rates[variable] == 0: # Previously not recording so OK self.__sampling_rates[variable] = rate elif rate != self.__sampling_rates[variable]: self._check_complete_overwrite(variable, indexes) # else rate not changed so no action if indexes is None: # previous recording indexes does not matter as now all (None) self.__indexes[variable] = None else: # make sure indexes is not a generator like range indexes = list(indexes) self.check_indexes(indexes) if self.__indexes[variable] is not None: # merge the two indexes indexes = self.__indexes[variable] + indexes # Avoid duplicates and keep in numerical order self.__indexes[variable] = list(set(indexes)) self.__indexes[variable].sort()
[docs] def set_recording(self, variable, new_state, sampling_interval=None, indexes=None): """ :param str variable: PyNN variable name :param bool new_state: :param int sampling_interval: :param iterable(int) indexes: """ if variable == "all": for key in self.__sampling_rates.keys(): self.set_recording(key, new_state, sampling_interval, indexes) for var in self.__events_per_core_variables: # Skip the unsupported items for an events-per-core variable self.set_recording(var, new_state) for var in self.__per_timestep_variables: # Skip the unsupported items for a per-timestep variable self.set_recording(var, new_state) elif (variable in self.__sampling_rates or variable in self.__per_timestep_variables or variable in self.__events_per_core_variables): if new_state: self._turn_on_recording(variable, sampling_interval, indexes) else: self._turn_off_recording(variable, sampling_interval, indexes) else: raise ConfigurationException( f"Variable {variable} is not supported")
[docs] def get_region_sizes(self, vertex_slice): """ Get the sizes of the regions for the variables, whether they are recorded or not, with those that are not having a size of 0. :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: list(int) """ values = list() for variable in itertools.chain( self.__sampling_rates, self.__events_per_core_variables, self.__per_timestep_variables): values.append(self.get_buffered_sdram( variable, vertex_slice)) return values
[docs] def write_neuron_recording_region( self, spec, neuron_recording_region, vertex_slice): """ Recording data specification. :param ~data_specification.DataSpecificationGenerator spec: where to write the data specification :param int neuron_recording_region: the recording region :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: the vertex slice """ spec.switch_write_focus(neuron_recording_region) # Write the number of variables and bitfields (ignore per-timestep) n_vars = len(self.__sampling_rates) - len(self.__bitfield_variables) spec.write_value(data=n_vars) spec.write_value(data=len(self.__bitfield_variables)) # Write the recording data recording_data = self._get_data(vertex_slice) spec.write_array(recording_data)
def _get_buffered_sdram_per_record(self, variable, n_neurons): """ Return the SDRAM used per record. :param str variable: PyNN variable name :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: usage :rtype: int """ if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: if variable not in self.__per_timestep_recording: return 0 size = self.__per_timestep_datatypes[variable].size return self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + size if variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: if variable not in self.__events_per_core_recording: return 0 size = self.__events_per_core_datatypes[variable].size return self.__events_per_ts[self.MAX_REWIRES] * ( self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + size) if n_neurons == 0: return 0 if variable in self.__bitfield_variables: # Overflow can be ignored as it is not save if in an extra word out_spike_words = int(math.ceil(n_neurons / BITS_PER_WORD)) out_spike_bytes = out_spike_words * BYTES_PER_WORD return self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + out_spike_bytes else: size = self.__data_types[variable].size return self._N_BYTES_FOR_TIMESTAMP + (n_neurons * size)
[docs] def get_buffered_sdram_per_record( self, variable, vertex_slice): """ Return the SDRAM used per record. :param str variable: PyNN variable name :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: usage :rtype: int """ _, n_neurons = self._rate_and_count_per_slice(variable, vertex_slice) return self._get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, n_neurons)
[docs] def get_max_buffered_sdram_per_record(self, variable, n_atoms): """ Return the SDRAM used per record. :param str variable: PyNN variable name :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: usage :rtype: int """ n_neurons = self._max_recording_per_slice(variable, n_atoms) return self._get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, n_neurons)
[docs] def get_buffered_sdram_per_timestep( self, variable, vertex_slice): """ Return the SDRAM used per timestep. In the case where sampling is used it returns the average for recording and none recording based on the recording rate :param str variable: PyNN variable name :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: usage :rtype: int """ if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: if variable not in self.__per_timestep_recording: return 0 rate = 1 elif variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: if variable not in self.__events_per_core_recording: return 0 rate = 1 else: rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable] if rate == 0: return 0 data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice) if rate == 1: return data_size else: return data_size // rate
[docs] def get_sampling_overflow_sdram(self, vertex_slice): """ Get the extra SDRAM that should be reserved if using per_timestep. This is the extra that must be reserved if per_timestep is an average rather than fixed for every timestep. When sampling the average * time_steps may not be quite enough. This returns the extra space in the worst case where time_steps is a multiple of sampling rate + 1, and recording is done in the first and last time_step :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: Highest possible overflow needed :rtype: int """ # No need to consider per-timestep variables here as they won't # overflow overflow = 0 for variable, rate in self.__sampling_rates.items(): # If rate is 0 no recording so no overflow # If rate is 1 there is no overflow as average is exact if rate > 1: data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, vertex_slice) overflow += data_size // rate * (rate - 1) return overflow
[docs] def get_buffered_sdram( self, variable, vertex_slice): """ Returns the SDRAM used for this many time steps for a variable. If required the total is rounded up so the space will always fit. :param str variable: The PyNN variable name to get buffered SDRAM of :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :return: data size :rtype: int """ n_machine_time_steps = SpynnakerDataView.get_max_run_time_steps() # Per timestep variables can't be done at a specific rate if variable in self.__per_timestep_variables: item = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice) return item * n_machine_time_steps # Events per core variables depend on the max rewires possible # (this is already taken into consideration in per_record calculation) if variable in self.__events_per_core_variables: item = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice) return item * n_machine_time_steps rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable] if rate == 0: return 0 data_size = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record(variable, vertex_slice) records = n_machine_time_steps // rate if n_machine_time_steps % rate > 0: records = records + 1 return data_size * records
[docs] def get_metadata_sdram_usage_in_bytes(self, n_atoms): """ Get the SDRAM usage of the metadata for recording. :param int n_atoms: The number of atoms to record :rtype: int """ # This calculates the size of the metadata only; thus no reference to # per-timestep variables which have no metadata n_indices = self.__ceil_n_indices(n_atoms) n_bytes_for_indices = n_indices * self._N_BYTES_PER_INDEX var_bytes = ( (self._N_BYTES_PER_RATE + self._N_BYTES_PER_SIZE + self._N_BYTES_PER_ENUM + n_bytes_for_indices) * (len(self.__sampling_rates) - len(self.__bitfield_variables))) bitfield_bytes = ( (self._N_BYTES_PER_RATE + self._N_BYTES_PER_SIZE + n_bytes_for_indices) * len(self.__bitfield_variables)) return ((self._N_ITEM_TYPES * DataType.UINT32.size) + var_bytes + bitfield_bytes)
[docs] def get_generator_sdram_usage_in_bytes(self, n_atoms): """ Get the SDRAM usage of the generator data for recording metadata. :param int n_atoms: The number of atoms to be recorded :rtype: int """ n_indices = self.__ceil_n_indices(n_atoms) n_bytes_for_indices = n_indices * self._N_BYTES_PER_INDEX var_bytes = ( (self._N_BYTES_PER_RATE + self._N_BYTES_PER_SIZE + self._N_BYTES_PER_ENUM + self._N_BYTES_PER_GEN_ITEM + n_bytes_for_indices) * (len(self.__sampling_rates) - len(self.__bitfield_variables))) bitfield_bytes = ( (self._N_BYTES_PER_RATE + self._N_BYTES_PER_SIZE + self._N_BYTES_PER_GEN_ITEM + n_bytes_for_indices) * len(self.__bitfield_variables)) return ((self._N_ITEM_TYPES * DataType.UINT32.size) + var_bytes + bitfield_bytes)
[docs] def get_variable_sdram_usage(self, vertex_slice): """ :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: ~pacman.model.resources.VariableSDRAM """ fixed_sdram = 0 per_timestep_sdram = 0 for variable in self.__sampling_rates: rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable] if rate > 0: fixed_sdram += self._SARK_BLOCK_SIZE per_record = self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, vertex_slice) if rate == 1: # Add size for one record as recording every timestep per_timestep_sdram += per_record else: # Get the average cost per timestep average_per_timestep = per_record / rate per_timestep_sdram += average_per_timestep # Add the rest once to fixed for worst case fixed_sdram += (per_record - average_per_timestep) for variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: per_timestep_sdram += self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, vertex_slice) for variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: per_timestep_sdram += self.get_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, vertex_slice) return VariableSDRAM(fixed_sdram, per_timestep_sdram)
[docs] def get_max_variable_sdram_usage(self, n_atoms): """ :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: ~pacman.model.resources.VariableSDRAM """ fixed_sdram = 0 per_timestep_sdram = 0 for variable in self.__sampling_rates: rate = self.__sampling_rates[variable] # fixed_sdram += self._get_fixed_sdram_usage(n_atoms) if rate > 0: fixed_sdram += self._SARK_BLOCK_SIZE per_record = self.get_max_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, n_atoms) if rate == 1: # Add size for one record as recording every timestep per_timestep_sdram += per_record else: # Get the average cost per timestep average_per_timestep = per_record / rate per_timestep_sdram += average_per_timestep # Add the rest once to fixed for worst case fixed_sdram += (per_record - average_per_timestep) for variable in self.__per_timestep_recording: per_timestep_sdram += self.get_max_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, n_atoms) for variable in self.__events_per_core_recording: per_timestep_sdram += self.get_max_buffered_sdram_per_record( variable, n_atoms) return VariableSDRAM(fixed_sdram, per_timestep_sdram)
def __ceil_n_indices(self, n_neurons): """ The number of indices rounded up to a whole number of words. :param int n_neurons: The number of neurons to account for :rtype: int """ # Assumes that BYTES_PER_WORD is divisible by _N_BYTES_PER_INDEX n_bytes = n_neurons * self._N_BYTES_PER_INDEX ceil_bytes = int(math.ceil(n_bytes / BYTES_PER_WORD)) * BYTES_PER_WORD return ceil_bytes // self._N_BYTES_PER_INDEX def __add_indices(self, data, variable, rate, n_recording, vertex_slice): """ :param list(~numpy.ndarray) data: :param str variable: :param int rate: :param int n_recording: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: """ n_indices = self.__ceil_n_indices(vertex_slice.n_atoms) if rate == 0: data.append(numpy.zeros(n_indices, dtype="uint16").view("uint32")) elif self.__indexes[variable] is None: data.append(numpy.arange(n_indices, dtype="uint16").view("uint32")) else: indexes = self.__indexes[variable] local_index = 0 local_indexes = list() for index in range(n_indices): if index + vertex_slice.lo_atom in indexes: local_indexes.append(local_index) local_index += 1 else: # write to one beyond recording range local_indexes.append(n_recording) data.append( numpy.array(local_indexes, dtype="uint16").view("uint32")) def _get_data(self, vertex_slice): """ :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice vertex_slice: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ # There is no data here for per-timestep variables by design data = list() for variable in self.__sampling_rates: rate, n_recording = self._rate_and_count_per_slice( variable, vertex_slice) if variable in self.__bitfield_variables: data.append(numpy.array([rate, n_recording], dtype="uint32")) else: dtype = self.__data_types[variable] data.append(numpy.array( [rate, n_recording, dtype.size], dtype="uint32")) self.__add_indices(data, variable, rate, n_recording, vertex_slice) return numpy.concatenate(data)
[docs] def set_max_rewires_per_ts(self, max_rewires_per_ts): """ :param int max_rewires_per_ts: the maximum rewires per timestep """ self.__events_per_ts[self.MAX_REWIRES] = max_rewires_per_ts
@property def _indexes(self): # for testing only return _ReadOnlyDict(self.__indexes) @property def is_global_generatable(self): """ Whether the data for all neurons the same, i.e., all or none of the neurons are recorded for all variables. :rtype: bool """ for variable in self.__sampling_rates: if variable in self.__indexes: return False return True
[docs] def get_generator_data(self, vertex_slice=None): """ Get the recorded data as a generatable data set. :param vertex_slice: The slice to generate the data for, or `None` to generate for all neurons (assuming all the same, otherwise error) :type vertex_slice: ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice or None :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ n_vars = len(self.__sampling_rates) - len(self.__bitfield_variables) data = [n_vars, len(self.__bitfield_variables)] for variable in self.__sampling_rates: rate, _ = self._rate_and_count_per_slice( variable, vertex_slice) if variable in self.__bitfield_variables: data.append(rate) else: data.extend([rate, self.__data_types[variable].size]) if rate == 0: data.extend([0, 0]) else: data.extend(self.__get_generator_indices( variable, vertex_slice)) return numpy.array(data, dtype="uint32")
def __get_generator_indices(self, variable, vertex_slice=None): """ Get the indices of the variables to record in run-length-encoded form. """ index = self.__indexes.get(variable) # If there is no index, add that all variables are recorded if index is None: return [_REPEAT_PER_NEURON, 1, _REPEAT_PER_NEURON_RECORDED | _RECORDED_FLAG] # Generate a run-length-encoded list # Initially there are no items, but this will be updated # Also keep track of the number recorded, also 0 initially data = [0, 0] n_items = 0 # Go through the indices and ids, assuming both are in order (they are) id_iter = iter(enumerate(vertex_slice.get_raster_ids())) index_iter = iter(index) # Keep the id and the position in the id list (as this is a RLE) next_id, i = next(id_iter, (None, 0)) next_index = next(index_iter, None) last_recorded = i n_recorded = 0 while next_id is not None and next_index is not None: # Find the next index to be recorded while (next_id is not None and next_index is not None and next_id != next_index): if next_index < next_id: next_index = next(index_iter, None) elif next_id < next_index: next_id, i = next(id_iter, (None, i + 1)) # If we have moved the index onward, mark not recorded if i != last_recorded: data.append((i - last_recorded) | _NOT_RECORDED_FLAG) n_items += 1 if next_id is not None and next_index is not None: start_i = i # Find the next index not recorded while (next_id is not None and next_index is not None and next_id == next_index): next_index = next(index_iter, None) next_id, i = next(id_iter, (None, i + 1)) # Add the count of things to be recorded data.append((i - start_i) | _RECORDED_FLAG) n_recorded += (i - start_i) last_recorded = i n_items += 1 # If there are more items in the vertex slice, they must be # non-recorded items if next_id is not None: data.append((vertex_slice.n_atoms - i) | _NOT_RECORDED_FLAG) n_items += 1 data[0] = n_recorded data[1] = n_items return numpy.array(data, dtype="uint32")