Source code for spynnaker.pyNN.models.neural_projections.connectors.abstract_connector

# Copyright (c) 2014 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import math
import re
import numpy
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution

from spinn_utilities.logger_utils import warn_once
from spinn_utilities.safe_eval import SafeEval
from spinn_utilities.abstract_base import AbstractBase, abstractmethod
from spinn_front_end_common.interface.provenance import ProvenanceWriter
from import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities import utility_calls
from spynnaker.pyNN.exceptions import SpynnakerException
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.constants import SPIKE_PARTITION_ID

# global objects
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__name__))
_expr_context = SafeEval(
    math, numpy, numpy.arccos, numpy.arcsin, numpy.arctan, numpy.arctan2,
    numpy.ceil, numpy.cos, numpy.cosh, numpy.exp, numpy.fabs, numpy.floor,
    numpy.fmod, numpy.hypot, numpy.ldexp, numpy.log, numpy.log10, numpy.modf,
    numpy.power, numpy.sin, numpy.sinh, numpy.sqrt, numpy.tan, numpy.tanh,
    numpy.maximum, numpy.minimum, e=numpy.e, pi=numpy.pi)

class AbstractConnector(object, metaclass=AbstractBase):
    Abstract class that all PyNN Connectors extend.
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument,too-many-arguments

    NUMPY_SYNAPSES_DTYPE = [("source", "uint32"), ("target", "uint16"),
                            ("weight", "float64"), ("delay", "float64"),
                            ("synapse_type", "uint8")]

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(self, safe=True, callback=None, verbose=False):
        :param bool safe: if True, check that weights and delays have valid
            values. If False, this check is skipped. (NB: SpiNNaker always
        :param callable callback: Ignored
        :param bool verbose:
        if callback is not None:
            warn_once(logger, "sPyNNaker ignores connector callbacks.")
        self.__safe = safe
        self.__space = None
        self.__verbose = verbose

        self.__n_clipped_delays = numpy.int64(0)
        self.__min_delay = 0
        self.__param_seeds = dict()
        self.__synapse_info = None

[docs] def set_space(self, space): """ Set the space object (allowed after instantiation). :param space: """ self.__space = space
[docs] def set_projection_information(self, synapse_info): """ Sets a connectors projection info. :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: the synapse info """ self.__min_delay = SpynnakerDataView.get_simulation_time_step_ms()
def _get_delay_minimum(self, delays, n_connections, synapse_info): """ Get the minimum delay given a float or RandomDistribution. :param delays: the delays :type delays: ~spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :param int n_connections: how many connections """ if isinstance(delays, RandomDistribution): low_estimated_delay = utility_calls.get_minimum_probable_value( delays, n_connections) low = utility_calls.low(delays) if low is None: return low_estimated_delay # The minimum is the maximum of the possible maximums return max(low_estimated_delay, low, 1) elif isinstance(delays, str): d = self._get_distances(delays, synapse_info) return numpy.min(_expr_context.eval(delays, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(delays): return delays raise SpynnakerException( f"Unrecognised delay format: {type(delays)}") def _get_delay_maximum(self, delays, n_connections, synapse_info): """ Get the maximum delay given a float or RandomDistribution. :param delays: :type delays: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :param int n_connections: """ if isinstance(delays, RandomDistribution): max_estimated_delay = utility_calls.get_maximum_probable_value( delays, n_connections) high = utility_calls.high(delays) if high is None: return max_estimated_delay # The maximum is the minimum of the possible maximums return min(max_estimated_delay, high) elif isinstance(delays, str): d = self._get_distances(delays, synapse_info) return numpy.max(_expr_context.eval(delays, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(delays): return delays raise SpynnakerException(f"Unrecognised delay format: {type(delays)}")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_delay_maximum(self, synapse_info): """ Get the maximum delay specified by the user in ms, or `None` if unbounded. :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: the synapse info :rtype: int or None """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_delay_minimum(self, synapse_info): """ Get the minimum delay specified by the user in ms, or `None` if unbounded. :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: int or None """
[docs] def get_delay_variance(self, delays, synapse_info): """ Get the variance of the delays. :param delays: :type delays: ~~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float of str :rtype: float """ if isinstance(delays, RandomDistribution): return utility_calls.get_variance(delays) elif isinstance(delays, str): d = self._get_distances(delays, synapse_info) return numpy.var(_expr_context.eval(delays, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(delays): return 0.0 raise SpynnakerException("Unrecognised delay format")
def _get_n_connections_from_pre_vertex_with_delay_maximum( self, delays, n_total_connections, n_connections, min_delay, max_delay, synapse_info): """ Get the expected number of delays that will fall within min_delay and max_delay given given a float, RandomDistribution or list of delays. :param delays: :type delays: spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :param int n_total_connections: :param int n_connections: :param float min_delay: :param float max_delay: :rtype: float """ if isinstance(delays, RandomDistribution): prob_in_range = utility_calls.get_probability_within_range( delays, min_delay, max_delay) if prob_in_range > 0: v = int(math.ceil(utility_calls.get_probable_maximum_selected( n_total_connections, n_connections, prob_in_range))) # If the probability is so low as to result in 0, assume # at least 1 if there is some probability that the delay is # in range return max(v, 1) else: return 0 elif isinstance(delays, str): d = self._get_distances(delays, synapse_info) delays = _expr_context.eval(delays, d=d) n_delayed = sum([len([ delay for delay in delays if min_delay <= delay <= max_delay])]) if n_delayed == 0: return 0 n_total = len(delays) prob_delayed = float(n_delayed) / float(n_total) return int(math.ceil(utility_calls.get_probable_maximum_selected( n_total_connections, n_connections, prob_delayed))) elif numpy.isscalar(delays): if min_delay <= delays <= max_delay: return int(math.ceil(n_connections)) return 0 raise SpynnakerException("Unrecognised delay format")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_n_connections_from_pre_vertex_maximum( self, n_post_atoms, synapse_info, min_delay=None, max_delay=None): """ Get the maximum number of connections from any neuron in the pre vertex to the neurons in the post_vertex_slice, for connections with a delay between min_delay and max_delay (inclusive) if both specified (otherwise all connections). :param delays: :type delays: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :param int n_post_atoms: :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :param min_delay: :type min_delay: int or None :param max_delay: :type max_delay: int or None :rtype: int """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_n_connections_to_post_vertex_maximum(self, synapse_info): """ Get the maximum number of connections to any neuron in the post vertex from neurons in the pre vertex. :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: int """
[docs] def get_weight_mean(self, weights, synapse_info): """ Get the mean of the weights. :param weights: :type weights: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :rtype: float """ if isinstance(weights, RandomDistribution): return abs(utility_calls.get_mean(weights)) elif isinstance(weights, str): d = self._get_distances(weights, synapse_info) return numpy.mean(_expr_context.eval(weights, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(weights): return abs(weights) raise SpynnakerException("Unrecognised weight format")
def _get_weight_maximum(self, weights, n_connections, synapse_info): """ Get the maximum of the weights. :param weights: :type weights: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :param int n_connections: :rtype: float """ if isinstance(weights, RandomDistribution): mean_weight = utility_calls.get_mean(weights) if mean_weight < 0: min_weight = utility_calls.get_minimum_probable_value( weights, n_connections) low = utility_calls.low(weights) if low is None: return abs(min_weight) return abs(max(min_weight, low)) else: max_weight = utility_calls.get_maximum_probable_value( weights, n_connections) high = utility_calls.high(weights) if high is None: return abs(max_weight) return abs(min(max_weight, high)) elif isinstance(weights, str): d = self._get_distances(weights, synapse_info) return numpy.max(_expr_context.eval(weights, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(weights): return abs(weights) raise SpynnakerException("Unrecognised weight format")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_weight_maximum(self, synapse_info): """ Get the maximum of the weights for this connection. :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: float """
[docs] def get_weight_variance(self, weights, synapse_info): """ Get the variance of the weights. :param weights: :type weights: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str :rtype: float """ if isinstance(weights, RandomDistribution): return utility_calls.get_variance(weights) elif isinstance(weights, str): d = self._get_distances(weights, synapse_info) return numpy.var(_expr_context.eval(weights, d=d)) elif numpy.isscalar(weights): return 0.0 raise SpynnakerException("Unrecognised weight format")
def _expand_distances(self, d_expression): """ Check if a distance expression contains at least one term `d[x]`. If yes, then the distances are expanded to distances in the separate coordinates rather than the overall distance over all coordinates, and we assume the user has specified an expression such as `d[0] + d[2]`. :param str d_expression: :rtype: bool """ regexpr = re.compile(r'.*d\[\d*\].*') return regexpr.match(d_expression) def _get_distances(self, values, synapse_info): if self.__space is None: raise ValueError( f"Weights or delays are distance-dependent " f"but no space object was specified in projection " f"{synapse_info.pre_population}-" f"{synapse_info.post_population}") expand_distances = self._expand_distances(values) return self.__space.distances( synapse_info.pre_population.positions, synapse_info.post_population.positions, expand_distances) def _generate_random_values( self, values, n_connections, post_vertex_slice): """ :param ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution values: :param int n_connections: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice post_vertex_slice: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ key = (id(post_vertex_slice), id(values)) seed = self.__param_seeds.get(key, None) if seed is None: seed = int( * 0x7FFFFFFF) self.__param_seeds[key] = seed new_rng = NumpyRNG(seed) copy_rd = RandomDistribution(, parameters_pos=None, rng=new_rng, **values.parameters) if n_connections == 1: return numpy.array([], dtype="float64") return def _generate_values( self, values, sources, targets, n_connections, post_slice, synapse_info): """ :param values: :type values: ~pyNN.random.RandomDistribution or int or float or str or callable :param int n_connections: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice post_slice: :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ if isinstance(values, RandomDistribution): return self._generate_random_values( values, n_connections, post_slice) elif isinstance(values, str) or callable(values): if self.__space is None: raise SpynnakerException( "No space object specified in projection " f"{synapse_info.pre_population}-" f"{synapse_info.post_population}") expand_distances = True if isinstance(values, str): expand_distances = self._expand_distances(values) # At this point we need to now get the values corresponding to # the distances between connections in "sources" and "targets" eval_values = numpy.zeros(n_connections, dtype="float64") for i in range(n_connections): # get the distance for this source and target pair dist = self.__space.distances( synapse_info.pre_population.positions[sources[i]], synapse_info.post_population.positions[targets[i]], expand_distances) # evaluate expression at this distance eval_values[i] = _expr_context.eval(values, d=dist) return eval_values d = self.__space.distances( synapse_info.pre_population.positions[sources[i]], synapse_info.post_population.positions[targets[i]], expand_distances) return values(d) elif numpy.isscalar(values): return numpy.repeat([values], n_connections).astype("float64") raise SpynnakerException(f"Unrecognised values {values}") def _generate_weights( self, sources, targets, n_connections, post_slice, synapse_info): """ Generate weight values. :param int n_connections: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice post_slice: :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ weights = self._generate_values( synapse_info.weights, sources, targets, n_connections, post_slice, synapse_info) if self.__safe: if not weights.size: warn_once(logger, "No connection in " + str(self)) elif numpy.amin(weights) < 0 < numpy.amax(weights): raise SpynnakerException( "Weights must be either all positive or all negative in " f"projection {synapse_info.pre_population.label}->" f"{synapse_info.post_population.label}") return numpy.abs(weights) def _clip_delays(self, delays): """ Clip delay values, keeping track of how many have been clipped. :param ~numpy.ndarray delays: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ # count values that could be clipped self.__n_clipped_delays = numpy.sum(delays < self.__min_delay) # clip values if numpy.isscalar(delays): if delays < self.__min_delay: delays = self.__min_delay else: if delays.size: delays[delays < self.__min_delay] = self.__min_delay return delays def _generate_delays( self, sources, targets, n_connections, post_slice, synapse_info): """ Generate valid delay values. :param int n_connections: :param ~pacman.model.graphs.common.Slice post_slice: :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: ~numpy.ndarray """ delays = self._generate_values( synapse_info.delays, sources, targets, n_connections, post_slice, synapse_info) return self._clip_delays(delays)
[docs] def get_provenance_data(self, synapse_info): """ :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: """ # Convert to native Python integer; provenance system assumption ncd = self.__n_clipped_delays.item() with ProvenanceWriter() as db: # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned db.insert_connector( synapse_info.pre_population.label, synapse_info.post_population.label, self.__class__.__name__, "Times_synaptic_delays_got_clipped", ncd), if ncd > 0: db.insert_report( f"The delays in the connector {self.__class__.__name__} " f"from {synapse_info.pre_population.label} " f"to {synapse_info.post_population.label} " f"was clipped to {self.__min_delay} a total of {ncd} " f"times. This can be avoided by reducing the timestep or " f"increasing the minimum delay to one timestep")
@property def safe(self): """ :rtype: bool """ return self.__safe @safe.setter def safe(self, new_value): self.__safe = new_value @property def space(self): """ The space object (may be updated after instantiation). :rtype: or None """ return self.__space @space.setter def space(self, new_value): """ Set the space object (allowed after instantiation). :param new_value: """ self.__space = new_value @property def synapse_info(self): """ The synapse_info object (may be updated after instantiation). :rtype: synapse_info or None """ return self.__synapse_info @property def verbose(self): """ :rtype: bool """ return self.__verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, new_value): self.__verbose = new_value
[docs] def use_direct_matrix(self, synapse_info): """ :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: :rtype: bool """ return False
[docs] def get_connected_vertices(self, s_info, source_vertex, target_vertex): """ Get the machine vertices that are connected to each other with this connector :param SynapseInformation s_info: The synapse information of the connection :param source_vertex: The source of the spikes :type source_vertex: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex :param target_vertex: The target of the spikes :type target_vertex: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationVertex :return: A list of tuples of (target machine vertex, list of sources) :rtype: list(tuple(~pacman.model.graphs.machine.MachineVertex, list(~pacman.model.graphs.AbstractVertex))) """ # By default, just return that the whole target connects to the # whole source return [(m_vertex, [source_vertex]) for m_vertex in target_vertex.splitter.get_in_coming_vertices( SPIKE_PARTITION_ID)]
[docs] def connect(self, projection): """ Apply this connector to a projection. .. warning:: Do *not* call this! SpyNNaker does not work that way. :param ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.projection.Projection projection: :raises SpynnakerException: Always. Method not supported; profiled out. """ raise SpynnakerException("Standard pyNN connect method not supported")
@staticmethod def _roundsize(size, label): """ Ensures that the ``size`` is an integer. Approximate integers are rounded; other values cause exceptions. :param size: The value to be rounded :type size: int or float :param str label: The type-name of the connection, for messages :rtype: int :raises SpynnakerException: If the size is non-integer and not close """ if isinstance(size, int): return size # Allow a float which has a near int value temp = int(round(size)) if abs(temp - size) < 0.001: logger.warning("Size of {} rounded from {} to {}. " "Please use int values for size", label, size, temp) return temp raise SpynnakerException( f"Size of {label} must be an int, received {size}")
[docs] def validate_connection(self, application_edge, synapse_info): """ Checks that the edge supports the connector. By default this does nothing i.e. assumes the edge is OK, but can be overridden if the connector has rules that need to be checked. Returns nothing; it is assumed that an Exception will be raised if anything is wrong. :param application_edge: The edge of the connection :type application_edge: ~pacman.model.graphs.application.ApplicationEdge :param SynapseInformation synapse_info: The synaptic information """ return