# Copyright (c) 2017 The University of Manchester
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect
import logging
import os
from typing import (
Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple,
Type, Union, final, overload, TYPE_CHECKING)
import numpy
from numpy import floating
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
import neo
from neo.io.baseio import BaseIO # type: ignore[import]
from pyNN.descriptions import TemplateEngine
from pyNN import descriptions
from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG
from pyNN.space import BaseStructure
from spinn_utilities.log import FormatAdapter
from spinn_utilities.logger_utils import warn_once
from spinn_utilities.overrides import overrides
from spinn_front_end_common.utilities.exceptions import ConfigurationException
from spynnaker.pyNN.data import SpynnakerDataView
from spynnaker.pyNN.exceptions import SpynnakerException
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_models import SupportsStructure
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.abstract_pynn_model import AbstractPyNNModel
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.common import PopulationApplicationVertex
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.recorder import Recorder
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.neo_buffer_database import NeoBufferDatabase
from spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.utility_calls import get_neo_io
from .population_base import PopulationBase
from .population_view import PopulationView, IDMixin
from pyNN.neuron.standardmodels.electrodes import NeuronCurrentSource
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.common.types import Names, Values
from spynnaker.pyNN.models.common.parameter_holder import ParameterHolder
__Values: TypeAlias = Values # Stupid PyDev!
logger = FormatAdapter(logging.getLogger(__file__))
_CellType: TypeAlias = Union[AbstractPyNNModel, PopulationApplicationVertex]
_CellTypeArg: TypeAlias = Union[Type[AbstractPyNNModel], _CellType]
_ParamDict: TypeAlias = Dict[str, Any]
# Not in the class so pylint doesn't get confused about abstractness of methods
def _we_dont_do_this_now(*args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pragma: no cover
raise NotImplementedError("sPyNNaker does not currently do this")
class Population(PopulationBase):
PyNN population object.
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
self, size: Union[int, float, None], cellclass: _CellTypeArg,
cellparams: Optional[_ParamDict] = None,
structure: Optional[BaseStructure] = None,
initial_values: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None,
label: Optional[str] = None,
additional_parameters: Optional[_ParamDict] = None,
:param int size: The number of neurons in the population
:param cellclass: The implementation of the individual neurons.
:type cellclass: type or AbstractPyNNModel
:param cellparams: Parameters to pass to ``cellclass`` if it
is a class to instantiate. Must be ``None`` if ``cellclass`` is an
instantiated object.
:type cellparams: dict(str,object) or None
:param ~pyNN.space.BaseStructure structure:
:param dict(str,float) initial_values:
Initial values of state variables
:param str label: A label for the population
:param additional_parameters:
Additional parameters to pass to the vertex creation function.
:type additional_parameters: dict(str, ...)
:param additional_kwargs:
A nicer way of allowing additional things
:type additional_kwargs: dict(str, ...)
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# Deal with the kwargs!
additional: _ParamDict = dict()
if additional_parameters is not None:
if additional_kwargs:
# build our initial objects
self.__celltype: AbstractPyNNModel
self.__vertex: PopulationApplicationVertex
model = self.__create_model(cellclass, cellparams)
realsize = self.__roundsize(size, label)
self.__create_vertex(model, realsize, label, additional)
self.__recorder = Recorder(population=self, vertex=self.__vertex)
# structure should be a valid Space.py structure type.
# generation of positions is deferred until needed.
self.__structure = structure
self.__positions: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None
if isinstance(self.__vertex, SupportsStructure):
# add objects to the SpiNNaker control class
# initialise common stuff
if realsize is None:
realsize = self.__vertex.n_atoms
self.__size = realsize
self.__annotations: Dict[str, Any] = dict()
# things for pynn demands
self.__first_id, self.__last_id = SpynnakerDataView.add_population(
# set up initial values if given
if initial_values:
for variable, value in initial_values.items():
self.__vertex.set_initial_state_values(variable, value)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PopulationView]:
Iterate over local cells.
for _id in range(self.__size):
yield IDMixin(self, _id)
def __getitem__(self, index_or_slice) -> PopulationView:
if isinstance(index_or_slice, int):
return IDMixin(self, index_or_slice)
return PopulationView(self, index_or_slice)
def all(self) -> Iterable[PopulationView]:
Iterator over cell IDs on all MPI nodes.
:rtype: iterable(IDMixin)
for _id in range(self.__size):
yield IDMixin(self, _id)
def annotations(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
The annotations given by the end user.
:rtype: dict(str, ...)
return self.__annotations
def celltype(self) -> AbstractPyNNModel:
Implements the PyNN expected `celltype` property.
The cell type this property has been set to, or the vertex if it
was directly instantiated.
:rtype: AbstractPyNNModel
return self.__celltype
def can_record(self, variable: str) -> bool:
Determine whether `variable` can be recorded from this population.
:param str variable: The variable to answer the question about
:rtype: bool
return variable in self.__vertex.get_recordable_variables()
@overrides(PopulationBase.record, extend_doc=False)
def record(self, variables: Names, to_file: Optional[str] = None,
sampling_interval: Optional[int] = None):
Record the specified variable or variables for all cells in the
Population or view.
:param variables: either a single variable name or a list of variable
names. For a given `celltype` class, `celltype.recordable` contains
a list of variables that can be recorded for that `celltype`.
:type variables: str or list(str)
:param to_file: a file to automatically record to (optional).
:py:meth:`write_data` will be automatically called when
`sim.end()` is called.
:type to_file: ~neo.io or ~neo.rawio or str
:param int sampling_interval: a value in milliseconds, and an integer
multiple of the simulation timestep.
variables, to_file, sampling_interval, indexes=None)
def sample(self, n: int, rng: Optional[NumpyRNG] = None) -> PopulationView:
Randomly sample `n` cells from the Population, and return a
PopulationView object.
:param int n: The number of cells to put in the view.
:param rng: The random number generator to use
:type rng: ~pyNN.random.NumpyRNG
:rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.PopulationView
if not rng:
rng = NumpyRNG()
indices = rng.permutation(
numpy.arange(len(self), dtype=numpy.int32))[0:n]
return PopulationView(
self, indices,
label=f"Random sample size {n} from {self.label}")
@overrides(PopulationBase.write_data, extend_doc=False)
def write_data(self, io: Union[str, BaseIO], variables: Names = 'all',
gather: bool = True, clear: bool = False,
annotations: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None):
Write recorded data to file, using one of the file formats
supported by Neo.
:param io:
a Neo IO instance, or a string for where to put a neo instance
:type io: neo.io.baseio.BaseIO or str
:param variables:
either a single variable name or a list of variable names.
Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
Exception will be raised.
:type variables: str or list(str)
:param bool gather: Whether to bring all relevant data together.
.. note::
SpiNNaker always gathers.
:param bool clear:
clears the storage data if set to true after reading it back
:param annotations: annotations to put on the neo block
:type annotations: dict(str, ...)
:raises \
If the variable or variables have not been previously set to
self._check_params(gather, annotations)
if isinstance(io, str):
extension = os.path.splitext(io)[1][1:]
if extension == "csv":
io, variables, annotations=annotations)
io = get_neo_io(io)
data = self.__recorder.extract_neo_block(
variables, None, clear, annotations)
# write the neo block to the file
def describe(self, template: str = 'population_default.txt',
engine: Optional[Union[str, TemplateEngine]] = 'default'
) -> Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]:
Returns a human-readable description of the population.
The output may be customised by specifying a different template
together with an associated template engine (see
If ``template`` is ``None``, then a dictionary containing the template
context will be returned.
:param str template: Template filename
:param engine: Template substitution engine
:type engine: str or ~pyNN.descriptions.TemplateEngine or None
:rtype: str or dict
context = {
"label": self.label,
"celltype": self.celltype.describe(template=None),
"structure": None,
"size": self.size,
"size_local": self.size,
"first_id": self.first_id,
"last_id": self.last_id,
if self.size > 0:
parameters = self.__vertex.get_parameters()
cell_parameters: Union[str, ParameterHolder]
if parameters:
cell_parameters = self.__vertex.get_parameter_values(
parameters, 0)
cell_parameters = "No cell parameters"
"local_first_id": 0,
"cell_parameters": cell_parameters
if self.structure:
context["structure"] = self.structure.describe(template=None)
return descriptions.render(engine, template, context)
def _end(self) -> None:
Do final steps at the end of the simulation.
for variable in self.__recorder.write_to_files_indicators:
if self.__recorder.write_to_files_indicators[variable]:
@overrides(PopulationBase.get_data, extend_doc=False)
def get_data(
self, variables: Names = 'all',
gather: bool = True, clear: bool = False, *,
annotations: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> neo.Block:
Return a Neo Block containing the data (spikes, state variables)
recorded from the Assembly.
:param variables: either a single variable name or a list of variable
names. Variables must have been previously recorded, otherwise an
Exception will be raised.
:type variables: str or list(str)
:param bool gather: Whether to collect data from all MPI nodes or
just the current node.
.. note::
This is irrelevant on sPyNNaker, which always behaves as if
this parameter is True.
:param bool clear:
Whether recorded data will be deleted from the ``Assembly``.
:param annotations: annotations to put on the neo block
:type annotations: dict(str, ...)
:rtype: ~neo.core.Block
:raises \
If the variable or variables have not been previously set to
self._check_params(gather, annotations)
return self.__recorder.extract_neo_block(
variables, None, clear, annotations)
def spinnaker_get_data(
self, variable: str, as_matrix: bool = False,
view_indexes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> NDArray[floating]:
SsPyNNaker specific method for getting data as a numpy array,
instead of the Neo-based object
:param str variable: a single variable name.
:type variable: str or list(str)
:param bool as_matrix: If set True the data is returned as a 2d matrix
:param view_indexes: The indexes for which data should be returned.
If ``None``, all data (view_index = data_indexes)
:return: array of the data
:rtype: ~numpy.ndarray
logger, "spinnaker_get_data is non-standard PyNN and therefore "
"will not be portable to other simulators.")
with NeoBufferDatabase() as db:
return db.spinnaker_get_data(self.__recorder.recording_label,
variable, as_matrix, view_indexes)
@overrides(PopulationBase.get_spike_counts, extend_doc=False)
def get_spike_counts(self, gather: bool = True) -> Dict[int, int]:
Return the number of spikes for each neuron.
:rtype: ~numpy.ndarray
with NeoBufferDatabase() as db:
return db.get_spike_counts(self.__recorder.recording_label)
def find_units(self, variable: str) -> str:
Get the units of a variable.
:param str variable: The name of the variable
:return: The units of the variable
:rtype: str
return self.__vertex.get_units(variable)
def set(self, **parameters: Values):
Set one or more parameters for every cell in the population.
For example::
:param parameters:
The parameters to set and the values to set them to.
The type of each parameter depends on the parameter; it's often a
float, but not always.
:raises SimulatorRunningException: If `sim.run` is currently running
:raises SimulatorNotSetupException: If called before `sim.setup`
:raises SimulatorShutdownException: If called after `sim.end`
for parameter, value in parameters.items():
self.__vertex.set_parameter_values(parameter, value)
def initialize(self, **kwargs: Values):
Set initial values of state variables, e.g. the membrane potential.
Values passed to ``initialize()`` may be:
* single numeric values (all neurons set to the same value), or
* :py:class:`~spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution` objects, or
* lists / arrays of numbers of the same size as the population
mapping functions, where a mapping function accepts a single
argument (the cell index) and returns a single number.
Values should be expressed in the standard PyNN units (i.e.
millivolts, nanoamps, milliseconds, microsiemens, nanofarads,
event per second).
p.initialize(v=rand_distr, gsyn_exc=0.0)
p.initialize(v=lambda i: -65 + i / 10.0)
if SpynnakerDataView.is_ran_last():
logger, "Calling initialize without reset will have no effect."
" If you want to set the current value of a state variable"
" consider calling the non-PyNN function set_state instead.")
for variable, value in kwargs.items():
self.__vertex.set_initial_state_values(variable, value)
def initial_values(self) -> ParameterHolder:
The initial values of the state variables.
.. note::
These values will be the same as the values set with the last call
to initialize rather than the actual initial values if this call
has been made.
:rtype: ParameterHolder
return self.__vertex.get_initial_state_values(
def set_state(self, **kwargs: Values):
Set current values of state variables, e.g. the membrane potential.
Values passed to ``set_state()`` may be:
* single numeric values (all neurons set to the same value), or
* :py:class:`~spynnaker.pyNN.RandomDistribution` objects, or
* lists / arrays of numbers of the same size as the population
mapping functions, where a mapping function accepts a single
argument (the cell index) and returns a single number.
Values should be expressed in the standard PyNN units (i.e.
millivolts, nanoamps, milliseconds, microsiemens, nanofarads,
event per second).
p.set_state(v=rand_distr, gsyn_exc=0.0)
p.set_state(v=lambda i: -65 + i / 10.0)
logger, "set_state is non-standard PyNN and therefore "
"will not be portable to other simulators.")
for variable, value in kwargs.items():
self.__vertex.set_current_state_values(variable, value)
def current_values(self) -> ParameterHolder:
Get the current values of the state variables.
:rtype: ParameterHolder
logger, "current_values is non-standard PyNN and therefore "
"will not be portable to other simulators.")
return self.__vertex.get_current_state_values(
def positions(self) -> NDArray[numpy.floating]:
The position array for structured populations.
:return: a 3xN array
:rtype: ~numpy.ndarray
if self.__positions is None:
if self.__structure is None:
raise ValueError("attempted to retrieve positions "
"for an unstructured population")
self.__positions = self.__structure.generate_positions(
return self.__positions.T
def positions(self, positions: NDArray[numpy.floating]):
Sets all the positions in the population.
self.__positions = positions
def all_cells(self) -> List[IDMixin]:
:rtype: list(IDMixin)
return [IDMixin(self, _id) for _id in range(self.__size)]
def position_generator(self) -> Callable[[int], NDArray[numpy.floating]]:
:rtype: callable((int), ~numpy.ndarray)
return lambda i: self.positions[:, i]
def first_id(self) -> int:
The ID of the first member of the population.
:rtype: int
return self.__first_id
def last_id(self) -> int:
The ID of the last member of the population.
:rtype: int
return self.__last_id
def _vertex(self) -> PopulationApplicationVertex:
return self.__vertex
def _recorder(self) -> Recorder:
:rtype: Recorder
return self.__recorder
def _view_range(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return 0, self.size - 1
def conductance_based(self) -> bool:
Whether the population uses conductance inputs
:rtype: bool
return self.__vertex.conductance_based
def get(self, parameter_names: Names,
gather: bool = True, simplify=True) -> ParameterHolder:
Get the values of a parameter for every local cell in the population.
:param parameter_names: Name of parameter. This is either a single
string or a list of strings
:type parameter_names: str or iterable(str)
:param bool gather: pointless on sPyNNaker
:param bool simplify: ignored
:return: A single list of values (or possibly a single value) if
paramter_names is a string, or a dict of these if parameter names
is a list.
:rtype: ParameterHolder
if simplify is not True:
logger, "The simplify value is ignored if not set to true")
return self.__vertex.get_parameter_values(parameter_names)
def id_to_index(self, id: int) -> int: # @ReservedAssignment
def id_to_index(
self, id: Iterable[int]) -> Sequence[int]: # @ReservedAssignment
def id_to_index(self, id: Union[int, Iterable[int]]
) -> Union[int, Sequence[int]]: # @ReservedAssignment
Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their)
index (order in the Population).
Defined by
:param id:
:type id: int or iterable(int)
:rtype: int or iterable(int)
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
if not numpy.iterable(id):
if not self.__first_id <= id <= self.__last_id:
raise ValueError(
f"id should be in the range [{self.__first_id},"
f"{self.__last_id}], actually {id}")
return int(id - self.__first_id) # assume IDs are consecutive
return numpy.array(id) - self.__first_id
def index_to_id(self, index: int) -> int:
def index_to_id(self, index: Iterable[int]) -> Sequence[int]:
def index_to_id(self, index: Union[int, Iterable[int]]
) -> Union[int, Sequence[int]]:
Given the index (order in the Population) of cell(s) in the
Population, return their ID(s)
:param index:
:type index: int or iterable(int)
:rtype: int or iterable(int)
if not numpy.iterable(index):
if index > self.__last_id - self.__first_id:
raise ValueError(
"indexes should be in the range [0,"
f"{self.__last_id - self.__first_id}], actually {index}")
return int(index + self.__first_id)
# this assumes IDs are consecutive
return numpy.array(index) + self.__first_id
def id_to_local_index(self, cell_id):
Given the ID(s) of cell(s) in the Population, return its (their)
index (order in the Population), counting only cells on the local
MPI node.
Defined by
:param cell_id:
:type cell_id: int or iterable(int)
:rtype: int or iterable(int)
# TODO: Need __getitem__
def inject(self, current_source: NeuronCurrentSource):
Connect a current source to all cells in the Population.
Defined by
# Pass this into the vertex
self.__vertex.inject(current_source, [n for n in range(self.__size)])
def __len__(self) -> int:
Get the total number of cells in the population.
return self.__size
def label(self) -> str:
The label of the population.
:rtype: str
return self.__vertex.label or "" # Should never be empty
def label(self, label: str):
raise NotImplementedError(
"As label is used as an ID it can not be changed")
def structure(self) -> Optional[BaseStructure]:
The structure for the population.
:rtype: ~pyNN.space.BaseStructure or None
return self.__structure
def add_placement_constraint(
self, x: int, y: int, p: Optional[int] = None):
Add a placement constraint.
:param int x: The x-coordinate of the placement constraint
:param int y: The y-coordinate of the placement constraint
:param int p: The processor ID of the placement constraint (optional)
:raises SimulatorRunningException: If `sim.run` is currently running
:raises SimulatorNotSetupException: If called before `sim.setup`
:raises SimulatorShutdownException: If called after `sim.end`
self.__vertex.set_fixed_location(x, y, p)
def set_max_atoms_per_core(self, max_atoms_per_core: int):
Supports the setting of this population's max atoms per
dimension per core.
:param int max_atoms_per_core:
the new value for the max atoms per dimension per core.
:raises SimulatorRunningException: If `sim.run` is currently running
:raises SimulatorNotSetupException: If called before `sim.setup`
:raises SimulatorShutdownException: If called after `sim.end`
ct = self.celltype
if isinstance(ct, AbstractPyNNModel):
cap = ct.absolute_max_atoms_per_core
if numpy.prod(max_atoms_per_core) > cap:
raise SpynnakerException(
f"Set the max_atoms_per_core to {max_atoms_per_core} "
f"blocked as the current limit for the model is {cap}")
# state that something has changed in the population
def size(self) -> int:
The number of neurons in the population.
:rtype: int
return self.__vertex.n_atoms
def __create_model(
cell_class: _CellTypeArg,
cell_params: Optional[_ParamDict]) -> _CellType:
:param cell_class: The implementation of the individual neurons.
:type cell_class: type or AbstractPyNNModel or ApplicationVertex
:param cell_params: Parameters to pass to ``cell_class`` if it
is a class to instantiate. Must be ``None`` if ``cell_class`` is an
instantiated object.
:type cell_params: dict(str,object) or None
:rtype: ApplicationVertex or AbstractPyNNModel
if inspect.isclass(cell_class):
if cell_params is None:
model = cell_class()
model = cell_class(**cell_params)
assert isinstance(model, (
AbstractPyNNModel, PopulationApplicationVertex))
elif cell_params:
raise ConfigurationException(
"cell_class is an instance which includes params so "
"cell_params must be None")
model = cell_class
return model
def __create_vertex_from_model(
self, model: AbstractPyNNModel, size: Optional[int],
label: Optional[str], additional_parameters: _ParamDict):
Worker for :meth:`__create_vertex` to handle the case where we really
have a model.
self.__celltype = model
# pylint: disable=protected-access
if size is not None and size <= 0:
raise ConfigurationException(
"A population cannot have a negative or zero size.")
parameters = model._get_default_population_parameters()
if additional_parameters:
# check that the additions are suitable. report wrong ones
# and ignore
parameters = self.__process_additional_params(
additional_parameters, parameters)
self.__vertex = model.create_vertex(
size or 1, label or f"{model.name} vertex", **parameters)
def __init_with_supplied_vertex(
self, model: PopulationApplicationVertex, size: Optional[int],
label: Optional[str], additional_parameters: _ParamDict):
Worker for :meth:`__create_vertex` to handle the case where we have a
user-supplied vertex.
if additional_parameters:
raise ConfigurationException(
"Cannot accept additional parameters "
f"{additional_parameters} when the cell is a vertex")
# Use a synthetic model
self.__celltype = _VertexHolder(model)
self.__vertex = model
if size is not None and size != self.__vertex.n_atoms:
raise ConfigurationException(
"Vertex size does not match Population size")
if label is not None:
def __create_vertex(
self, model: _CellType, size: Optional[int], label: Optional[str],
additional_parameters: _ParamDict):
:param model: The implementation of the individual neurons.
:type model: ApplicationVertex or AbstractPyNNModel
:param int size:
:param label:
:type label: str or None
:param additional_parameters:
Additional parameters to pass to the vertex creation function.
:type additional_parameters: dict(str, ...)
# Use a provided model to create a vertex
if isinstance(model, AbstractPyNNModel):
model, size, label, additional_parameters)
# Use a provided application vertex directly
elif isinstance(model, PopulationApplicationVertex):
model, size, label, additional_parameters)
# Fail on anything else
raise ConfigurationException(
"Model must be either an AbstractPyNNModel or a"
" PopulationApplicationVertex")
def create(
cellclass: _CellTypeArg, cellparams: Optional[_ParamDict] = None,
n: int = 1) -> 'Population':
Pass through method to the constructor defined by PyNN.
Create ``n`` cells all of the same type.
:param cellclass: see :py:meth:`~.Population.__init__`
:type cellclass: type or AbstractPyNNModel
:param cellparams: see :py:meth:`~.Population.__init__`
:type cellparams: dict(str, object) or None
:param int n: see :py:meth:`~.Population.__init__` (``size`` parameter)
:return: A New Population
:rtype: ~spynnaker.pyNN.models.populations.Population
return Population(size=n, cellclass=cellclass, cellparams=cellparams)
def __process_additional_params(
additional_parameters: _ParamDict,
population_parameters: _ParamDict) -> _ParamDict:
Essential method for allowing things like splitter objects at
population level.
:param additional_parameters:
the additional parameters handed down from user
:param population_parameters:
the additional parameters the vertex can support.
:return: the list of parameters that are accepted.
for key in additional_parameters.keys():
if key in population_parameters:
population_parameters[key] = additional_parameters[key]
logger.warning("additional_parameter {} will be ignored", key)
return population_parameters
def __roundsize(
size: Union[int, float, None],
label: Optional[str]) -> Optional[int]:
# External device population can have a size of None so accept for now
if size is None or isinstance(size, int):
return size
# Allow a float which has a near int value
temp = int(round(size))
if abs(temp - size) < 0.001:
logger.warning("Size of the population {} rounded "
"from {} to {}. Please use int values for size",
label, size, temp)
return temp
raise ConfigurationException(
f"Size of a population with label {label} must be an int,"
f" received {size}")
class _VertexHolder(AbstractPyNNModel):
A simplistic model that just holds its supplied vertex.
It has nothing to configure.
__slots__ = ("__vertex", )
default_population_parameters = {}
def __init__(self, vertex: PopulationApplicationVertex):
self.__vertex = vertex
def vertex(self):
The vertex passed into the init.
return self.__vertex
def create_vertex(
self, n_neurons: int, label: str) -> PopulationApplicationVertex:
# The parameters are ignored; the vertex already exists
return self.__vertex