spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms package


Module contents

class spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.SpYNNakerConnectionHolderGenerator

Bases: object

Sets up connection holders for reports to use.

__call__(application_graph: ApplicationGraph) Mapping[Tuple[ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation], ConnectionHolder][source]

application_graph (ApplicationGraph) – application graph


the set of connection holders for after data specification generation

Return type:

dict(tuple(ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation), ConnectionHolder)

class spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.SpYNNakerSynapticMatrixReport

Bases: object

Generate the synaptic matrices for reporting purposes.

__call__(connection_holder: Dict[Tuple[ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation], ConnectionHolder])[source]

Convert synaptic matrix for every application edge.


connection_holder (dict(tuple(ProjectionApplicationEdge, SynapseInformation), ConnectionHolder)) – where the synaptic matrices are stored (possibly after retrieval from the machine)

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.delay_support_adder() Tuple[Sequence[DelayExtensionVertex], Sequence[Tuple[ApplicationEdge, str]]]

Adds the delay extensions to the application graph, now that all the splitter objects have been set.


The delay vertices and delay edges that were added

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.finish_connection_holders() None

Finishes the connection holders after data has been generated within them, allowing any waiting callbacks to be called.


application_graph (ApplicationGraph)

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.neuron_expander() None

Run the neuron expander.


Needs to be done after data has been loaded.

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.redundant_packet_count_report() None

Writes a report detailing the redundant packet counts.

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.spynnaker_neuron_graph_network_specification_report() None

Produces a report describing the graph created from the neural populations and projections.


report_folder (str) – the report folder to put figure into

spynnaker.pyNN.extra_algorithms.synapse_expander() None

Run the synapse expander.


Needs to be done after data has been loaded.