spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.ranged package

Module contents

class spynnaker.pyNN.utilities.ranged.SpynnakerRangedList(size: int | None = None, value: T | Callable[[int], T] | Sequence[T] | None = None, key=None, use_list_as_value=False)

Bases: RangedList

Adds support for RandomDistribution to RangedList.

  • size (int or None) – Fixed length of the list; if None, the value must be a sized object.

  • value (object or Sized) – value to given to all elements in the list

  • key – The dict key this list covers. This is used only for better Exception messages

  • use_list_as_value (bool) – True if the value is a list

as_list(value, size, ids=None)[source]

Converts (if required) the value into a list of a given size. An exception is raised if value cannot be given size elements.


This method can be extended to add other conversions to list in which case listness_check() must also be extended.




value as a list


Exception – if the number of values and the size do not match


Easier to override in subclasses as not type guard.


This method can be extended to add other checks for list in which case as_list() must also be extended.


value – The value to examine.